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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LO > LOCALITY (9)

New Era Community (1926) - 158:
158. Magnetism and gas formations, both dynamic factors, are absolutely not studied. Magnetism attracts attention when a horse is unable to life its shoe from the ground. Gasses are mentioned when people and animals fall dead. Only about such crude manifestations do people talk, but magnetism and gases operate throughout the entire surface of the planet. No place is indifferent, each locality is individual according to qualities of deeply practical significance.

New Era Community (1926) - 158:
You yourselves have performed the experiment with the hazel branch and have been amazed how this most ancient and primitive apparatus became tense, trembled, and went into motion, reacting to underground waters and minerals. Indeed, the source of this obvious reaction lies not in the branch but in the human apparatus. With what detail and fervor must one study, therefore, the reaction of each locality upon man and upon entire groups of people! Many regions are replete with popular rumors about the peculiarities of character of their inhabitants in some places people suffer from goitre; in some they lose their teeth; in some leprosy makes its nest; in some the spleen becomes blighted, or the heart becomes enlarged, or the character sluggish; in some places there is vigor and animation. A great number of such features catch the eye. It may be observed that these peculiarities are not a matter of racial or climatic conditions. The very structure of the ground underfoot may contain the principal causes of the differences in popular characteristics. There is a broad field for study if approached with keen eye and without prejudice.

New Era Community (1926) - 182:
182. True, true, true - people must settle themselves in tested localities. Even a bear shows greater care in selecting his den. Plants will indicate the better possibilities. Look for cedars and pines, heather and oak, grass and flowers of vivid color. Natural electrification in a locality is necessary. Large, long needles of evergreen are the best condensers of electricity. Heights above eleven thousand feet, devoid of vegetation, provide useful prana.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 351:
You may speak to those who approach you about how the densification of the astral will affect life, and also about experiments in making changes to the physical nature of one's locality and of nearby objects. You can point out that an experiment based on natural laws cannot be called supernatural. But of course a consciousness covered with age-old dust cannot quickly grasp the reality of things. For example, when I speak of patience it is necessary to understand it as a fundamental part of daily life. Who would turn a tarrying guest out into the rain? Such attacks of the elements are not lengthy, and it is necessary only to use the time as wisely as possible. It is necessary to understand that now spatial thought is tensed in the direction of the unification of the spheres, and human thought is advancing laboriously along the path of broadening of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 578:
578. The process of deepening and refining one's thinking enables one to conduct remarkable observations of distant communication. You know that a communication enters the consciousness as something separate, and therefore is easily forgotten. You also know that neither tempest nor hurricane can hinder psychic energy, though they can affect the centers, especially the Chalice. It is possible to observe how communications relate to the particular centers, and how the quality of the communications is affected by them. Briefly, the manifold ways of thinking and the varied properties of psychic energy will provide new opportunities for the individuality. Observations conducted under various conditions of locality, temperature, and weather will provide an inexhaustible source for new achievements.

Heart (1932) - 58:
Verily, one can observe where the foot of an Envoy has stepped and how a magnet attracted an entire locality into the orbit of action; as has been said of the Angels of Life and Death. Hence, one must concentratedly watch events and find in them a vast system. If common astrologers mark the coordination of great remote events, then how instructive it is to watch the fulfillment of the paths, knowing their direction.

Heart (1932) - 309:
309. Marakara is a very gloomy locality in the lowest strata of the Subtle World. It is difficult to be there, because prana practically never pierces it. Nevertheless, it is necessary sometimes to penetrate into these satanic layers.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 286:
286. The Agni Yogi is not only a magnetic focus but he also improves the health conditions of a locality. Thus, the Raja Yogi and the Agni Yogi take upon themselves the currents of space. It is not an exaggeration to state that Yoga restores the planet's health. One must hasten to realize the significance of spiritual perfectment. Only through such realization can one ease the strain of the Yogi's task, in which everyone can burden him, but only a few can help. One should attain at least the step of simple respect for the unusual. No one cares to reflect how easily he may cause suffering by his negative malicious attack. Each ignorant person is comparable to a servant of darkness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 49:
But the local people also understand the significance of the Forbidden Locality, and protection is thus created. This is necessary because Our apparatuses may require supplies from the cities. Sometimes buyers obtain certain things whose use is unknown even to them, and send such purchases to Us through Nepal. I can tell you this because there is no danger that the route will be discovered. Many fairy tales have been woven about Our Abode.


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