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Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.13:
Finally, bending low in prayer, the seeker felt a thread of a web descend on his forehead. He cast it away. Then a clear voice rang out, "Why dost thou reject My Hand? My Ray has followed thee. Permit me to embrace thee."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.9:
2.8.9. I wish to recall the cult of the high priestesses. There was one group which was brought into an exalted state by means of chemical preparations; another by way of magnetic currents; and there were also low grades of conjurations and mechanical whirling. Then began the inward concentration on the threshold of sleep or the concentration upon a brilliant object. The knowledge which came from within, without any apparent conditions, was considered the highest.

New Era Community (1926) - 16:
16. Among the mechanical attainments of modern civilization, the means of transportation deserve special attention. This devouring of space is already to a certain extent a victory over the supermundane spheres. But a circle of low materialism holds these conquests within the limits of low matter and the result is more harm than good. The chief danger in this haste of locomotion lies in a heightened feeling of irresponsibility. Passing beyond the limits of the ordinary, man becomes light, but because of the crudeness of feelings he loses the consciousness of responsibility.

New Era Community (1926) - 180:
It is possible to create a symphony of explosions, and it is possible to create harmonies of machines. Even those with defective hearing notice that sometimes they hear a low voice better than an outcry - it means that the quality is important, not tension alone. Indeed, the quality of each action imposes a deep responsibility and is full of the danger of irreparable harm.

New Era Community (1926) - 237:
Many times have We spoken about the discipline of the will and about the command of the consciousness. Long ago was established the courage of responsibility. Now we must direct our keenness toward the extermination of the narrowness of sectarianism and superstition. The sectarian dreams of seizing power for the subjugation of everything to his own inflexible consciousness. The superstitious man most of all is afraid lest he call up, as if by an accidental self a great deal. Superstition and sectarianism are signs of a very low consciousness, for the potential of creative power has been reduced to nothingness for one to whom the principle of containment is foreign.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 122:
You understand both the work of reality and the work of Maya. Spatial thought is reality, while what people generally pay attention to is Maya. Bear in mind that each of Us could grieve over the low level of those on Earth; but this would have no effect on the evolutionary plan because it is thought that creates. Images of Truth provide to each body, whether it be evolving or disintegrating, new possibilities for flight to higher spheres. Each Teacher of life bases His power only upon images of Truth, and creates the future by His thought, not by the consciousness of the crowd.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 130:
At the change of body, the spirit that has not sought to advance enters a condition of torpor and wanders about depressed by its vague memories. Indeed, memories of the low physical state plunge it into complete darkness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 164:
164. People talk much about the aid that should flow from Our Abode. But let us examine the ability of people to accept Our help. Each person who yearns for assistance has already decided selfishly the direction and measure of it. Can an elephant find room in a low cellar? But the seeker of help cares about neither its proportion nor its suitability. For him, lilies should flower during wintertime, and in the desert a spring must burst forth; otherwise the Teacher's merit is small.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 403:
403. It is essential not to mislead newcomers into thinking that the Teaching of Agni Yoga is easy. Truly, it is not easy, for there is much tension and danger in it. No one should be seduced by the idea of honeyed ease. Gaining mastery of the fires is a slow process. Premature and hasty steps threaten the striving one with conflagration. What seemed to be a high achievement is later seen as low, when one is on the next step.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 645:
645. Some ask how one should regard daily routine. Most people are quite afraid of it. It is considered to be the death of creativity, and the demeaning of dignity. But We say that you should learn to see in each day's labor the pranayama that uplifts your consciousness. Prana descends from the higher spheres; but any labor produces energy, which in its essence is similar to the spatial energy. Thus, the one who knows the common essence of energies can sew shoes, or beat rhythms on a drum, or gather fruit. In all these the higher energy is generated, since it is born out of the rhythm of Cosmos. Only a low consciousness dreads the rhythm of labor and thus builds its own prison. It is difficult for humanity to understand that a king and a shoemaker are comparable in every respect.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 15:
15. One must choose between the darkness of error and the grandeur of Truth. The spirit will determine the understanding affirmed by ages. It is unbefitting to traverse by way of a very low arch, starting from a point on a low plane and returning to the same plane. Why waste the energy, if we must knock again at the lowest gates? Prepare for your spirit a beautiful garden, not in the desert waste but on the summit of attainment.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 174:
174. A higher tension creates a new step of cosmic creativeness. The lives which the spirit passes in low tension shed but meager light upon the earthly path. We have seen whirlwinds of will. We value the tension of will. We shall accept the affirmation of the true principle of life as the offering of the "chalice of fires."

