Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.6: 3.4.6. I shall specify the qualities distinctive in those seeking the Common Good. First - constancy of striving. Second - ability of containment, for poor is he who denies but the seeker of truth is worthy to work for General Good. Third - ability to labor, because the majority do not know the value of time. Fourth - the desire to help, without prejudices and without usurpation. Fifth - renouncement of personal property and the acceptance for safekeeping of the fruit of the creativeness of others. Sixth - expulsion of fear. Seventh - display of vigilance amidst darkness. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.9: If the majority of contemporary families were not nurseries of vulgarity, then precisely they could be the guides to work united in spirit. But mechanical mothers and fathers know only how to chirp, "Do as everyone else does!" New Era Community (1926) - 184: 184. Often community members ask whence come the assaults of anguish which they sometimes experience. One must know that without these spasms of anguish no progress is possible. After crossing over a precipice you feel a weakening of the leg muscles. During the expansion of consciousness you cross over many invisible precipices. Nodal growths of the consciousness result in leaps and psychic spasms contract the nerve centers. One should not be afraid of these spasms, a brief rest will right these contractions. Growth of the consciousness is more difficult to trace than the growth of a hair. The consciousness conquers and eradicates. The burning of crossed bridges does not reveal the progressive sign-posts, but it leaves open the one possibility of assault. It is valuable not only to strive forward but also to destroy the rubbish behind one. Just now you perceive how the majority of people could have advanced, but they cling to age-old rubbish. Guard both My signs - the sign of Service and the sign of Community. One is breaking away from the old, the other is evolution. New Era Community (1926) - 225: To proceed in the direction of evolution does not at all mean to be dragged along in the tail of the majority. The whole history of humanity indicates that it is the minority that has divined evolution. And these few have drawn from somewhere the strength to surmount the obstacles. Agni Yoga (1929) - 286: 286. Success in life can be found both by those who with particular clarity understand the essential nature of things and also by those who have accepted their own very distorted perception of things. The difference lies only in the consequences. Those who have realized the nature of things are not attached to them, but the distorters are slaves to them. If someone finds no success, it means that he has remained at the fulcrum of the balance rather than placing himself in either cup. What is the measure of whether things are understood or distorted? Whether or not the conditions of one's life have changed. If nothing has changed, it is because there has been no action of thought. Those who are slow to understand cannot succeed. The majority of people are dragged down by their own weakness and inertia. Life is like chains to them, whereas life should be a conquest. The guarantee of success lies in action. Agni Yoga (1929) - 422: 422. To simplify or to complicate? Even a child will prefer the former. When dealing with rituals one could choose the complicated way, utilizing all the finest shades of meaning of sound and color, but this way would be old and inflexible. The techniques of accumulation of sound and color are many. But when the most complicated mechanisms are invented, do not their creators then search for ways to simplify? So it is with the application of psychic energy. The majority has completely forgotten about this energy; the minority has taken its use to the point of cold fanaticism. But Fire, as the foundation of psychic energy, has no relation to cold! Hierarchy (1931) - 70: You have also correctly remarked that the majority of tubercular cases are nothing else but the kindling of the centers of the lungs. Certainly the fires that have been stored up by karma, but not realized or applied, may become destructive. Heart (1932) - 25: 25. Without exaggeration it can be said that the majority of heart diseases originate because of wealth. Therefore, people who have embraced the Teaching depart from wealth to remain only its guardians. Heart (1932) - 55: 55. Spatial thinking is not so easy for the majority of people. For this, it is necessary primarily to preserve the personality but be freed of egoism. To many, such an antithesis will seem absurd; for them egoism is personality. The manifestation of a powerful personality devoted to the General Good is beyond the imagination of many, but without personality thinking would not have potency. The tendency of thought when egoistic adds one more portion of poison to the infested aura of the planet. It is also difficult for many to realize that the substance of thought is indestructible and is not bound to the strata of space, which means that the responsibility for each thought is great. A bird of prey can be reached by an arrow, but what can destroy a loathsome thought? Heart (1932) - 107: 107. How much has been said about the language of the heart, yet for the majority it remains an unapplied abstraction! Let us not insist on the highest forms of this method of intercourse, let us try to assimilate the basic foundations, which must be manifested without delay and without special preparations. Every language has primarily the objective of a mutual comprehension, which means that it is necessary to try not only to understand your companion but also to make your speech easily adaptable to him. For that, know how to talk in the language of your companion. Speak with his words, with his