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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LO > LOWERS (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 276:
276. It is true that in India there exists an awareness that the subtle energies will enter into life. One should be prepared for a future scientific understanding of this. Although darkness greatly lowers the quality of the energies, the open consciousness can assimilate some part of the energies, as when dark clouds block the rays of the sun, but a portion of light and heat can still reach Earth. All great teachings are without inner contradiction, but there is no way to prove this with the customary scientific methods.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 328:
328. It is useful to speak about the Teacher. It is useful to speak about the Teaching. It is useful to speak of life. It is wise to understand the upward spiral of motion, because the application of energy directs the stream upward. But at the same time the law of gravity lowers it. Thus are the steps laid together.


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