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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MA > MAGICAL (12)

New Era Community (1926) - 147:
How all magical formulas droop before the irrepressible leap over the abyss to the life-giving Sun! Only those who cognize reality can speak about the Sun without superficial tearfulness.

New Era Community (1926) - 211:
Affirmation of cooperation is not the result of a formal examination. Only through action and resoluteness is it possible to approach the heart of the Community. Teach not to let possibilities slip by. If resoluteness and action lead to gratitude, then imprudence and negligence create an obstacle difficult to remove. The co-worker who neglects action through immobility is left to his own devices. This is not a penalty, but a practical means for showing him his failure. Rarely, it is true, one does recognize his own failure, and then a small independent exercise is put to him something goes with difficulty, something creaks and does not come off. One should not suspect magical measures; the attention of the Community has simply flown away temporarily, and the stilts of inexperience sway in the wind. In any case, the reaction of the collective, which represents the Community, will be a strong one, and without this concentration it is difficult for one to proceed who has already once tried the path of good of the Community.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 233:
What is so inimical to evolution as the petrified formulas of magic? The astral world has been separated from the physical world most of all by the ways of magic. Of course, possession is often the result of magical invocations. Mediumism is the bedfellow of magic.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236:
236. Let us affirm the enthusiasm of the spirit. To be filled with the spirit means to place oneself in direct communion with Hierarchy. All kinds of magical methods, even inner concentration, are used in attempts to achieve Higher Communion. But the new approach to the Highest directs one to the example of ascetics who above all approach direct Communion through the heart. We learn of prophets, saints, who never fell into a frenzy, yet whose every word was a word of the Covenant.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 249:
249. Not magic but God-inspiredness was ordained in the ancient Covenants. When Higher Communion began to be interrupted, people themselves compiled magic from the earthly world, as a means of forced communion. But, as everything which is forced, magic ends up in the darkest manifestations. The very boundary line between black and white magic becomes elusive in its intricacy. Therefore, on the path to the future one should eschew all magic. It must not be forgotten that the old methods of magic were connected with other forms of life. Of course, magic is based on precise fulfillment of technical conditions, but if all the formulas of life have been altered, then too all magical effects must be correspondingly changed. This is why contemporary magic has sunk into necromancy and the other low manifestations. All those who study the mechanics of formulas fail to take into account the fact that they were written down for a completely different application. In addition, they completely forget that the higher formulas, and all the conditions, have not been written down altogether; and if they have been noted at all it is in such symbols that now their meaning is quite obscured. Thus, contemporary studies of magic either amount to senseless scholastics, or else, flowing down, they lapse into the black mass. Therefore We speak much-needed words, in advising the abolition of magic. Let it be left to the dark necromancers. There is too much obsession on Earth. The sole path to the Higher Communion is through the heart. Violence must not stain this fiery path. Can people possibly think that the invocation of lower entities can go unpunished! And what sort of improvement of life could result from such evocation? No one can point to a benefit resulting from necromancy, nor to a heart which has been uplifted through necromancy. One must turn to the short and higher Path, which will bestow health of spirit; and thence comes the bodily health. The abolition of magic will be a white stone on the path of the World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 2:
We long ago accepted the principle that each apparatus can be made more powerful by man himself. One can achieve a transformation of one's entire life simply by the realization of the Primary Energy. Over the centuries We have become accustomed to the idea that a concentration of energy can be directed to any domain. Energy, like lightning, unites accumulated forces in its discharge. So-called magical phenomena are based on the same principle. In reality, the term "magical" can only mislead. Any electrical apparatus can be called magical. When Urusvati performed levitation or the moving of objects, it was done not through magic but simply by not impeding the energy. The manifested energy was accepted and then projected. It was united with the cosmic energy, and thus could act.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 2:
Our mirrors cannot be called magical. They simply increase the effectiveness of Our energy. Many appliances can be found that make energy more effective. Strong magnets could hardly be called magical, even though their action is remarkable. The subtle body and all experiments connected with it belong to science, not to magic. Thus, one should abolish the superstitious use of the confusing term "magical."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85:
The magnetism of objects can be seen in rings that change color, depending on events. The magnetism of water is known to you, but the magnetism of certain metals is manifested with more difficulty. Thus, We took Urusvati's ring to Our Abode to magnetize it. Let us not call such objects magical; they simply harmonize with the Primal Energy of the one who wears them. It is not the ring that indicates the events, but the Primal Energy of its possessor. Only pure silver can vibrate to the Primal Energy. Urusvati's ring could become red, black, or yellow, depending upon the events. We conducted this experiment because the radiations of the Primal Energy are of special interest to Us.


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