terminology; only thus will he remember and accept your thought into his consciousness. Thus, we shall learn to contain the words of a companion, and unnoticeably we shall bridge the character of his thinking. The highest form of communion will be the perception of thought without sound. Heart (1932) - 155: 155. There are many occult books, but the majority of them cannot be utilized now. The chief reason is that everywhere they take into account only some specially chosen people. But Our Teaching has in mind all, all, all! Only through these calls to all can abstract ethics be replaced by the Teaching of Life. Heart (1932) - 267: 267. You are familiar with the music of the spheres, the spatial bells, and the reverberating strings. It will be asked why, then, do not a multitude of people know these manifestations. But, then, why is a multitude of people satisfied with false intonation, absolutely refusing to realize the nuances of sound? Whereas even the rustle of tearing paper rends space, but the majority of persons do not even notice it. So it is with odor. The aromas of the Subtle World often penetrate to the physical world, but people primarily do not wish to notice them. Even the smoke of a conflagration is noticed by people only when it already chokes their throats. Not only insensibility but immobility as well makes the people blind and deaf. They do not possess even basic imagination; hence they distort the entire meaning of existence. Thus, for these shallow-minded ones the magnet of the heart is pure nonsense. Heart (1932) - 319: 319. A miracle is a manifestation of the most subtle energies, which are not accounted for in schools of chemistry and physics. A miracle is not evidenced only in levitation and loss of weight, to which you were witnesses; the very same subtlest energies are utilized in life oftener than people think, and these manifestations, incomprehensible to the majority, must be studied. This is not necromancy, not spiritualism, but simply the science of the most refined energies. Before us is the human heart, the most sacred treasure-chest, but it is necessary to harken to it and to approach this highest throne, cleansing our hands. You have witnessed examples of negligent physicians who did not profit by the beautiful evidence of a flaming heart. Now they are paying for their blindness. A miracle may take place, but it is necessary to unite the most refined threads of the heart. Therefore We point out the necessity of unification of consciousness. Heart (1932) - 363: 363. Let us once again turn to the quality of the pulse. From different angles it will be necessary often to point out this indisputable testimony of the affirmation of the heart. Not the beat of the pulse as much as the observation of its quality will give the picture of the heart's vitality. Until one succeeds in photographing auras one can already begin to observe the pulse, not during illness but during good health, marking what sensations affect the changes of pulse and precisely how. If the aura gives evidence of the presence of illness, the quality of the pulse offers the entire scale of reactions. However, the aura is something transcendental for the majority, whereas the pulse provides a completely physical manifestation. But how solicitously and cautiously one should understand the study of the pulse! Contemporary physicians hardly take note of the quality of the pulse. More than once shall we return to the study of the pulse when we think of vibrations. Heart (1932) - 507: 507. An experienced ruler often lays his hand upon the shoulder or hand of him with whom he converses. Some do this consciously, but the majority do it unconsciously. But even those who do this consciously are not always aware of how to utilize this method. They regard the hand as being sufficient, that the palm of the hand already communicates the power of the thought; but very seldom do people realize that the tips of the fingers have stronger emanations. Hence, if a thought is being suggested, the fingers must be tightened, but if one desires to receive the reaction of one's companion, the tips of the fingers should be separated. Thus, considerable stirring of an entire group of centers is effected. So many possibilities are concealed in each act! It is only necessary to apply them consciously. Consciousness and unconsciousness may be compared to swimming with or without experience. Of course, someone may swim immediately, but this occurs very rarely. Thus, in everything it is necessary to observe Hierarchy, which pervades our consciousness visibly and invisibly. It would be sad if the consciousness represented something abstract and almost supernatural. Each heart beat fills us with a realization of existence, and with a true understanding of Be-ness. Mental fog results only from lack of respect for consciousness. These words should be inscribed in each school. Children may ask, "How is it possible to guard against deadening habits?" Then someone can point out the inscription concerning respect. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 39: 39. If we gather all the details of our life, we shall find innumerable evidences of the Subtle World. We will also find that in the majority of cases the voices of the Subtle World do not reach Earth, just as our voices do not reach deaf ears. Indeed, this comparison becomes precise when we realize that the cries of the Subtle World do not reach Earth. Nothing can equal the despair of the Subtle World when its warnings do not reach their destination. In its own way, the Subtle World greatly desires to help our world. But true cooperation can only be attained by cultivation of the heart and by understanding the quality of the nature of Fire. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 53: 53. A thoughtful physician may ask concerning the fiery illnesses, "Are they named as quite specific sicknesses, or are they spread through the majority of diseases?" The second is closer to the truth. Fire can aggravate all illnesses, therefore great attention should be paid to the state of fiery striving. Besides, it must be remembered that any fiery manifestation cannot be abated merely by water or cold, but rather through psychic energy, which resists Fire everywhere. This energy, as a sort of condensation of Fire, can absorb the fiery surplus. Thus, attention should again be directed to psychic energy when We speak about the heart, about the Fiery World, and about Our affirmation of the existence of the Subtle World. When you read about being consumed by the inner fire, bear in mind the reaction of psychic energy. It can be manifested in three ways through autosuggestion, through physical inaction, or through the highest action at a distance. However, physicians often forget that it is not the medicine but some external condition that helps. We recall one remarkable case when a physician possessed powerful psychic energy, yet stubbornly attributed its effects to his medicine. One can easily realize the extent to which such benefits would increase if the physician understood wherein his power lies. Only, do not confuse the heart's energy with external magnetism and so-called hypnotism. Both of these manifestations are artificial and hence, temporary. The heart's energy is not applied forcibly, but is to be transmitted by contact with the current. If, prior to all physical means, the physician and the patient would simultaneously think about the energy of the heart, in many cases the reaction would be instantaneously useful and healing. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 58: It is manifested generally in both children and adults, and even in animals. But people prefer not to recognize this preliminary form of dreadful calamity. They will superficially attribute it to the most varied diseases; anything to keep from thinking about the unusual. All such patients should be isolated, and the dead cremated at once. People who have lost their psychic energy may easily succumb to this contagion. It can be intensified by various additional forms, both internal and external. The darkening or inflammation of the skin will suggest smallpox or scarlet fever; the majority of fiery manifestations are reflected upon the skin. Learn to pay attention to these unusual manifestations. Musk, and hot milk with soda will be good preventives. Cold milk is not assimilated by the tissues, whereas hot milk with soda penetrates into the centers. Having tried to reduce temperature with cold applications, people often find that a mustard plaster or hot compress results in unexpected improvement. We definitely oppose cupping glasses and leeches, because they affect the heart and may be dangerous. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 228: 228. During the investigation of loss of weight, the laying on of hands is used, just as during increase of weight; this means that the hands transmit certain fiery energy. But this will be only a certain fiery step, the next one will be transmission of the same energy by means of the glance, in which the question of distance will be secondary. Thus it is possible to increase or diminish the weight of an object at a distance. In truth, would it not be a pleasing occupation for a merchant! Therefore it is well that the manifestation of such energies is not common in the present state of humanity. It is possible to point out many experiments that can alleviate everyday earthly life; but, actually, people would make use of them for increasing the number of killings. Meanwhile the fiery energies are knocking at their prison doors. The date is coming when they will either be applied intelligently or they will pour forth as fiery sicknesses or cosmic cataclysms. Three alternatives lie before humanity. It remains for it to choose one according to the state of its consciousness. Freedom of choice is always given. No one can deny that before the disaster of a world war a great number of warnings were given. Even not very far-sighted people observed them, but madness blinded the majority. This manifestation was before the eyes of the living generations, yet their circumspection was not increased. Ten million victims crowded the strata of the Subtle World. People prayed for killing but did not think about atonement for the violation of the law of Existence! Instead of intelligent understanding, people are ready for new killings; they do not reflect that fiery energies will flood the planet as a natural effect of the law of nature. Thus, in the "Fiery Book" it is necessary to write for those few who are willing to think about the future. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 278: 278. The physician should not be surprised to observe that symptoms of obsession are assuming the proportions of an epidemic. They are far more numerous that the human mind imagines. Moreover, the varieties are highly diverse - from almost imperceptible eccentricity up to violence. I commend the physician for noticing a connection with venereal diseases. Truly, this is one of the channels of obsession. It can be said that the majority of those suffering from venereal disease are not strangers to obsession. However, in one way the physician has proved too optimistic - although venereal disease facilitates the entry of obsession, its cure does not lie in an eviction of the obsessor. Thus, also, irritation in extreme forms may invite an obsessor, but one must not expect that the first smile will eject him. A complete science is contained in such observation. The physician is correct in wishing to visit not only insane asylums but also prisons. It would not be out of place to visit the stock exchange also, or the deck of a ship in time of danger. One can observe chronic, protracted or temporary symptoms. Likewise, the perspiration can be observed. Many characteristics will gradually become evident to the observer. Among them, details of the Subtle World will be traced. One thing, however, remains incontestable - the ejection of the obsessor does not depend on physical methods. Only Agni, only the pure energy, can oppose this human calamity. I repeat the word calamity, because it is commensurate with the extent of the epidemic. A great number of physicians will regard Agni as a superstition and belief in obsession as ignorance. People so often endow others with their own qualities. But, at the same time, obsessors of all degrees will be troubled by these investigations. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 20: 20. There are many reasons why people fear the Subtle World and radiations of light. They feel in their essence that in the Subtle World every intention is accompanied by an obvious radiation, but man himself does not see his own radiations. If he were fully convinced of the good quality of his thoughts, he would fear nothing. But with a majority of people thoughts are very sinuous, and man, through the earthly habit of doubt, errs much from the true foundations of thinking. Therefore I reiterate so much about the necessity of clear thinking. One should be so sure of the quality of one's own thinking that not for an instant could one be confused by one's own light. A firm aspiration towards good, affirmed by the heart, will only multiply the beautiful lights. Besides their essence these lights are as purifiers of space. In the Subtle World such benevolent radiations create an all-embracing smile and contribute towards general joy. Therefore affirm yourself in good, and think so as not to be ashamed before any one. Do not consider these words an abstraction. The Subtle World confirms them. Many dwellers in the Subtle World regret that no one on Earth told them about these obvious radiations, which ought to be beautiful. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 117: 117. The bridge between Worlds is based on harmonization of all the subtlest energies. Actually, the majority thinks that transmutation of the centers takes place on the physical plane. This is an error. Such consciousness must be enlightened. Transmutation of centers by Fire is a fusion of all the centers, both physical and spiritual. A spiritualization of the entire being takes place. In fiery transmutation the Fiery World is revealed especially strongly, because a fiery harmonization takes place in one's entire essence, involving acquisition of all the higher tensions. Therefore, one may accept the law of the connection of the Worlds in each process of the refinement of spiritual centers. Accumulation of these energies gives the spirit an impetuousness which carves out the shortest path. Thus one must accept the concept of the bridge between Worlds, and one should remember that no unconscious labor of the centers exists. Conscious harmony of the centers is a great mystery. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the shortest path. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 342: 342. The Cosmic Will directs consciousness to understanding of the necessity of equilibrium; indeed, of that equilibrium on the spiritual and the earthly plane without which the different spheres cannot be unified. The spiritual plane appears as something so strange to the majority of humanity! Above the limits of the very lowest spheres mankind does not penetrate, and the lowest psychism is the result. That toward which man is striving becomes his manifest tyrant and his scourge. The subordination of humanity it, indeed, affirmed by these concupiscences. The Cosmic Will summons to regeneration of the consciousness. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the realization of equilibrium. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 374: 374. The consciousness of the majority of people does not penetrate into the depths of the cosmic structures. Not reflecting upon the significance of principles, people become isolated from the Fiery World. All creative abilities are in need of this cosmic association, for this association affirms the co-measurement which humanity has lost. Man, who has been predestined by the Cosmos to be a builder and co-creator, has turned himself away from this crown. Completing his circle of actions, man has not adapted the cosmic principles as a basis; therefore the Fiery World differs from the world created by man. Everything is refracted in the consciousness in non-conformity with the laws of the Cosmos. On the path to the Fiery World one must manifest realization of adherence to cosmic laws. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 452: 452. One cannot study about the Fiery World without investigating how man conducts himself in moments of so-called misfortune. The spirit which has undergone preparation says - we shall conquer, and dons its fiery armor. But the weak and pitiful in spirit is crestfallen and thus admits a great infection. Do not think that this simple truth should not be repeated, the majority of people are in need of it. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 508: 508. Why call fiery energy psychic? Only for better assimilation by the majority of people. They can still reconcile themselves to the manifestation of psychic energy, but the concept of Fire is completely inadmissible to them. Do not frighten those who are already afraid. Let them enter through their own doors. A layer of names does not disturb the essential nature of realization. People fear that which from childhood they have been told is dangerous. But it is not possible for the great energy to have only one appellation. AUM (1936) - 109: 109. Licentiousness and coarseness have now reached incredible limits. Savagery has finally broken into the cities and disrupted all the implantations of the spirit. The consciousness of the majority has returned to the darkest age. The clatter of the machine drowns the wail of the spirit. Therefore, each call to the Higher World is a call for salvation. AUM (1936) - 179: 179. It is impossible to dwell in malice without poisoning the consciousness. Not only bodily poison but a far worse decomposition is introduced by malice; the majority of cosmic dross originates from it. We cannot view with indifference a malicious destruction. AUM (1936) - 243: Equally simple is the consideration of the saturated conditions of space. Much has been written about this, nevertheless to the majority of people such information remains incomprehensible. AUM (1936) - 312: 312. It is a terrifying time indeed, yet the majority of people do not sense its causes. With a blare of all trumpets one should proclaim - Armageddon! Yet people will merely ask, "What price is a pound of Armageddon?" There has never been such a confusion of the trivial and the great. It would be better if, when people do not understand, they would at least desist from interfering in the Battle, but their obstructions make the most direct paths tortuous. AUM (1936) - 365: 365. During a thunderstorm the two human extremes may be observed - some will bury themselves in a featherbed from terror, others will run about boldly and be subject to dangerous discharges. In the understanding of the majority of people, absolutely the same thing relates also to the Higher World - some fall into sanctimoniousness, others into sacrilege. But very rarely does man accept the Higher World as a natural and concomitant condition. AUM (1936) - 372: 372. The true significance of so-called mediums should be revealed. According to the meaning of the word itself, they are intermediaries between the worlds. But let us not forget that to all people this communion has been given; all men are mediators. Indeed, the unrepeatable multiformity of the Universe gives to each incarnate being his share of communion. But the fact is that the majority of people do not realize their own abilities. On the contrary, under the pressure of ignorance they try to extinguish each manifestation of their own individuality. Therefore, let us apprehend that mediation between the worlds has been given to each man individually in his own measure. How beautiful it is to study such incomparable multiformity! AUM (1936) - 518: 518. Again let us recall why the majority of people must repeatedly read through the books of the Living Indications. Some will say that they knew this long ago, yet they do not practice it; then they will call the Indications visionary and inapplicable on Earth. At the third reading they will find that perhaps somewhere there are people to whom these counsels are useful, and at the fourth repetition they will also think about themselves. Others begin by aspersion of the whole book, then they cast it out of the house; later, as if by accident, they remember about it; and finally, begin to quote entire thoughts from the book. AUM (1936) - 522: It is a great mistake to think that all inventions are only to make life pleasant. Each discovery provides only a little window into Infinity, and one glance will determine the nature of a man. Not many love to gaze into Infinity; the majority feel terror at a vision of the endless path. Even on Earth there are few travelers who have understood such forward movement. Brotherhood (1937) - 5: 5. If you enter a gathering of people with the words, "Friends and co-workers," the majority will look upon you with suspicion. But if you dare to call them brothers and sisters, then most likely you will be denounced as having uttered inadmissible terms. Brotherhood (1937) - 26: Everyone has had opportunity many times to convince himself that the response of the Brotherhood has come in signs which are outwardly very insignificant. It can be boldly affirmed that a great majority of indications either glide over the consciousness or are incorrectly interpreted. Such distortions of the meaning are especially harmful when they are in the hands of thoughtless people who subject the indications to their own fortuitous frame of mind. Brotherhood (1937) - 68: 68. People who are expecting a message can also be divided into two categories. The minority know how to wait, but the majority not only do not understand what is taking place but even exert a harmful influence. They abandon their work. They fill space with complaints. They impede those around them. Without noticing it they consider themselves the elect, and they begin to make arrogant assertions about others. Much harm emanates from scant knowledge and still more from a petrified consciousness. Each such person becomes a hotbed of confusion and doubt. He loses the rhythm of work by manifesting confusion. Such people are very harmful for the spreading of knowledge. They wish to receive for their personal gratification the very latest tidings, but little usefulness results from such usurpers. One should not fail to take such weak people into account - they are as nests of treason. Nothing restrains their intrigues. There should be no act of destruction just for the sake of good tidings. Few there are who know how to await messages in complete magnanimity, while working, and amidst difficulties - such co-workers are the ones who become brothers. Brotherhood (1937) - 115: 115. One may make the mistake of assuming that the majority of people know how to read books. Such ability has to be cultivated. When people accept the book, it does not mean that they know how to read it properly. It can be seen how relatively they interpret what has been read, and how far removed their understanding often is from the writer's