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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LO > LOTUSES (3)

Heart (1932) - 243:
243. Let us accept love as the impetus for the expansion of consciousness. The heart will not be aflame without love; it will not be invincible nor will it be self-sacrificing. Thus, let us give our gratitude to each receptacle of love; it lies on the boundary of the New World, where hate and intolerance are banished. The path of love is the tension of cosmic energy. Thus will people find their place in Cosmos. Not like dry leaves but as flaming lotuses they will be akin to the Highest World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 108:
108. Ask Urusvati to tell about the multiformity of the fires seen by her. Let all these rays, stars, fiery Lotuses, flowers, and all other manifestations of the Fiery World live and be affirmed. It is impossible in earthly words to describe all the quality of these fiery visions. Beyond certain boundaries the Fiery Realm is disclosed like a vision. It cannot be defined by time, nor can the cause of its emergence be determined, for the Fiery Element is entirely beyond earthly dimensions. But if we can see it, both in its grosser manifestations and in its subtlest, it means that even our carnate being can anticipate the higher sphere. Fiery communion is unforgettable once it has been experienced. Thus let us gather courage for the ascent.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48:
The relativity of opinion is demonstrated in discussions about subtle energy. It is incorrect to insist on a particular number of petals for the Lotuses. In addition, each petal differs from the others. Let us not limit the multiformity of the structure of the world. The most unexpectedly profuse growth of the tissues and branchings of the nerves enriches the organism. Each observation is valuable, but let us be very careful in generalizing.


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