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 351:
Our work for humanity consists in ceaseless activity of interweaving and correlating the currents. Therefore, We regard as most low the manifestation of passivity. In passivity may be discovered an antagonistic seed. Everything out of step with evolution is opposed to Our tensions. In the cooperation of an Agni Yogi We have the highest intensity. In the fiery centers We have flaming co-workers.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 249:
249. So greatly strained is the condition of the planet that the subterranean gases are beginning to erupt. The spiritual condition is so low that the superterranean sphere is in a corresponding convulsion. The discharge of these currents only attracts tensed fires, but the densified currents engendered by humanity are so powerful that the battle of the spheres is enormous. Thus, when the world is in convulsion the battle between Light and darkness is most intense. When the shifting of the gases takes place, the Cosmic Fire is intensified. Therefore, all energies of the White Forces are strained. Verily, the battle for Truth is ratified. Thus, limitlessly, the power of Cosmos proclaims Light.

Heart (1932) - 47:
47. In what, then, does happiness consist? Is it in being able to sit still without daring to arouse the Primary Substance with thought? Or is it in directing the thought to a new construction of life? I first spoke to you of action, but now we shall affirm thought. Action, even the most exalted, touches comparatively low strata; only thought, in its nature, can act upon the Primary Substance. First I spoke of action as the attainable evidence, but with a sufficiently broadened consciousness it is time to affirm the significance of thought. Multitudes of thoughtless actions remain at the surface of existence, undifferentiable from the actions of the animal world. But if we speak of straight-knowledge and the heart, it is necessary to affirm thought as the power and co-creator of Existence. Notice that I do not speak of discussions, nor of pondering, but of thought, which sweeps through the surface of Substance with its individual rhythm, and thus creates infinitely!

Heart (1932) - 76:
Apostasy from spiritual creativeness retards one for many lives. It is inexcusable to enter a low state when the open eyes are already unsealed. Let us recall the labor entailed in penetrating the physical shell, the measures that are applied in order to move the consciousness after its tension! Can one turn back?

Heart (1932) - 96:
Not only in developed sicknesses but at their inception is the cure through the heart especially potent. At present, this remedy is almost forgotten, but it is no less powerful than a blood transfusion, for through the reaction of the heart the finest energy is transmitted without the unpleasant low admixture of blood. When one thinks about the process of perfectment, one must not forget solicitude for the heart that gives.

Heart (1932) - 294:
294. Of course, disparagement is a bad adviser. The most insignificant is born of disparaging. Let those who belittle not be regarded as martyrs; they have sown rotten seeds, and they creep low hoping to see the sprouts. Quite the contrary, by affirming, people right themselves, and thus they build strongholds. You already have examples of the usefulness of affirmation. Works can only grow by benediction. Think about benediction.

Heart (1932) - 305:
305. Now let us descend from the Fiery World to the jaws of the tiger; this is also necessary to foresee. One can reach the highest strata only by escaping from many jaws and hideous masks. Thus, the path to the heights must pass by many manifestations of hate, as long as mankind does not clean these low strata by a united effort of consciousness.

