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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MA > MANIFOLDNESS (5)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 75:
75. When the development of a variety of forms is predestined by Cosmos, how is it possible not to apply this law to the higher spheres? The beauty of life is in the affirmation of multiformity. Cosmos does not favor uniformity. Cosmos is diffused in the consciousness of billions of forms. Eject from life the fear of acquiring varied currents. The law of manifoldness provides for all forms of Be-ness. Do not create for yourself the karma which results from repelling the joy of multiformity from the existing life. Accepting in consciousness the principle of multiformity, humanity will be enabled to accept new forms in the comprehension of the far-off worlds. New worlds are built with new forms. Renovate the concept of the new worlds, realizing that they will be unlike yourself and your issue. Construct a new stronghold upon better principles.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
Blessed are those who, while in the gross body, are already prepared to accept the manifoldness of the worlds. Do not think that such acceptance comes easily, for one must be spiritually experienced to be able to accept Reality. The word "accept" signifies the very essence of evolution. There are even cultured and educated people who cannot comprehend the many and varied worlds, and therefore do not have access to the Subtle World. Subtle feelings can never be forced.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220:
There are many descriptions of the Subtle World, but all of them are limited by the individual experience of the observer. Thus one person speaks about the lowest level, of almost monstrous ghosts; another describes sleeping shadows; a third finds an absolute similarity to the physical world; and a fourth talks about luminous bodies. They all describe what they have seen, but their perceptions were limited, causing them to think that one stratum is the entire Subtle World. Because of this error people quarrel and accuse one another of falsehood. If they could understand the manifoldness of the Subtle World, they would realize how beneficial it would be for them to strive to the higher spheres.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
Only an awareness of the great manifoldness can save one from the perils of limitation. One must feel oneself living in the Infinite, and then gain strength by directing one's consciousness to the far-off worlds. In this way, the idea of the manifoldness of evolution will become clearer.


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