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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LO > LOUDLY (6)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 570:
570. Mental sendings ordinarily contain some unusual expressions, which you have frequently noticed with surprise. An unusual expression is sometimes used for the purpose of ensuring better remembrance. This is a very ancient method. It is difficult to retain the usual words, which may slip by instead of penetrating the consciousness. The more unusual, the better assembled, the more definitive such a sending is, the better it is remembered. It is necessary to remind more than once of the far-off thought, which passes over the surface of the consciousness. One ought not reproach oneself for forgetfulness; on the contrary, these sliding thoughts projected from remote distances only prove that they come from outside and not from the inner consciousness. Also, in schools the receptivity to alien thoughts should be cultivated. People know so little how to listen or how to understand what they read that special hours should be assigned to the verification of what has been heard. How can one expect the fiery energy to be noticed if no attention is paid to even a loudly spoken word? More than once we have spoken of the development of the faculty of conscious non-hearing and non-seeing, this is quite different. In our normal state we must be highly receptive.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 21:
21. Many would like to ask to be taught how to enter the Subtle World, but they do not know how to ask without appearing ridiculous. But let the Writings circulate throughout the world, let them be read, if even secretly. Let them be derided during the day and read by night. One may forgive these errors, for no one has given these people a simple guiding formula. Some frightened them, some lulled their consciousness, some lead them away from Truth, but no one indicated to them the beautiful transition to the Summits of Existence. Let us not reproach, but just lately there has been especially much confusion in the world. True, the fact of the existence of the Subtle World is somewhat strengthened in the consciousness, but still people do not know how to deal with such facts and how to reconcile them with the routine of life. They are attempting to pass in silence that which loudly proclaims itself.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 593:
593. Around the place of manufacture of high explosives people do not smoke, they wear special soft footwear, they avoid any metallic objects, they do not even speak loudly, and they do not breathe in the ordinary manner. There, where danger threatens their flesh, people are ready to renounce habits, but it never enters their heads that thought can result in a far more dangerous explosion, invisible yet irreparable. Terror helps people to guard themselves against bodily dangers. But the entire spatial life does not exist for them. They can blaspheme at the Great Forces and rejoice at the misfortunes of others, if their own ruin is not immediately visible to them. The loss of spatial co-measurement in Infinity consumes all the better possibilities. Whereas, the present time is precisely the last chance to join the dense with the subtle and even with the fiery. One should begin to think persistently and clearly in the direction of the merging of Worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 189:
The Thinker also said to His disciples, "Betrayal is born in the house of hypocrisy, and history records betrayal as the basest crime. I do not need to tell you this, since you know enough about the supposed nobility of people, and also about their criminality. I am speaking to Space. Let Space shout, let it cry out loudly, let it tell people about their end. Even when I am in the far-off worlds, I shall to try to save humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 335:
Indeed, it is not those who ferociously reject Truth who are dangerous, nor those who distort it, but the indifferent ones, the living corpses who remain unmoved by the word of Truth. We can only smile at the blasphemers and deniers, who do not suspect that by attracting attention to the truth they deny, they serve a certain purpose. Some force compels them to direct their energy into loudly denying the truth, while so many servants of Good whisper. Judge for yourself who is of more use, the one who whispers the Truth timidly and inaudibly, or the one who boldly and loudly attacks it.


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