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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MA > MATERIA (62)

New Era Community (1926) - 42:
This heavenly rainbow is reflected in the drops of earthly dew. Does not knowledge of the spirit discern the light? "Materia Lucida" to the wild spirit is a curling chaos, but for the knowing spirit it is the harp of light. Like chased harp strings rush the waves of luminous matter, and on them the spirit creates mysterious-sounding symphonies. Between the worlds, thread-like, stretches "Materia Lucida." Only enormous distance blends together the waves of threads into the vibration of the heavenly rainbow.

New Era Community (1926) - 173:
Not long ago you conversed about the significance of rays in wireless transmission. Rays do contribute to the unifying of the collective over far distances. Indeed, these rays, which until recently were denied, actually are weaving a new cover for the planet. The rays have a preeminence over other waves in that they pass through more readily, without disturbing the gravity and the atmosphere. Sound, indeed, attracted the earlier attention of humanity. Light and color have not attracted as much study, but, as the sound is only are action of light, the enhanced cognition will be directed toward the significance of light and highest energy - luminous matter. "Materia Lucida" has attracted all the best minds, and even if they did not find its conscious application, yet they have considered recognition of its significance inevitable in the forthcoming evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 144:
As is known, Primary Matter itself - Materia Matrix - does not penetrate to the earthly sphere because of the whirling of the infected lower layers. But the so-called Fohat, which is the granulation of Primary Matter, can reach the earthly surface in the form of sparks and can even be discerned by some eyes when a ray of sunlight crosses the planetary ray, coloring the sparks according to the chemical composition of the ray.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 144:
In addition to Fohat, the earthly surface is reached by the outflow of radiant matter, Materia Lucida. To a certain eyesight it will be perceptible as radiant currents and spots of light in space. These manifestations may be taken for a peculiarity of sight, or even for defective sight. But knowledge will reveal the deep significance they have for the organism.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 144:
On the one hand, when they are recognized, the sparks of Fohat and the streams of Materia Lucida have a benevolent effect, for they imbue the spirit with an understanding of the necessity of evolution. On the other hand, being parts of the fiery element, they burn and can cause inflammation of the centers. The manifestations of the fiery element can be compared to the most intense colors of electrical discharges; but the electrical light-scale is limited, whereas the variegations of the light-sparks of Fohat are beyond imagination. The light of Fohat is comparable to that emanating from precious crystals. Nurturing the psychic energy, Fohat paves the way to the far-off worlds, whereas Materia Lucida weaves the strengthening of the consciousness. One strengthens, the other leads into the limitless ocean of perfectment. These are the wonderful gifts of Great Aum!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 214:
214. The crystal of Materia Lucida can be seen only rarely in such a size as was made visible to you. For this, there is needed a special converging of magnetic currents. The crystal seems in some way to be attracted by the Stone. It sharpens the center of the third eye, and also serves as the substance for astral construction on the highest plane. The crystal relates to the finest energies and also to the energy promised to humanity - if humanity is willing to accept it. The light of Materia Lucida can be intensified infinitely, and will provide illumination, which, without requiring the consumption of any material, can assume any form. This is a challenge that can be met, but the desire of humanity is first needed. Without it, access to the currents of finest energies cannot be given. The power of these energies is linked with psychic energy; hence each abuse is destructive.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 214:
It should be remembered that not only for illumination but also for healing is Materia Lucida irreplaceable. It will be the best remedy for calming the nerves, for it is a bridge between the psychic energy of humanity and cosmic energy, the reservoir of which is inexhaustible.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 220:
Whoever has seen the crystals of Fohat and Materia Lucida knows how visible are the crystals of even the most subtle energies. The true direction of research will be towards the study of both the physical plane of energies and the invisible energies saturating space. The way of the metaphysician has not brought meaningful results, and the alchemist is resting in his coffin. But chemistry will uncover tangible reality when it reaches a true understanding of psychic energy and all-binding fire.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 229:
229. By making use of the magnetism of the heights and the opened centers of Sister Urusvati, We were able to study in her the crystals of Fohat and Materia Lucida, the accumulations of imperil, and the emanations of psychic energy. Consider that if the emanations of psychic energy are visible to her naked eye, then they have real substance. And whatever is tangible can be concentrated to make possible the collecting of a new vital force. Thus it is precisely through the experimental methods of the laboratory that the mastery of new energies will be approached.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 361:
The pure fundamental essence, which might be compared to oxygen, emerges with the help of Materia Lucida from unmanifest space and, encountering the refuse of life, produces a series of creative explosions. Of course it is necessary to understand that without the Fire of Space these explosions would have no rhythm, for Fire is the regulator of the pulse of Cosmos.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 380:
380. It has been truly said that manifestations come first in thunder and later in silence. It is impossible to hear the Voice in silence without having first experienced it in thunder, which is much less difficult and exhausting. But after thunder, silence follows; and it is in silence that the Essence is found. But then, can darkness exist for the eye that has attained light? Or silence for the ear that has heard the birth of sound? How could Materia Matrix be soundless or without light?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 416:
Psychic energy is both Fire and Materia Matrix, and the Teaching of Agni Yoga is nothing other than an explanation of today's application of energy, the stream of which is approaching with Satya Yuga. This is not a new awakening of heretofore dormant possibility, but an enlightenment spread over time. I say, the Teaching cannot be given for money, nor can it be imposed; it heralds the New Era. One can ignore it or deny it, but its heralding is inescapable.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 39:
39. When the differentiation of the elements occurred, the cosmic force did not disunite itself. The manifestation of heterogeneous cosmic fires is but one rotation on the wheel of Fohat. Fohat is in everything, and various manifestations carry its expression. Urusvati knows the myriads of sparks of Fohat when the sparks of Materia Matrix fill the space. Each spark is the essence of Be-ness. Each particle is the essence of various forms. Each atom breathes through Fohat. Fohat and its sparks are one; likewise one is the Universe in all its forms.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 52:
Cosmos creates for Infinity. Cosmos builds with co-measurement. Communion is imperative, and Materia Lucida is the consciousness of the cosmic rays. You are right in terming Materia Lucida the great Mother of the World. You are right in calling Materia Lucida Cosmic Love. Verily, the Universe is woven with the yarn of Lucida and the lever of Love. Poor humanity alone has clothed itself in isolation, with the veil of dark denial.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 57:
How is it possible to annihilate the power of motion, and how can one not acknowledge this wise and eternal cause of the entire Cosmic Fire! The evidence of the Cosmic Fire permeates every corner of the human dwelling, but as an extraneous manifestation. Man has detached himself from the best part of the creative impulse. The finding of Materia Lucida on the earthly sphere is possible only in spiritual consciousness. Clumsy hands may not touch the veil of the Mother of the World. A crude consciousness may not formulate the manifestation of cosmic energy. Only the yearning to perceive provides the access to higher matter.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 66:
66. Cosmos consists of the several psycho-spatial foundations of Materia Matrix. Macrocosm and microcosm have as their foundations, or, more correctly speaking, as a common foundation, the Cosmic Atom. The separating and unifying energies are one and the same, but the psycho-dynamic force binds them materially. This is the eternal law of Infinity differentiation, mutual tests, and the eternal assembling of disconnected atoms which carry the manifestations of the Origins. Cosmos is designed as the great builder and heart of the cosmic energy. The harmonizing, creative, spatial force, finding the particles which belong to each other, is subjected to the great psycho-dynamics of cosmic evolution. Cosmos, the Builder, and its reflection, the microcosm, live by the same law. An unlimited harmonizing process goes on in Cosmos. He who seeks Truth will discover the beauty of unending Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 71:
We call to the Primary Source of conception. For centuries We have applied Our striving to give humanity the joy of Be-ness. But they who are participants in Cosmos manifest a lack of discernment and dream of rest and completion in the one shell. One should understand that the web comprises many threads of yarn and that the weaving action is repeated many times. The cosmic web consists of all manifestations of psychic energy and is adorned by Materia Lucida. The path is adorned by the striving toward Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 95:
95. The word sacred is completely out of use. Sacrilege has replaced sacredness. Many are the possible applications of the word sacred on Earth, but man have cast out the most beautiful. When thought wandered from the sacred destination of Being, the very meaning of Being evaporated. The manifestation of supreme concordance is a sacred act of the spirit. The sacred union is the foundation of all Be-ness. Thus the higher spheres reveal the loftier forms of Materia Lucida. When even upon Earth concordance lends beautiful forms to colors, sounds, and to man, what may not be reached in the higher concordance!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 101:
101. All centers refined by fires serve as sources of creation. People on Earth think that the organs exist only to sustain the physical body, but each organ of an Arhat is as a manifested creative fire. Nothing so clearly defines the life of a fiery organism as the rays of Materia Lucida. The fiery centers of an Agni Yogi constitute a creative manifestation of the Cosmic Fire. The affirmed Be-ness is in eternity and in the vital force.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 114:
The rhythm of the spiral accelerates proportionately with the ascent. The factor of time, which is so great a burden to humanity, is ascertainable in the refulgence of the power of motion of the creative spiral. People are in dread of time, realizing the crumbling of their structures, because man manifests an unrhythmic motion. The beauty of the spiral tension will be at the base of all creativeness. Cosmos manifests to the spirit the spiral. Materia Lucida at the disposal of the blended heart will manifest the highest forms of Beauty.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 191:
We are raising humanity out of the conditions of the lower sphere into the sphere of limitless thought. Limitations imprison the spirit by that bolted chain which destroys the best cosmic currents. In limitless thought is encompassed the whole cosmic action, and out of Materia Lucida Fohat creates. It is instructive to know that the most fiery process can be achieved by the spirit, and the transmutation of fires inspires to the further process. Thus, the chain of manifested strivings confirms the infinite world of mutual creation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 195:
195. The divergence of points of view in regard to the Universe reveals an approach to varied spheres. What kind of vision has humanity? The eye of an earth dweller does not penetrate beyond the physical plane. Naturally, the search for material manifestations results in the aspiration for that which is visible only by crude sight, and the manifestation of higher spheres is thereby excluded. The world vision encompasses the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet, and man can penetrate into the higher planes. The truth predestined by Cosmos can be attained. When the world vision directs itself into Space, it is aware of all laws. But the world vision has its boundaries and goals pertaining to it; the periphery of its striving is within the closest sphere. Its quests reach into the spheres close to Earth. But the Spatial Fire can be encompassed by the vision of the Infinite. And to the spirit who has approached the Spatial Fire, the limitless vision is granted. The psycho-life of the Spatial Fire can encompass the spheres through the assimilation of psychic energy. The spirit who has embraced the Spatial Fire lives through the creative force of Materia Lucida.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 196:
Urusvati, Our affirmed Sacrament attracts the creativeness of Materia Lucida. My Call affirms the response of your heart. Thus are molded new manifested worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 199:
When the Creative Principle became manifest, Fohat created through Materia Lucida, and this granulation of Being carried life out into Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 211:
211. The Cosmic Magnet force brings into tension the psycho-life of the elements. The Cosmic Magnet gathers the combinations of heterogeneous fires which in fusion provide the formula for a spatial, embodied form. The immutability of the law of the creative Materia Lucida provides each form that appears in the Universe. Its law establishes the psycho-life as the seed of the form. Hence, all that intervenes is subject to the reciprocal force. Such striving is inherent in man, and the seed of the spirit will always respond to the Cosmic Magnet. All other strivings of the spirit either correspond to the destination of the seed or transgress against it. Every man must correlate his striving with this law of the seed of the spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 214:
Astrology, the most ancient science, knows the disposition of each race and nation. When a new race is conceived, the basic principle directs all aspects of its evolution. Therefore, as one can formulate a calculation of nations according to astrology, one can also determine the character of the race to be born. All nuances in this are so delicate that only the highest cognizance can blend these nets of Materia Lucida.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 245:
You are right in stressing psycho-dynamics. The so-called Cosmic Breath is the psycho-dynamic power which calls to life. The awakening to life is to be cognized as the psycho-dynamic energy of the impulse which is projected by Materia Matrix. Thus the highest manifestation strives to its destiny. Thus the thread is propelled to construction. Our creativeness is linked with the cosmic vibration, and the ray of the Tara affirms the fiery vibration on the planet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 246:
246. The cosmic vibration confirms all creative manifestations. That consonance establishes the correlation between the source and the reception. The established consonance resolves the aggregation of Materia Lucida, which molds the bodies manifested by man. The records of the departed races thus have been confirmed as stratifications of effects and as evidences of sequence. Thus, all creative forces are transmitted by vibration. The consonance of the cumulations directs the energies into a tide, a tide of formation of bodies. A man striving toward consonance can develop tonality. Thus is the consonance impelled, creating limitless forms.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 265:
265. The most efficacious magnet is the attraction through rays. The creativeness of the spirit is based on attraction by rays. The rays of the Cosmic Magnet and of true striving can create the most refined energies. Creation through rays transmutes forms into higher forms. The power of rays can attract the necessary currents. Only when the rays reach the centers through their inherent receptivity do the currents reverberate with an unshakable consonance; and this striving exercises a reciprocal strain upon the most subtle energies. Verily, the consonance of spirit and heart may reach the synthesis of Materia Lucida.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 267:
267. The oneness of the elements of the fiery centers vividly expresses the fiery receptivity of the Agni Yogi. When the invisible world reveals the tensed forces, the link with the manifestations of the higher spheres is achieved. When the invisible world is reflected in the most refined energies of the fire of the Agni Yogi, the link with the higher worlds is asserted. Hence, the creativeness of the striving of the Agni Yogi is garbed in Materia Lucida. Prismatic aspiration is the armor of the intensive spirit of the Agni Yogi. Spiritual receptivity is established through the prismatic ray. Thus, the ray of the spirit refracts all vibratory manifestations giving evidence of Fire. Thus is the highest prismatic receptivity confirmed. The Tara, giving the direction, sees the inception of a process and its completion.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 286:
When Materia Lucida is attested, it is then possible to speak of the essence of the life energy. When We speak about the higher sphere, it means that striving is manifested in the higher tension. An identical conformity between the attraction and the evidenced tension relates to the higher sphere. Disparity between destination and impelling force manifests the lower sphere. Thus, an endless battle proceeds in Cosmos!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 289:
Materia Lucida is revealed as that driving force which creates the subtle energies. The spirit and Materia Lucida create in identical ways. The great creator, spirit, generates all strivings.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 303:
The Brothers of Humanity outline the plan for human evolution, working with cosmic energies and in conformity with all courses of the luminaries. Revealing all the chosen ways of progress, We, Brothers of Humanity, confirm the best interweavings. The attraction of the Cosmic Magnet can effectuate Our manifestation and direct humanity in ways of the radiance of Materia Lucida. Thus, the Brothers of Humanity are those Propellers of evolution who teach humanity the conscious attitude toward the Karma of the planet. Therefore, one should understand that there is a uniting power in operation between all manifestations of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, let us regard the Brothers of Humanity as the link binding us with the universal manifestations. Thus, let us accept the Covenant of the Lords!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 307:
307. In the creativeness of Fire, all strivings for the creation of a more perfect form are manifested. In the creativeness of an Agni Yogi, the strivings to the affirmation of the highest realizations are manifested. Thus, the Brothers of Humanity and Brothers of the affirmed evolution march under the banner of Materia Lucida. These fires are identical with the currents of subtlest energies. A predominance of striving toward refinement intensifies the manifestation of the radiant rays of Materia Lucida.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 314:
314. The course that aims toward evolution conforms to the tensity of the task when the rays of the luminaries work in the direction of the Cosmic Magnet. In this way the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet conforms with a course of the luminaries. Verily, those tasks which are in the direction of the surging Materia Lucida are recipients of all the subtlest energies.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 320:
320. Cosmic patterns are distributed throughout the whole of Space, and since the luminaries predetermine the properties of the currents, the striving of Materia Lucida guarantees the intensity of the tide of evolution. The energies of all principles are directed toward a beautiful balancement of the predestined inception. Manifold propelled energies are rushing along in the whirlwind of Spatial Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 327:
327. The realization of the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet directs the energies toward creativeness. The property of attraction fuses the energies, and this combination is so great an extent correlated to the striving that it may be affirmed that the combination is a corollary of the attraction. When the energies are striving to their seed, the link with Materia Lucida is established. The compound constituted by the Magnet in fusion with the energies calls up currents which are contained in Space. The abundance of cosmic currents affords a continuous chain which links and embraces all vital manifestations. Thus, everything in Cosmos gathers itself around its vital seed, and all which is vital is drawn to its seed. And in a limitless circle the seed lives as the center.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 341:
341. Materia Lucida clothes all aspects of the cosmic energies. The flux of the Fire of Space can envelop for manifestation that region which is subject to the cosmic attraction. The seed, strained toward life, is subject to this great law of attraction. When the power of impulse drives the seed toward creative fire, the striving of consciousness bestows life. The consciousness of the energy is the current of fire. How, then, can priority be given to one energy over another when the fiery tension can occur only in fusion? He who knows the law of Be-ness can affirm that the acknowledgment of the two Origins is the foundation of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 352:
352. There is a law under which are created the strivings along which moves the spiral of light. Upon the tension of the vibration of light is based the law which unites all energies. Since the given law holds over all energies, the drive of this impulse encompasses all energies. Only Materia Lucida can develop all the forms that exist in the space. Only intensification of the energies can bring the task of the Cosmic Magnet to realization. Only the spirit can give expression to all strivings by manifesting identical energies. Thus, when a new step is vouchsafed to humanity it can be consummated only through assimilation by the spirit. Thus, the human pages are inscribed by the hand of humanity, and often the pages are only partly filled or inscribed with inapplicable signs. Yet humanity is summoned to limitless knowledge!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 354:
The Agni Yogi and the Arhat both clothe their monads with Materia Lucida. When the fiery centers transmute life, We say that the spirit is striving toward ascent. The law of fiery ascent is immutable. When the striving of the Cosmic seed ceases to show pulsation, then the energy of life has ceased to exist. The psychic energy is closely linked with the cosmic seed. Hence, when the pulsations of the seed are stilled, the afflux of psychic energy ceases. But when the fire of the seed is active, the psychic energy has a powerful pulsation. The fiery centers pulsate with the Cosmos; hence, the centers of the Agni Yogi create in response to all currents. Invisibly, powerfully, the fires of the Agni Yogi create, and the records of the creativeness of Fire are inexhaustible.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 364:
The psychic tension of Fire puts forms into the space. When the seed of the spirit is clothed in the fiery currents, the propelled fire tenses the entire substance of the seed of the Agni Yogi. The cosmic creativeness is directed by the Cosmic Reason, impelled through the manifestation of Materia Lucida.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 372:
372. The symbol of Fire is found in all Teachings, and in Cosmos Fire is affirmed as the manifestation of life. The substance of Fire is so radiant that it is impossible to define and describe it. The Cosmic Breath is the Fire of Space. All cosmic manifestations are permeated with Fire and human thought is Fire. Thought gives form; thought gives direction; thought gives life; thought imparts creativeness; thought imparts the attraction of a drawing magnet. When the spirit kindles its fires, thought creates through the accretion of Materia Lucida. Cosmic thought is comprised in the fiery communion. The Spatial Fire contains the striving energies. Cosmic Fire is boundless in its saturations and its manifestations. Thus, the Cosmic Fire strives with the Cosmic Magnet!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 386:
386. Is not the greatest process in Cosmos that transformation wherein all forms are generated in Materia Lucida and are affirmed as the highest creation in Cosmos? The great transformation creates all the highest cosmic manifestations out of the subtlest energies. Thus are the forms of the Infinite generated, and the course of evolution is constructed upon these designs.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 387:
387. In spiritual striving, the greatest task is the creating of men. Man's material form does not answer the whole plan of evolution. The creation of the human form is regarded as the highest cosmic task. When the whole of mankind will comprehend that tension of the creativeness of spirit must be expressed, the planet will advance. Only the acceptance of the manifestations of spirit as the basis can propel the entire stream of humanity into the direction of Light. Upon the spiritual plane all the subtle manifestations of Materia Lucida may be applied. Matter has definite physical limitations, but the forging of the spirit is so powerful that even a coarse envelope may be transformed.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 119:
119. Each action is strained by the lever of spirit and the lever of heart. Cosmic creativeness expresses forms by these levers. In Cosmos, the lever of the spirit is the consciousness of Materia Lucida, and the lever of the heart is the same manifested symbol of attraction. How greatly humanity has deviated from the great principle of the creative Magnet! Man has accepted the center of the creative impulse as his Ego, and the action of the Ego absorbs all tensions. Thus, instead of a cosmic action there results a focus of egotism. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes cooperation. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes striving to the far-off worlds. The focal point of the Ego, rejecting all ordinances of Cosmos, generates causes which affirm the manifestation of isolation. Cosmos attracts dates which are identical with the direction of the Cosmic Magnet. The core of the Ego proceeds in isolation. The creativeness of Cosmos manifests boundless cooperation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 130:
130. In Cosmos there is a law which foresees all the best combinations. Does not the law of attraction move the striving particles. Is not the law of gravitation put in effect by the Highest Reason? When people speak about harmonization they penetrate very little into the essence of the law itself. Cosmic creativeness contains in itself the substance of the great Materia Matrix. Attraction is a property established for the expansion of Cosmos. Therefore, this law acts upon all planes, in spirit and in matter. The foundation of construction is established upon the manifestation of the better possibilities, and the creativity of spirit proceeds under the same mighty law. Hence, while the creativeness of Cosmos is put in tension by sundry factors, it should be understood that the main impulse is given by the Highest Reason. Thus is the Infinite built. Thus is the world chain built. Thus is Cosmos built.

Hierarchy (1931) - 3:
Among people there exists the concept of benumbed Arhats; the poor yogis feed the imaginations of men with their own images. But when humanity shall realize that the Arhat is the highest manifestation of Materia Lucida , it will understand that there is no difference between Materia Lucida which emits Light, and the Matter of Love enveloping all with Light. Humanity invests the Arhat with an austere image, but Materia Lucida radiates Love.

Hierarchy (1931) - 26:
26. The subtlety of Our Indications to humanity is not yet comprehended. When will it be possible to illumine man with Our Image? The tendency of thought comprehends only with difficulty the purity of the higher sphere. Sacredly We guard the Sacrament of Life. The wheel of life breathes with beauty. The wheel of life is suffused by the grandeur of Cosmos. The wheel of life is directed toward the greatness of Materia Lucida . And equally light-sustaining are the rays of each manifestation of life that merges into the immensity of Cosmos. The sacred bonds of spirit are comparable to the most light-sustaining rays. The atomic energy of karma, consciously woven, comprises the most powerful lever.