Heart (1932) - 416:
416. Much as the manifestations of the Subtle World are concealed, yet there are too many and too diverse people who have witnessed them. Not through seances or through invocations, but through the natural vision do many know of the existence of the Subtle World. Of course it is very rare to perceive the Fiery World, but a subtle being is not remote from our condition. Many will not even tell of these manifestations, because they are customary for them. Even the most simple people do not fear them, knowing in their hearts that they need not fear them. Fear, above all, separates people from the Subtle World. Thus is the most natural manifestation impeded. People also make use of the most impermissible necromancy, forgetting that each violation is against nature and harms the flow of the law. Moreover, among natural manifestations one must remember that the spiritual vision also acts in accordance with the heart. The low consciousness sees the low, but spiritual purification will permit higher vision. Thus, the condition of the heart will keep the consciousness above the usual manifestations.

Heart (1932) - 529:
529. People ascend peaks in order to study cosmic rays. Probably they have not taken into the slightest consideration the composition of the mountain itself. And certainly they did not contribute to the experiment by study of their own energies. The experiment can either be strengthened or almost disrupted by a disorderly combination of observers. I am astonished at how extensively people rely on dead apparatuses, forgetting the effect of their own living energy. The fluctuations of the most precise apparatuses in different hands are worthy of observations. Even the most sensitive chronometers work differently in various hands. Of course, such simple evidence arouses the derision of dwarfs. Is it possible that they have so low an opinion of themselves that they do not admit having any emanations of their own? It seems they do not regard themselves as having the image and likeness of Divinity! Yet even pigs have emanations.

