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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MA > MASTERS (13)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 186:
In darkness the eye masters better the spiritual sight.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 312:
Children! Action, action, action. Thoughts of good raise your vibrations to those of the Master's Soul. Remember, the Master's Soul is your abode. Do not forget Him in your striving for Bliss. In the name of humanity I am speaking to you. The Master is ever at your door - but leave the door open. Await Him and He will respond to your call, As responds the flower to the call of the morning sun. In My Name go through life, and you will conquer the darkness. The rain cloud will not find you, nor will the burning sun cause you suffering. For I am your Guardian, your Friend and Father.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.2:
1.8.2. Why merge into the astral world? Those rejoice who have suffered, who were aflame in spirit, and who labored. But here are the sowers and there the reapers. A rich harvest manifests itself from all earthly seeds. The kernel sprouts; and likewise understanding masters the new dimensions of future seeds. Therefore, why question the astral world?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 371:
Between the two Origins - Light and Darkness - the protective auric net shines like armor. Truly it is the boundary between Light and Darkness! We shall thus approach the Buddha's Teaching of the Golden Mean from a different angle. A line divides the Origins. Like lightning, it emanates from the one principle of the Primary Source. As both a defense and a bridge, fire unites the opposites. People should value the power of this union! Whoever masters it is a conqueror of Darkness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 664:
664. Certainly creative thought will regenerate the world. He who masters thought creates evolution. Thus We can move human consciousness toward progress. We create by thought.

Heart (1932) - 280:
280. Satanic wrath may also be useful. One may use the power of air, another the power of fire, and another the power of water. Skill in driving the most frenzied steeds can bring us closer to the goal. Thus, let us be strong in our mastery of the elements; the will of the heart, not reason, masters the elements. On the contrary, reason will always persuade us that the fight with the elements is madness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 28:
28. Urusvati has admired Our flowers, in some species of which We have indeed achieved perfection. Of first importance is the use of psychic energy because it helps vegetable growth. We also irrigate with soda and in this way act from both the outer and inner side. One can experiment widely with psychic energy, but it must be done systematically, not forgetting that much time and patience are needed. Many experiments successfully started have been ruined by lack of patience. Moreover, Our radiations are harmonized, and because of the equality of Our psychic energy, each One of the Masters can substitute for another.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 188:
188. Urusvati knows that the duration of a human life depends largely upon the will to live. The Thinker said, "Life lasts as long as man himself wants to remain on Earth." Even fatal diseases can be cured by the human will. Everyone, whether a messenger from the higher spheres, or, at the other extreme, an outcast, must preserve the gift of life. We may not wilfully cut the silver cord that binds us to the Masters.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 199:
199. Urusvati knows that the Teachings of the Masters have not been fully recorded in human history. Often only details were stressed, while their underlying principles were omitted. Envy and negligence deprive mankind of many achievements.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 404:
For example, one may have read much about thought-images, but when actually passing into the Subtle World one becomes confused by the profusion of images in space. Only experienced observers who truly understand art and who can make use of the loftiest images in their thinking can interpret this phantasmagoria. Nature is certainly the best source for such imagery, but one must know how to observe it. In this, the works of the great masters will be helpful. Like magnets they attract the eyes and feelings, and through them people can learn how to approach nature.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 412:
It is especially horrible that the majority does not want to understand present events. They dance, trade, and think that the present time represents the peak of achievement. Compare what is happening now with the events during other periods of decline, and you will find that they have symptoms in common. People once dreamed of conquest and considered themselves the lawful masters of the world, but how suddenly these Towers of Babel collapsed! Many symbols have been left to humanity, but they have remained decaying relics.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 448:
448. Urusvati knows that the Tower of Chun is the center of the three worlds. This unity is possible because some of the Masters, although still in their physical bodies, can manifest in their subtle bodies, whereas others, in their subtle bodies, have the power to approach the physical world. One should be aware of the importance of maintaining harmonious vibrations in order to make this communication possible between the Subtle World and the physical world. It is most important to safeguard the surrounding atmosphere so that nothing harmful can increase the disturbance of currents. People strive to make contact with the Towers, not understanding that such an intrusion can be disastrous.


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