Hierarchy (1931) - 29:
The Arhats, who bestow on humanity the concept of the full Chalice, cannot deprive humanity of freedom. Not in renunciation or in seclusion does the Brotherhood dwell. Each spark that kindles the consciousness is recorded; each striving arrow is recorded. Not abstraction, but fiery striving endures. Those who know the attainment of cosmic strivings may verily say, "We create with fire". We strive with fire. We live in fire. Not miracles these, but the transmutation of life into the garment of Materia Lucida."

Heart (1932) - 565:
565. Much more of the wondrous occurs than we are accustomed to think. One could cite some historic instances of how prominent persons disappeared without leaving traces. But those who, for certain reasons, could not hide, apparently died, asking that they be covered tightly and that afterward thick layers of flowers be strewn upon them. During the night unknown persons came, made an exchange, and departed with the apparently dead. One could point out more than one case in Asia, Egypt, Greece, when events demanded such a transformation. Of course history represents these events in an entirely distorted manner. Empty tombs and secret cremations could recall much that is unknown to the people. One should measure with large scales. One should not assume that things are limited. Materia Lucida is ample for all achievements. One can develop great responsibility precisely through great measures. There are many ways, and if now We insist upon the shortest, it means that the limit of events has approached. It is correct to observe the causes and the course of events. But only a few feel responsibility for what takes place. I can affirm that each indicated situation has its most immediate designation. Since ancient days it was customary to investigate the disciple's degree of observation. For this, a seemingly abstract formula was altered and it was observed whether the keen intelligence would be capable of retrospection in order to find application for the formula expressed. The Teaching can deepen the understanding through observation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 615:
615. Special complexities arise due to the varying conditions of time in different worlds. True, one can see the very remote future, whereas an earthly date is deflected and appears quite different where no time exists. Moreover, our conventional days and nights assume differing aspects even upon other existing planets. But the Subtle World and the Fiery World even more are completely devoid of these conditions. This means that astrological signs may serve there, but even they are defined by different methods, because the chemism of the luminaries is refracted differently when Agni triumphs. But for us here it is difficult to imagine the conditions in Higher Worlds. The astral light is definitely affirmed according to the strata of the atmosphere; certain strata of the Subtle World dwell in twilight, because the light of their dwellers is faint. Few understand how the dwellers themselves can be like beacons of light. But precisely purified Agni serves as a beacon of light for all. Thus, thought about Materia Lucida serves as a beacon for achievement. Many ask themselves, "Will I shine?" Again, let us not forget that egoism is like a dark cobblestone upon the heart, but the pure Ego is like a radiant Adamant!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 26:
26. One may observe different types of people, who can be distinguished according to their natures. Some do not think about the future, fulfilling, as it were, their entire purpose in this earthly life. Others strive forward with their whole spirit, for them earthly life does not present any finality. Even if not highly refined, these people sense with the heart that everything is ahead of them. Have dealings with the latter, for notwithstanding their errors they will be still striving into the future, and thus will already belong to the Truth. You know that Agni lives in the hearts of those who love the future. Even if their Agni is not yet manifested, its potentiality is inexhaustible. Likewise look with compassion upon people who do not know the future, as upon the sick. And truly their aura will not be luminous, for it will be deprived of the radiation of Materia Lucida. Many people have formed such privation for themselves, that they cannot even manifest through the opaque substance of the nerves. As imperil obstructs the movement of the fiery substance, so a limited thinking makes the precious substance turbid. One may heal these diseases through hypnotic suggestion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220:
According to a certain kind of person, nothing worthwhile exists for him here on Earth and therefore he has no reason to live. However, if he carries such thoughts with him into the Subtle World, he will continue the same idle existence there. If people limit their idea of the Subtle World by their earthly experience, they will prevent themselves from acquiring new experiences. Few think about the higher worlds, and most would be afraid of the radiance of Materia Lucida. The possibility that thinking will become keener frightens the limited mind. While still on Earth, people should suggest to themselves where precisely they would like to continue their progress. They must concentrate their free will and direct their minds toward consciously chosen subtle experiences.


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