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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LU > LUCIDITY (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 127:
Inexperienced community members have a considerable amount of suspiciousness and conceit, but a community is regarded by Us as an accepted form of life. And We can speak about it with all the lucidity of long experience. We are not frightened by any mental confusion. We have seen enough cosmic refuse and We are not disposed to be a part of it.

New Era Community (1926) - 270:
270. It is necessary to strengthen each other. An entire science can be founded to elucidate the reaction of energies. Psychic energy itself, inherent in every man, is in need of hygiene. One need not assume in this anything supernatural; the new life will cognize substance in all infinitude. Therefore it is necessary to unite, affirming communal life on a world basis with lucidity and serenity.


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