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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MA > MAXIMUM (10)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 289:
289. When the cosmic fires come in contact with the centers, the maximum tension occurs. Those who have adhered to the creativity of the centers gain a link with the Cosmic Magnet. Only when the centers are responsive to all cosmic attractions can the future be fierily defined. Thus, We strain the cosmic creativeness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 509:
509. The entire evolution proceeds in cosmic tension. The great Universal Mystery is fulfilled in cosmic tension. The cosmic action can be created only in the attraction of correspondences. Thus, concordance intensifies all cosmic actions, and the maximum of tension gives the maximum of action.

Hierarchy (1931) - 151:
151. During a conflict of forces one should always observe the maximum of centralization. Therefore the power of the focus is so greatly needed, and each one in his turn must consider his position as bound with the center. Thus, the central power will emit all rays, and shadows will have to disappear. The radiation of the focus upon the spiritual plane is most invincible! Therefore immunity of the spirit can be attained through striving to the Spiritual Focus. Hierarchy is so wondrous in that it represents this mighty Focus. Therefore, one should strive limitlessly to the law of Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 64:
64. When the Divine unites the spheres, all energies manifest a maximum tension. All great events can take place only during great tension. Likewise, all cosmic transmutations - physical, spiritual and planetary - can be affirmed only when all fiery energies are received. It can be traced scientifically how all events are transpiring under high tension, how light and shadow are accentuated. If humanity does not evince enough penetration to perceive the path of Good, it is possible even through the manifested workings of evil to indicate great battles and achievement. Verily, it is possible to trace the path of Good by the actions of darkness! The realization of equilibrium alone must direct humanity to the understanding of the great Cosmic Law. Only the union of Great Higher Forces can produce equilibrium. For we know how the attraction of the Luminaries acts their energies are reciprocally compressed. The World is one; Macrocosm and microcosm are one. And the manifested spirit intensifies its forces for destruction and for construction in equal measure. Not less powerfully can the spirit act as a creator; and creative forces are intensified by the forces of the Higher Worlds. Thus united are Macrocosm and microcosm.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 94:
One can imagine what violent currents of willful madness inundate every movement for good! Why think about remote hierophants of evil when ordinary people, who seem to be struggling against evil, are actually increasing it to the maximum. Such is the situation on Earth. The ungrateful sons of Earth are hastening to bring catastrophe closer, and each warning is taken as an offense. Thus the world has inscribed the truth about Golgotha.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 243:
243. Urusvati knows that We advocate the conservation of vital energy, yet We also advocate maximum tension even to the point of self-sacrifice. This sounds contradictory, but in Our concept of truth both ideas should be harmonized. It is necessary to conserve strength, otherwise you can harm not only yourself but also your higher Guides. But vital energy must be available for use in moments of extreme emergency.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 293:
In the same way, the Thinker exhorted His disciples, "Perhaps you can find an even higher degree of concentration. Search your hearts! No one can say that he has exhausted his striving to the utmost degree. Let us express our aspiration to its maximum, and then we shall declare it to the whole world."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330:
330. Urusvati knows that the Subtle World can offer great help and mercy. Even where revenge and hatred seethe, the Master applies the maximum degree of help and persuasion. Unfortunately, the free will often resists and chooses to undergo terrible trials once again.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362:
362. Urusvati knows that intention equals action. More accurately, We can say that intention is more significant than action. Action discharges energy, whereas intention accumulates the energy that will be manifested as action. Therefore, when I advise being careful about intentions, I have in mind the maximum benefit.


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