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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LO > LOCUSTS (2)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 3:
It is difficult to realize that the thread of the Fire of Space stretches into Infinity, but beautiful is the thought of him who has adhered to this unusual concept. Humanity does not even realize what extinguishing means. But you know that each extinction of a flash of fires ignites supermundane torches. Benefit or harm - it is you, the people, who predetermine. As the sending, so is the receiving. One may create a shower of radiant sendings, but one may also fill the space with locusts. Such is the law of cooperation between thoughts and space.

Brotherhood (1937) - 488:
488. It is necessary to understand how many external conditions go to make up man's frame of mind. This swarm is called "locusts."


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