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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LU > LUSTS (5)

Heart (1932) - 304:
304. The manifestation of fire is destructive for the physical body, but the element of fire is quite normal for the fiery body. It means that this change of correlation occurs upon the expanse of the Subtle World. Verily, one can ascertain by the condition of the subtle bodies the boundary of the beneficial reaction of fire. High strata purified from coarse physical strivings already experience the fiery benevolence; but the lowest strata of the Subtle World are still subjected to the physical sensation of the flame. In this regard the more there is of the physical husk, the more painfully the fire can act. Hence comes the intimation about the infernal flame. Thus, not accidentally does each true knowledge direct one into the higher strata. So, also, it is entirely scientific to forewarn people against carrying brutish lusts into the Subtle World. One can only pity the unwise ones who deride the state after death.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 606:
606. Indeed, one must free oneself from egoism in order to transmute and affirm the radiant Ego. One may carry the transformed Ego to the altar of Light without fear of being burned. What, then, is subject to scorching if not egoism with all its appendages? Egoism, like a cancerous swelling is engendered by lack of Agni. Let us not forget that egoism attracts and fills itself with carnal lusts and begets evil. Around the bait of egoism flock the influences of family, clan, and nation. The very sediments of the physical and of the Subtle World seek to wind themselves about egoism; such a bristly ball is unsuitable for the Fiery World. But the tempered and conscious fiery Ego enters the Fiery World as a welcome guest. Thus, let us distinguish all that befits the Higher World as an achievement. Let it be only a luminous duty. It is not fitting to consider the predestined assignment as a unique achievement. People should accustom themselves to the transmutation of the heart as a manifest path, known long ago.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 53:
53. You spoke rightly about coarseness, and how powerless are the subtle energies against coarseness. No structure can stand upon pillars of coarseness. Therefore each manifestation saturated with coarseness will not be durable, retrogression is inevitable. Complete disintegration will follow where the worm of coarseness eats away the foundation. Every human action is subject to this same danger. A coarse action may be covered with a thousand lusts, and is not to be concealed from the records of space. Every government should be concerned with the elimination of this horror. Every community must contend with this plague. No closely knit community can show evidence of coarseness in its midst. The nation brought up on coarseness must undergo a fiery transmutation; and he who has permitted such disintegration will be karmically responsible. Likewise the co-workers who dwell in coarseness will have to pass through a special purification. Actually, coarseness is a frightful infection, which develops decomposition in the surroundings. Hence, no government can be successful if it is a nursery of microbes of coarseness. Likewise, a co-worker will not be truly successful if coarseness grips his spirit. Thus, let us remember in the construction upon the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 126:
126. Exactly with fire and sword is the planet being purified. How otherwise will the consciousness be awakened? The aspiration of humanity is drowned in earthly desires. Waves of gross desires impair each zone of light, and each instant reveals oceans of unrestrained lusts. If humanity would compare Light with darkness, the visible World with the Invisible, then it would indeed be possible to affirm the fiery Truth. In the supermundane spheres the spirit grievously atones for its earthly doings. If one imagines vortices of good or evil, which, as it were, are pulling the spirit into their orbits, then one can manifest an understanding of the cosmic currents. Free will engenders a cause of a cosmic current, and the current of evil or the current of good will be chosen by the spirit through free will, expressed by everyday actions. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World comparison of the currents of good and evil gives the impulse for pure striving.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 180:
180. The earthly firmament is infected, and is to be purified by humanity itself. Each vital manifestation leaves its precipitations on all space. All must be transmuted, all must be outlived. Thus, each stratum represents a sphere saturated with human lusts, survivals, and aspirations. The fluids of heart and spirit, which saturate space with pure fires, refine the spatial strata. Only in this way can equilibrium be established, because energies are hurtling through space, and mankind is surrounded, as it were, by explosive projectiles. These fluids are accumulated and exploded in all spheres. So, too, the chain of effects is being affirmed by the saturated actions of humanity. On the path to the Fiery World let us be reminded about the spatial projectiles.


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