thought. I affirm that books are too little comprehended, yet the manifestation of the primary energy can be an excellent guide. It frequently helps one to find a needed book and to select from it what is desired. One has but to be attentive. But this quality also must be cultivated in oneself. Brotherhood (1937) - 124: 124. Many times has the planet been threatened with danger from comets. But even in the tensity of the atmosphere people have not sensed anything unusual. There have been certain individuals who understood how tensed the atmosphere was, but the great majority completely failed to notice anything. It is possible to carry out a curious experiment, observing how much humanity responds to certain events. It should be noticed that even conspicuous world events often do not reach the consciousness. The reason is that people wish to see things in their own way and do not permit their consciousness to express itself justly. Such people are not suited for cooperation. Brotherhood (1937) - 136: 136. Knowing how to deal with people according to their consciousness is a lofty quality. One should not forget that the majority of misfortunes proceed from a lack of such commensurateness. It is impossible to propose even very excellent things if they are above someone's consciousness. It is inadvisable to speak to an unprepared man about harmony or vibrational combinations. Who can foresee what such a man will visualize under the concepts of harmony or vibrational combinations? But he can understand it if told about carefulness toward his surroundings. The simplest concept concerning solicitude will be a firm basis for each cooperation of Brotherhood. It is desirable that every cooperation be a nursery of care. In this is expressed also attentiveness, solicitude, compassion, and love itself. How much strength may be conserved by care alone! So many cosmic reactions of the spirit may be regulated upon the use of the most simple care. It is impossible even to imagine to what an extent the aura of the home is strengthened where solicitude is definitely maintained. In many people the understanding of Hierarchy is completely obscured, but even in such cases solicitude will help to set the situation right - merely by being solicitous toward each other! This is no great obligation, and yet it is like a cornerstone. Brotherhood (1937) - 201: The ancient knowledge protected cows as sacred animals, and it wove an attractive legend about bees. But in time people lost the conscious regard for the remedies as first given to them. In the old manuals of healing, each remedy was looked upon from the standpoints of both usefulness and harmfulness. But such valuable substances as milk, honey, and musk carry no injury when they are pure. It is possible to point out many useful remedies in the plant world also, but the majority of them are best in the pure state, when the basic energy inherent in them, over and above so-called vitamins, has not been lost. The juice of carrots or radishes, or of strawberries, is best in the raw, pure state. Hence, it may be understood why the ancient Rishis subsisted on these wholesome products. Brotherhood (1937) - 327: 327. The Himalayan lights have been observed by many scholars, none the less, for the ignorant they remain doubtful. The non-searing flame of the Himalayas, though people have observed and touched it, likewise remains as before within the limits of the fantastic. Each manifestation of light has energy in its basis, but such a force is denied. Even luminous stars and flashes seen by many are referred to ocular abnormalities. Actually, this poor interpretation is contradicted by the fact that such manifestations are simultaneously seen by several people. However, people do not usually inform each other about their sensations and visions. As a result much remains unnoticed. Therefore, the lightnings of thought also will be mere phantoms for the majority. Yet many animals are called electrical because they preserve within themselves a considerable store of energy; and similarly, certain people can be called electrical. Is it too difficult to imagine that their thought-energy can be visible as a brilliant flash, especially when a crossing of currents may be taking place? One should know how to keep one's eyes open. One must take the trouble to observe, otherwise many remarkable manifestations will pass unnoticed. The Himalayan lights furnish a suitable example. Brotherhood (1937) - 346: 346. Unity is the light-winged dream of humanity; when the dream approaches fulfillment, only a few followers remain. The transformation of intention into action drives the majority away. Thus, affirmation of unity is aspiration to the higher law, which humanity in its present state contains with difficulty. But each one who wishes to serve Brotherhood is not afraid of even the concepts most unaccepted by the majority; though striving for unity will be found only in exceptional consciousnesses. Each healthful place must be safeguarded. Thus will begin to come into being a healthy envelope of the planet. Right now it is greatly poisoned. Brotherhood (1937) - 371: 371. Terror of the extraordinary links people together, both in the little and in the great. One is afraid to move away from a place, another fears manifestations of the Subtle World. Shock at contact with the Subtle World is understandable as a result of difference of vibrations, but it is difficult to understand why the majority of people are frightened at everything unusual. Each new rhythm exasperates people. When they reject something, seek the cause in fear or in a presentiment of increased rhythm. Not fitting for Brotherhood are such fears of the unusual. Brotherhood (1937) - 415: 415. Not only exceptions but the majority of people can attain a sensation of the subtlest energies. They have but to think about