Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.13: 2.5.13. You have noticed that each Great Teacher has spoken about the continuity of life. One may also notice that it is just this indication which is expurgated from each teaching, because materialism must defend itself. On Earth this condition is of special importance. New Era Community (1926) - 16: 16. Among the mechanical attainments of modern civilization, the means of transportation deserve special attention. This devouring of space is already to a certain extent a victory over the supermundane spheres. But a circle of low materialism holds these conquests within the limits of low matter and the result is more harm than good. The chief danger in this haste of locomotion lies in a heightened feeling of irresponsibility. Passing beyond the limits of the ordinary, man becomes light, but because of the crudeness of feelings he loses the consciousness of responsibility. New Era Community (1926) - 121: A childish materialism proves to be a narcotic for people, but enlightened knowledge will be a ladder of victory. New Era Community (1926) - 123: 123. Collectivism and dialectivism are two aids in thinking about materialism. The essence of materialism holds a particular mobility, ignoring not a single manifestation of life. The Teacher reveals only the necessary landmarks. One can develop propositions by thinking along suggested paths. Materialism must be well-grounded, so that all contemporary scientific attainments may enter constructively into the concept of spiritualized materialism. New Era Community (1926) - 230: With Our Community can proceed those who apprehend reality and true materialism. It is impossible to imagine a mystic or a metaphysician within Our enclosure. The metaphysician, receiving a blow, cries out, "I am stricken fiscally!" The mystic, upon perceiving the radiance of life, rubs his eyes. Agni Yoga (1929) - 216: Let us take an example. At the beginning of the nineteenth century there rose a tide of romanticism without, however, an understanding of its essence, or, properly speaking, without heroism. In the middle of the same century the world became enveloped in a negative materialism, failing even to study the true properties of matter. The close of the century was given over completely to decline, even though a reassessment of values had been indicated. The beginning of the present century was marked by war and national upheavals, although the recognition of psychic energy pointed toward the conquest of other worlds. Thus by free will were the destined values perverted. In the middle of our century there will flash forth signs of new, as yet unmastered energies, and again people will scurry about in false directions. Therefore it is time to give the signs of the true path to those who can see. Let them have enough time to familiarize themselves with it, remembering how little time is left. Agni Yoga (1929) - 601: 601. Scientists speaking about the subconscious, about cerebral and nervous reflexes, about animal magnetism, about telepathy, certainly speak of one and the same thing - of psychic energy. But this term is somehow not uttered. These snatches of knowledge beg to be united into one current, but narrow-mindedness prevents the proper relating of these various fragments of knowledge. Pure science is not afraid of alleyways. Attention is being paid now to the study of secretions, and perhaps this particular direction, the investigation of glandular secretions, will call attention to the existence of other secretions. Glandular secretions have only recently attracted attention, although ancient medicine pointed out the importance of secretions long ago. This matter was avoided, although all of nature proclaimed it. Is it possible that dialectics and materialism are only limitations? The development of consciousness brings us into closer contact with the entire mighty energy. Is it possible to think as before, with only half one's brain, not caring about the locked-up treasures? Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 8: 8. The evolution of all that exists is not separate from the evolution of each spirit; it is as one spiral in eternal motion. The spiritual consciousness impelled to Our heights accumulates treasures and offers those gifts to Space. Through spiritual consciousness your planet is enriched. Materialism does not move evolution. Materialistic consciousness, pushing toward immobility, breeds the mosquitoes subsisting in the stagnant waters. The cause of the immobility of thought is terrifying. There is no endless rest. Therefore, do not tarry on one spot; either the shifting will swallow you or you will help the cosmic revolution. The basis of everything is the spiral, and you must understand the essence of the eternal Spatial Fire. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 38: The word materialism has assumed a monstrous significance. And yet, materialism should be based upon the all-pervading substance of the power of the Infinite. Why this perversion of cosmic power? The symbol of the Mother of the World, giving form and purpose to the entire Breath of Cosmos, transforming the kernel into incalculable manifestations, crowns our Earth with beauty. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 179: 179. Dreams have been examined from many angles, yet the most significant is usually overlooked. Knocks at night, poor digestion, irritation, and a great number of superficial influences are not overlooked, but all the reflexes of the Subtle World, all the influences of thought at a distance, and, finally, all Hierarchic warnings and fiery sensations are disregarded. One must possess a highly atrophied imagination and perception to neglect these fundamentals of dreams. Not only did the materialist turn his attention merely to the superficial data of dreams, but this observer was of a limited nature. Materialism can be accepted as a striving for reality, but not for belittlement and not for limitations. Dreaming has an immense significance during earthly life. Almost half of life is passed in contact with the Subtle, and even with the Fiery World. One must have respect for a state in which one spends time equal to that spent in wakefulness. One cannot regard overeating as the primary consideration. One must conscientiously and undisparagingly remember all four fundamentals mentioned above. Thus it will be possible to discern much that is both instructive and beautiful. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 182: 182. Confusion of minds does not permit humanity to think about the Fiery World. Perverted materialism has actually turned thought away from matter as a source of light. The spirit has been rejected and matter forgotten - the bazaar has remained! People think that what has been said is an exaggeration, but here is a simple example - dispatch one courier with a request for good and one with a request for evil, and compare the results. Counting up the replies, you will comprehend why it is necessary to make haste. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 652: 652. Self-perfectment is the most difficult achievement. People inject into this process so many inconsistencies that the manifestation of true self-perfectment is obscured. Self-perfectment is simplified primarily when Hierarchy is accepted. Everyone should realize that the perfecting of the consciousness in itself contains all other aspects of improvement, but one cannot accept the mechanical betterment of the details of daily life as perfectment. One may be able to forge the most deadly blade or discover the most fatal poison, but it is impossible to consider such intellectual craftiness as worthy improvement. Nevertheless, to understand the idea of the Higher Worlds, it is necessary to determine what self-perfectment is. We can come to a decision as to what beautiful achievements are when we ourselves realize for what they must be accomplished. There will be not even a thought about achievement if we have no conception of the desirability of improvement of life. Affirmation of the physical world alone cannot advance the true development of consciousness. Take the history of humanity. Observe how brief were the periods of materialism; they invariably ended in bloody convulsions. Indeed, the trend of thought became rebellious, and the correct path having been lost, crimes multiplied. Self-perfectment is possible only through refinement of consciousness by its seeking to surround itself with worthy manifestations. Thus can consciousness protect us from small and shameful thoughts. Consciousness leads to the Fiery World. AUM (1936) - 231: 231. It is very useful to study ancient languages; in them has been recorded the history of man's thoughts, and it is possible to follow the development and elimination of concepts. Let us take the Sanskrit and Latin languages. We can see to what extent the latter had already dispensed with profound concepts; but ancient Rome, aiming toward materialism, cannot be compared with the records of India's thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 402: 402. Urusvati knows that idealism and materialism are illusory concepts. There may be those who will say that the four foundations I have named are idealistic and do not conform to a materialistic outlook. But these learned deniers have not troubled themselves to examine each concept from a truly materialistic point of view. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 402: How can they say that the scientific study of the past, the life of far-off worlds, or of still-undiscovered energies, is not materialistic? And as far as Hierarchy is concerned, each denier has his own "hierarchy" and reveres it even more than We would recommend for the true Hierarchy! If we examine each concept from the materialistic point of view we will come to the conclusion that everything that exists is matter. But what about idealistic convictions? They, too, cannot be outside matter, although they touch upon its highest strata. Thus we see that both materialism and idealism are poorly defined concepts.