Heart (1932) - 577:
577. In the works of old hermits one can find the statement, "Good is fragrance, evil is a poisonous stench." Of course this remark is usually understood as symbolic, but a profound physiologist will understand that in this definition is also contained an instructive chemical experiment. The transmutation of energy into fragrance is a very definite fact. When the fragrance of freesias or violets is evident, one can presume the proximity of the physical or subtle energy of the Beneficent Principle. On the other hand the smell of decay accompanies everything low on the physical and on the spiritual plane as well. Hence, one can perceive this chemical reaction and thus approach still closer a transcendental physiological discovery. Thus, one must know how to approach the cosmic manifestations consciously. We consider smell and its purified concept as a very refined state. Among the senses, smell is one of the most intimate identifications for everything that approaches. Many will not understand that the heart can be the moving force of the refinement of smell. The approach of every being arouses in a flaming heart a particular action of the inner sense of smell. Heart suffocations often occur from such approaches. Neither wind nor the purification of the air help where the very energy of evil builds a seeming funnel, but of course beneficence offers relief. Likewise, the sensation in the fingertips is not only a protection, but also a receptor for hostile sendings. A ceaseless battle causes disturbances of the rhythm of the heart, hence every caution is useful.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 139:
139. Again the low strata of the Subtle World have been revealed in order once more to convince people of how close they are to similar strata of the physical world. It is regrettable that people enter the Subtle World so unprepared for it; they bring their base habits along, and they squander the forces of thought on imperfect forms. In the Subtle World the creativeness of thought is developed in all domains. It is difficult even to imagine on what delusions the precious power is expended! People should be advised to get used to thinking, even a little, about the beautiful, in order to avoid manifestations of ugliness. Not few are the beautiful creations and remarkable manifestations of nature, but it is necessary to observe them. A dark state of mind is the source of all misfortune. Even the low strata of the Subtle World differ in the distinctness of the illusions. Where there is aspiration there are no confused dreams, and all details are clearly impressed. But what a danger there is if the striving is base or trivial!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 264:
264. "Me, me, me!" cries out the child, unwilling to admit his elders to his occupation. Up to the age of seven, do not the mind and heart at times remember the covenant of independent achievement on Earth? Later on the wise memories grow dim and often are inverted. "Let them, high and low, labor for me!" thus speaks the man who has forgotten about self-perfectment. But the child remembers and defends his independence. When another child whispers, "How can I manage to reach it?" he is ready for new experiences and conquests of the spirit. But it is not enough that such words of children are uttered - they must be noticed and appreciated. Fiery attention should record these calls and vows of the Subtle World. A small child states, "At last I am born." In this affirmation of striving for incarnation the Subtle World is evidenced. One can cite many instances when not only small children but even newborn babies unexpectedly uttered words of enormous significance and afterwards lapsed into their normal state. One must develop in oneself a fierily manifested memory and solicitude for one's surroundings. Thus one gathers the most valuable information.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 268:
268. Various grimoires anticipate raps of invocation. Truly, even in such low formulas the truth remains that elementals respond more readily to summoning raps. Yet the law is the same everywhere. You know how much We oppose all magic. But even in an appeal to the Hierarchy of Light there remains the significance of the call of prayer. One should remember that even earthly forces do not respond unless addressed. Just such a current, quite material, is formed during a conscious appeal to the Hierarchy. One should not assume that Fire is not essential during such invocation, since the living fire is the best purifier. But when the fire of the heart is ablaze, no substitute is necessary.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 283:
283. Also tell the physician that not all obsessions are necessarily dark ones. There may be influences from the middle spheres, which, in the belief of the obsessors, are directed for good, although no especially good results will be derived. The obsessors are of such low degrees and the vehicles within their reach are of no high development, thus, duality of thinking, imbalance, and a lack of self-control result. There are many such people , who are called weak-willed; in fact, the two wills weaken each other. One can cure such persons only by giving them the work that they prefer, but in very intensive measure. The obsessor becomes irked, remaining without an outlet during such concentrated work, for every obsessor seeks to express his own ego. Thus, the physician can observe different types of obsession, but, in principle, such epidemics are quite inadmissible in the human advance toward perfection. Moreover, the concept of the Guru greatly helps to safeguard from obsession. In the case of a weakening of will, the Teacher offers his surplus force in order to bar the intrusion of the alien dark influence. Naturally, the Teacher with a high consciousness is able to determine sensitively when his help is needed. Indeed, such a guidance has nothing to do with coercion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 356:
356. Doubt is the main entrance for the dark ones. When doubt begins to stir, the Fire becomes low; and the front door swings wide open for the black whisperer. One must augment harmony and find joy even in a hen laying an egg. Thus, in great and small, we outdo the enemy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 515:
515. Nations hope to make up for the lack of Agni by crude violence; but no force, crude and low, can kindle the Fire of Light. One can observe an unprecedented obduracy coincident with the decline of Agni in the hearts of men. Is it not apparent that no forces will assist one in finding psychic energy? Moreover, all violence personal as well as national, retards men's discovery of psychic energy. This means that instead of urgent cooperation for discovering Agni, people employ force for the destruction of the planet. This is deplorable and unworthy!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 543:
543. Why should evil sometimes seem to be the victor? Only because of the instability of good. By a purely physiological method it can be proved that domination by evil is short-lived. Evil emerges together with imperil, but can at first produce only a strong flash; afterwards it begins to deteriorate and gradually destroys its own progenitor. This means that if Agni is even partially manifested, it will not cease to increase. Thus, when imperil begins to decompose, Agni, on the contrary, acquires its full strength. Therefore I advise that the first attack of evil be endured, in order to leave evil to its own destruction. Moreover, during the duel between evil and good - in other words between imperil and Agni - the latter will grow proportionately, as imperil putrefies its possessor. Thus should one observe the duel between the low and the high, but only a mature consciousness can encourage one to withstand evil. It is useful to remember this and to gather not only strength but also patience, in order to conquer that which is in itself doomed to annihilation. I affirm that the truth, "Light conquers darkness," has even a physiological basis.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 662:
662. The growth of consciousness is usually considered a slow process. Yet it can be perceived how, even in the midst of earthly conditions, consciousness grows before one's very eyes. Certainly, for such growth there is needed, on the one side, tension and, on the other, rapport with the magnet of an already fiery consciousness. One may rejoice when at each progress of consciousness the ancient acquisitions of the spirit come to life. One may rejoice when the essence of life is regenerated through the proximity of a kindled heart; however, one must discern the difference between broadening and illumining consciousness and a low psychism. We are not at all pleased to see that intercourse with the lower spheres of the Subtle World is increasing. One must not forget that the lower entities, even aside from permanent obsession, can benumb, as it were, the consciousness. From the lowest comes only the lowest.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 25:
25. Note the densification of the atmosphere. Unusual are these low dense layers. Truly the crust of the planet is dying, deprived of Benevolent Influences. One must hurry with a new condition of purification.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 157:
157. Certainly, cruelty must be eradicated; not only cruelty of actions but also cruelty of thoughts. The latter is worse than any action. It is imperative that the State take measures to prevent the inceptions of cruelty in infancy. Humanity must be purified of the most inhuman, dull and malicious darkness of low thinking, as of leprosy. Children are not cruel until they see the first cruel action, which reveals the current of dark chaos. Only a few are prepared to oppose the current of darkness. Such accumulation of consciousness is rare. One cannot presuppose such attainment in everyone; on the contrary, one should take measures befitting a lower step. Likewise, let us not repeat in a moribund manner the great Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill!" But let us ponder where is the greater killing, in the hand, in the word, or in the thought? One should reflect that the thought of people is ever ready for murder.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 249:
249. Not magic but God-inspiredness was ordained in the ancient Covenants. When Higher Communion began to be interrupted, people themselves compiled magic from the earthly world, as a means of forced communion. But, as everything which is forced, magic ends up in the darkest manifestations. The very boundary line between black and white magic becomes elusive in its intricacy. Therefore, on the path to the future one should eschew all magic. It must not be forgotten that the old methods of magic were connected with other forms of life. Of course, magic is based on precise fulfillment of technical conditions, but if all the formulas of life have been altered, then too all magical effects must be correspondingly changed. This is why contemporary magic has sunk into necromancy and the other low manifestations. All those who study the mechanics of formulas fail to take into account the fact that they were written down for a completely different application. In addition, they completely forget that the higher formulas, and all the conditions, have not been written down altogether; and if they have been noted at all it is in such symbols that now their meaning is quite obscured. Thus, contemporary studies of magic either amount to senseless scholastics, or else, flowing down, they lapse into the black mass. Therefore We speak much-needed words, in advising the abolition of magic. Let it be left to the dark necromancers. There is too much obsession on Earth. The sole path to the Higher Communion is through the heart. Violence must not stain this fiery path. Can people possibly think that the invocation of lower entities can go unpunished! And what sort of improvement of life could result from such evocation? No one can point to a benefit resulting from necromancy, nor to a heart which has been uplifted through necromancy. One must turn to the short and higher Path, which will bestow health of spirit; and thence comes the bodily health. The abolition of magic will be a white stone on the path of the World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 261:
261. It is an error to think that the forces of darkness attack only weak spots. Very often chaos presses deliberately upon the most powerful strongholds. Likewise breakers are more violent against cliffs. Therefore every wall must be guarded, both low and high ones. Let us not forget this, for people often think about shielding the weak and abandon the strong. Everywhere there are intimidations by chaos, and tensions are tripled. Read about the downfall of great nations to anyone who does not cherish the feeling of protections.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 10:
10. Let us continue about sendings and receivings. The ability is given to a fiery spirit to receive subtle energies. Only the fiery consciousness is able to conduct a current of subtle energies. Therefore the records must be scrutinized with a great deal of discrimination. It is because humanity has become accustomed to visualizing the Highest on a low plane, that the Images of the Lords have acquired such distorted forms. Indeed, people have become used to the thought that the Higher should serve the lower, but they do not realize that only the understanding of Service gives one the right to a manifested link of the Chain. Thus it is the distorted understanding of sendings that produces the results which litter the space. We know of cases wherein the Higher Ones called a disciple "Mahatma" but some recipients of the gray variety perverted this great sending to the point of ugliness. Therefore We shall give a fair warning against all distortion and false records. When we call a disciple "Mahatma" We affirm a great potentiality. But what does a medium or a recipient poisoned with imperil reveal? Thus, it is necessary to purify the profane human actions and to destroy these records in the future. In the Fiery World only the fiery consciousness can be a true recipient of Our Sendings.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 85:
85. The unification of Worlds must be understood as complementation. Nothing can be given and received without mutual conformity. The supermundane World reflects all earthly emanations. One must not make the error of thinking about a condition of relaxation in the supermundane spheres. There where all is subtle, everything is sensitized. And the law of conformity should be understood as the basis of relations between the Worlds. More subtle and sensitive upward, and more coarse and unreceptive downward. Hence, the formula of intercourse between the Worlds must be understood as complementation. That which the spirit carries with ease in the earthly sphere may be unbearable in the Subtle World. Since in striving the spirit affirms its potentiality, in the Subtle World the spirit is saturated with all subtle energies. Thus, for example, a spirit intensified in the true quest yet finding no application for its pure searching, will find a useful creativeness in the subtle spheres. Thus conformity guides all intensified energies. Deplorable is the existence of those who are possessed by low feelings. Coarseness, egoism and conceit, and certain other noted human traits, bear fruit in the supermundane spheres in the way of frightful Karmic blows. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember complementation as a great law.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 200:
200. In the furnace of life many concepts must be transmuted. So many layers have been deposited upon the loftiest conceptions, that Fiery Baptism must truly be administered to the planet. Around the concepts of the Fiery Images have been gathered those imaginings which are close to a low spirit. Not thus taught the Great Teachers. Not thus lived the Great Teachers. Not thus walked the Great Teachers. Verily, not thus, as people insist. The Fiery Images must take shape in a form appropriate and adequate for Them; therefore spreading of the Teaching must go flamingly side by side with a clarifying of the Great Figures. The creativeness of true strivings will grant those new steps which will give to the World resurrection of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that it is vital to bathe the Teaching of Beauty in achievement and with service.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 328:
328. The condition of the supermundane planes moves events onward at an accelerated pace. The supermundane strata are being, as it were, shifted because striving toward the Earth rouses many dormant spirits. Before great events, the supermundane strata are always awakened. A testing is begun, as it were, for the spirits, which may choose their path. Consciousnesses which are ruled by low impulses can be impelled only to the lower levels. But there, in the same way as on the earthly plane, the servitors of Light stand on guard, and the final Call can summon the spirits to the choice. These Calls resound on all planes. On the path to the Fiery World let us remind about the Final Call.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 331:
331. Those vibrations which saturate the World respond to the qualities of lower manifestations. Improvement of the planetary vibrations can take place only through the tension of humanity. The center of all manifestations is mankind, which reflects all strata. Vibrations are so disharmonious that it is difficult to establish a connection with the Higher Worlds. Vibrations which contribute to disunity have the lowest quality. Therefore the lower strata can admit the infiltration of low vibrations, while higher radiations do not reach the Earth. The saturated World awaits the great epoch of Regeneration of the Spirit. The permeation of space with vibrations which assist the establishment of higher radiations is the task on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 332:
332. Man represents in himself a magnet, the qualities of which are quite multiform. Best of all, it is possible to reveal that influence which either the Higher Forces or the dark enslavers exert on man. When the centers and consciousness are correspondingly developed the force of the magnet becomes invulnerable, because this magnetism becomes a conformer to the Higher Force. But the spirit which is saturated with low currents cannot attract. Magnetic currents are directed only by forces which attract them. By losing attraction, it becomes impossible to respond to a vibration. Man is the magnet - thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 381:
381. How can one attain fiery initiation without actual struggle? How can one pass through life without a real battle? Only a low understanding can have a conception of higher attainment without tension. To pass through life and attain means to pass along the edge of the abyss, means to pass through sorrow and tension. Just as the Cosmic Laboratory transmutes these energies of the heart, so do human souls pass through purgatory on Earth. Without this fiery attachment to Cosmic Fire the heart cannot know initiation into the Higher World. On the path to the Fiery World one must remember about the purgatory of life.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 473:
473. Manifestations can be either subtle or connected with the dense world. Not rarely do dark entities strengthen themselves by the presence of creatures of earth which they attract. Thus, there may appear some stray dogs or cats or mice or annoying insects. Dark entities strengthen their substance from animals. Repeatedly has the Teaching pointed out the participation of the animal world in subtle and low manifestations. Sometimes they cannot manifest without the participation of animals. But for the courageous spirit all such manifestations are as nought. Let the tarantulas crawl, but it is very important for science to know these connections of animals with the Subtle World . I do not advise having animals in bedrooms. Certain people themselves sense the practicality of such vital precautions, but others, on the contrary, aspire, as it were to attract invisible guests.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 482:
482. The moon is only good for one order of manifestations, as actually in others it is not beneficial. Over and above its reflected rays one can better study the radiations of the Fiery World. Repeat to lovers of the moon about the low order of its rays.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 612:
612. And in the constitution of races, ectoplasm has its significance. It is linked with the rays of far-off Worlds. Indeed, it can be of lofty or low quality. Likewise it depends upon the burning of the heart. One can observe in the case of lymphatic people a low quality of ectoplasm, and this makes possible the strange dwarf-like formations. Mediums are frequently lymphatic.