them. Brotherhood (1937) - 456: 456. Not only non-conformity of old and new, of inner and outer but also different understanding of the simplest words is an obstacle to the consolidation of progress. Do not consider it strange when the simplest concepts are wrongly interpreted - there exists no unity of consciousness. In spite of beautiful solitary flights people will bog down in one swamp in the majority of cases. It is impossible to instruct them in the higher energies when their very way of life needs regulation. You have heard about a disastrous termination of an experiment with currents of high tension, and you have rightly understood that the cause lay in carelessness. The first success not only did not inculcate carefulness but, on the contrary, admitted negligence. There are many such examples. Often it is impossible to bestow success, because it proves to be a dangerous plaything in foolish hands. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 6: 6. Urusvati has witnessed the healing vibrations sent by Us. Their rhythms are varied and not everyone can recognize them. Some may suppose them to be the effect of an earthquake, others may assume that they are an attack of fever, and still others may attribute them to their own nervousness. But the majority will think them to be merely imagined. However, on all continents Our healing solicitude is often felt. People receive help and sense a sudden recovery but do not understand whence came the help. We are not speaking about gratitude, for We do not need it, but a conscious acceptance of Our help increases the beneficial effect. Each negative reaction or mockery paralyzes even the strongest vibrations. We hasten to help, We hasten to bring good, yet how often are We accepted? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54: 54. Urusvati has acquired the quality of instantaneousness. This quality is easily spoken of, but rarely applied in life. It is easy to say that thought is instantaneous, but it is difficult to realize such instantaneousness amidst the whirl of events. At times We send one word from which an entire message must be determined. For the majority such a word will flash out without result, but a broadened consciousness will vigilantly grasp each sign. There are many reasons for such brevity. Sometimes the whirl is so intense that it becomes impossible to send each sound. Sometimes there are so many ears trying to eavesdrop on this "radio" that one must be careful not to inform uninvited listeners. For this it is easier to establish an especially inaccessible wavelength during a calm hour, but at a time of raging battle even the best currents can be disturbed and their excessive tension can be fatal for the receiver. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54: You are justly astonished that the inhabitants of the Subtle World do not speak about the battles in space. The Great Ones have mercy on the people of Earth, and the small do not know about the battle. Likewise, on Earth there are many wars being fought, but many people either do not know about them, or call them by different names. Similarly, in the Subtle World there is confusion and destruction, but the majority of people on Earth do not understand the reason for this. The lower strata are more numerous than the higher ones. Besides, the confusion does not reach the "Blissful Fields," about which you know. Therefore the great Spiritual Toilers do not remain there, but strive to active service in Heaven as on Earth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 64: 64. Urusvati reveres the dates. Do not be surprised that We return to this question of dates, which are so important in Our Inner Life. Many dates can be communicated to people, but the majority will not be able to benefit from them. For their egoism impedes, and causes them to apply all indications only to themselves. The date of a great event may be indicated, and they will awaken at that time in their beds and ask with irritation, "Where is that special event?" Also, people do not understand that indicated events often take place on another plane. Irritation and perplexity disturb the atmosphere; they serve no purpose, and clearing them away drains the energy. If only people could spare the energy that they turn to their own benefit! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 146: It should be pointed out that the main Teaching was given by Him when He was in His subtle body. This consummation corresponded fully with the brilliant Truth proclaimed by Him. Wisely He gave a simple word to the people regarding the foundations of life. It was possible for only a few followers to be entrusted with the Teaching that came from the Subtle World since, in accordance with tradition, the Teaching was transmitted orally. However, the Apocrypha do not contain His last instructions, which dealt with the power of thought and would not have been understood by the majority of people. The Teacher knew that ignorance could distort Truth and that only harm would result. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 163: The Teacher did not speak about reincarnation to the people because in His country this truth would not have been understood. Even among the disciples very few could fully comprehend the Law of Reincarnation. Some sects knew about reincarnation, but the idea provoked strong arguments and the majority doubted, just as it doubts today. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200: 200. Urusvati knows that in the remote past people knew about the far-off worlds. This should not surprise you, for people possessed true knowledge even in ancient times. However, the vast majority had peculiar notions, thinking, for example, that Earth was built on the back of a cow, a turtle, or some monster. Even today, along with true knowledge and a vast range of information one can find similarly ridiculous superstitions. One might ask how knowledge was transmitted in ancient times, or how people of different nations could exchange information without a written language or other means of communication. Those who are aware of clairvoyance and astral flights can answer this question easily, but it would be difficult to explain such things to a narrow-minded person! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 214: I shall speak of one more truth which is little understood: People are often upset when their ideas are seized and used by others. Actually, the spreading of useful ideas should give joy, but the majority are not magnanimous enough to feel that way. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301: People fear being cursed, but in fact bring curses upon themselves whenever they commit an injustice. Try an experiment; send the purest man to perform important work or a heroic deed, then see how he will be slandered. The majority will criticize without considering his task, and only a few, who are themselves persecuted, will think about the aim of the podvig. This lack of good will is a major obstacle to the progress of evolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 307: It is true that maya remains impenetrable for the vast majority of people, for they do not even attempt to overcome "her." But there are a few seekers of truth who even in their earthly state can penetrate to the real essence of things. First, the seeker must learn to understand his own fleeting moods. He then will realize that the sun is the sun, neither cheerful nor gloomy, but that his personal, inner feelings can color even that great luminary. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 310: During a rainstorm most people will take cover in a shelter, even an insecure one, while a few will stand fast, facing the downpour in an open field. Similarly, while only a minority will understand the supermundane nature of life, the majority, full of doubts because of their fear, reject such an idea. Even the thought of life on far-off worlds seems impossible to them. In this, both atheists and religious believers are in agreement, and there are even scientists who still believe that Earth is the center of the Universe! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 319: 319. Urusvati knows how We labor for peace. Why then do We not rejoice at the many organizations dedicated to the promotion of peace? Simply because very few of them are unselfish in their work and the majority harbor hidden motives that are worse even than the drive toward war. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 329: 329. Urusvati knows that, in certain cases, passing into the Subtle World is accompanied by sensations either of extreme pain or extreme bliss. But these are extremes, not the average conditions that are experienced by the majority. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 347: People are not yet sufficiently trained to discriminate between these changes, because the science of psychic phenomena is not accepted by the majority. One must also bear in mind that We can help these phenomena in a variety of ways. Amidst the world's events Our energy is directed to those areas where there is a possibility of cosmic danger. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 348: People fear the dead because they do not believe in eternal life. When this truth is broadly accepted, the world will be transformed. It is useless to speak of purification or sublimation before the continuity of life is understood. I affirm that at present people are far from an understanding of the structure of the three worlds. Nor will it help to simplify the scheme by division into two worlds; people will only become confused. Remember that in ancient times, too, very few accepted calmly the existence of invisible worlds. The majority feared these realms just as they do today. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359: Certainly, amid fuss and commotion it is not easy to concentrate one's attention upon the image, especially when the contours of its aura tremble. It is a mistake to attribute these fluctuations of the aura to the imagination, for they are often caused by the wavering aura of the observer himself. You must remember that the majority of auras are not steady, and this can affect even physical sight. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 401: Do not think that I speak unjustly. Unfortunately, such dull consciousnesses are in the majority. They seek nothing and do not admit to the existence of anything beyond the confines of their home. Their consciousness is inactive and seems dead, but without the effervescence of consciousness the will cannot be aflame. Consciousness does not whisper to them that the transfiguration of life is within their grasp. We feel the burden of this dead weight on the planet. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 403: 403. Urusvati knows that the majority of people, instead of choosing responsible cooperation, prefer to remain in a state of passive learning. They prefer to be listeners and readers, and when the hour comes for them to demonstrate the power of Spirit they disperse. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 412: It is especially horrible that the majority does not want to understand present events. They dance, trade, and think that the present time represents the peak of achievement. Compare what is happening now with the events during other periods of decline, and you will find that they have symptoms in common. People once dreamed of conquest and considered themselves the lawful masters of the world, but how suddenly these Towers of Babel collapsed! Many symbols have been left to humanity, but they have remained decaying relics.