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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LI > LITERATE (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.8:
The literate in letters can act only upon the surface of the Earth. The literate in spirit can operate beyond all boundaries.

New Era Community (1926) - 230:
230. It would seem that an end has been put forever to the two Western inventions, mysticism and metaphysics. Any laboratory, moderately fitted out, tells enough about the properties of the one matter. But as soon as people go beyond the limits of yesterday's experiment, they begin to cover up their helpfulness with indefinite dusty nomenclature. They rise in opposition, covering with the bugbears "metaphysics" and "mysticism" all the scientific possibilities of the coming day. The metaphysics of yesterday has turned into the scientific knowledge of an average literate man. Mysticism has proved to be a historic fact, and the walls of the tomb have convinced many more, those of broadest consciousness.

Heart (1932) - 251:
251. Some deny everything invisible. Not only savages but many literate people do not wish even to think about the stars. The teachings hint about countless heavenly abodes but people apparently are undesirous of hastening their path. It is the same as in the theater where the spectators weep, yet a moment after are ready to resume their wrath and to crush each other.


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