AUM (1936) - 186:
186. When a man realizes all surrounding influences, he is then able to begin self-activity. He learns to discern where is the higher Hiero-inspiration and where low destruction. It is not so easy to distinguish all the cunning wiles, but it is fortunate when the heart is atremor with realization of usefulness to the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 374:
When people are desirous of making objections, they are prepared not to admit the simplest truth. Whither is it possible to direct energy, if will and thought have been directed to evil? Naturally, the power will flow along the dark channel. Whoever wishes the lowest will receive it. Unalterable are the words about obsession, because it represents a danger to the perfecting of life. Furthermore, intermediaries must not be of a low order. Ignorance and malice can attract only conformable responses. Each one must strive only toward the best.

AUM (1936) - 549:
How is it possible to assert that concern about thought is dangerous to the state? Yet you have already experienced being accused of introducing something dangerous. But into what a low state must man have fallen that he should consider the mention of thought as athing unpardonable in the human way of life!

Brotherhood (1937) - 21:
There can thus be observed different kinds of people. It is possible to convince oneself particularly as to how strong atavism is. The desire for food containing blood is augmented by atavism, because the many preceding generations were saturated with blood. Unfortunately, governments pay no attention to improving the health of the population. State medicine and hygiene stand at a low level. Medical supervision is no higher than that of the police. No new thought penetrates into these outworn institutions. They can only prosecute, they cannot help.

Brotherhood (1937) - 65:
In the state, both these dark offshoots must be excluded by law. In primary schools there must be established the principles which will make clear the inadmissibility of these two most low defects.

Brotherhood (1937) - 358:
358. You have already heard about people for whom all waters are alike, all air is the same, all trees of one species are identical, even the faces of a people are alike - such inattentiveness is amazing. And these people, not being able to notice subtle changes in nature, are the more incapable of forming an opinion about that which is invisible to their eyes. It is necessary to reiterate stressfully about such low consciousnesses, for they have stentorian voices.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 294:
Most people do not have the slightest idea of this, and those who do quickly forget. It is not an easy task to dissolve these dark stratifications. As you know, every substance emits and even harbors its own germs. People easily accept the idea that certain objects can be infectious and even poisonous, but refuse to understand that it is their own thoughts that permeate the objects. Indeed, people have a low opinion of the potency of their own thoughts! Likewise, few realize that by surrounding themselves with poisonous objects they put barriers between themselves and the Higher Realms. We suffocate in a polluted atmosphere. It would be wonderful if medical authorities would apply to the mental realm the same improvements they make to sanitary conditions!


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