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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LI > LIMIT (94)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 360:
Father, henceforth I will shorten my psalms, And I will limit the length of my hymns. And podvig will be my prayer, And I will start it with silence.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
Very rarely, almost never, do they limit themselves to a single specialty. Actually, the absence of specialty is characteristic; hands seem to be stretched out to the chalice.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.2:
The daring of despair is self-abnegation. But the highest daring does not expect any reward. And despair expects no reward. In Our language despair is the designation of a limit. An achievement is near to this limit. To the house where it abides one can screw an iron bolt.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.11:
3.4.11. If co-measurement is not observed, then the determination is also destroyed. Our determination is up to the last limit. It is not that determination which proceeds in comfort and fits in with personal habits. Not that determination which is to the body's advantage. Our determination is confined only by the spirit's limits. Therefore, it is impossible to bar the way of Our Striving. Warriors and builders of life proceed with Our determination.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.1:
Reply: "The quality of freedom is remarkable; if freedom exists at all, nothing can limit it. The body can be shackled, but nothing can diminish consciousness except ugliness. When we touch upon the heights of freedom, we must guard against ugliness. If we wish to exalt matter, we must think wisely about beauty."

New Era Community (1926) - 133:
133. The community, being a fellowship first of all, sets as a condition for entrance two conscious decisions; labor without limit and the acceptance of talks without rejection. It is possible to eliminate faint-heartedness by means of a two-fold organization. As a result of unlimited labor there may be a broadening of consciousness. But many people, not bad otherwise, do not envision the results, being frightened by incessant labor and enormous tasks. And yet they have accepted basically the idea of the community. It would be harmful to include these yet weak people in the community; but in order not to extinguish their striving one should not cast them out. For this it is useful to have a second organization - friends of the community. Herein, without forsaking the customary order of life, these newcomers can become more deeply conscious of the community. Such a two-fold organization permits the preservation of a far more concentrated sincerity in the work. If however, a formal entrance into the community itself be allowed, one will be obliged periodically to eject the unfit ones. In other words, the community will cease to exist altogether. It will be simply an institution under a false label, beside which the Sanhedrin of the Pharisees would be a highly righteous establishment.

New Era Community (1926) - 235:
235. Let us take up several childish concepts. What is new? Nothing. But there is only new realization of manifestations of the properties of matter, new for the contemporary level of mind. One must understand that the true affirmations are not in self-contained isolation but in true continuity. Manifestation can be strengthened only in a fearless affirmation of an order of succession. This consideration appears simple enough for children, and in it is contained the power of solidarity. Yet organized solidarity is still not realized. Often people try to limit a manifestation, bringing obvious harm. Any dismemberment is as an axe upon a living organism.

New Era Community (1926) - 239:
How fortunate it is if a new place can be found which enhances the potential of the preceding one. Do not limit a plan by deciding upon one place only - the essence of the plan is important.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 120:
Let the phantoms of ignorance not limit the horizon.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 233:
233. One should not seek afar that which is near. What irreparable harm to humanity results from the extensive searches into magic! Instead of working to improve their consciousness, seekers limit themselves to repeating formulas of others, without any knowledge of their meaning and rhythm.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 314:
314. One should know that the time for change is different for every formation of matter. If matter is changed in one place, that does not mean that the entire group of planetary bodies will be changed at the same time. Properly speaking, if Satya Yuga were to begin on one planet, it would take a very long time to spread and unite the entire group of planets, though the signs of such spreading would soon appear on some planetary bodies. One should never limit one's thinking to a single planet.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 337:
If we limit ourselves by dead laws, it would be better to move to a cemetery.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 407:
The Teaching, based on experience, brings to each thinker the joy of application. Do not limit that which is immeasurably great and close to the active consciousness. Do not constrict within preset limits that which comes down to us as the Breath of the Mother of the World. Let us say how joyful it is to serve the cause of renewal without fear of taking the wrong path. Beginning with the most obvious and tangible, following the immutable laws, let us apply our best efforts to the Teaching of Life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 410:
410. It is most important to explore untried paths. One should not avoid palaces and limit oneself to old hovels. It would be equally narrow-minded to stay in palace chambers, avoiding the hovels. Do not limit yourself.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 451:
In these words is contained the tragedy of our times. We find time without limit for all kinds of petty activities, but we do not find an hour for the most vital.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 3:
3. A concept completely foreign to that of Cosmos exists in the human consciousness the concept of the void. How can the labor of evolution, the fiery construction of your planet, be limited by void! It is not difficult to understand that the very smallest beginning is conceived within bounds. Then why not admit that it is boundlessness that permits the manifestation of physical changes? Could one diminish this manifestation? The concept of Boundlessness does not mean complexity; simply picture the earthly undergoing transformation into a higher state. There is no limit to upward striving. It means that the idea of continuity in everything and in all dimensions is not complex. Do not limit the manifestations!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 10:
You who fear the end, turn your face to the radiance of the Mother of the World and affirm yourself in the understanding of evolution. There is no limit to the sendings from the Mountains. There is no limit to the warranty of the far-off worlds. There is no limit to the natural treasures of the visible and invisible spheres.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 20:
20. It is customary to consider karma as the will and recompense determining the course of one's life. It is also customary to consider karma as retribution. But in its true significance, karma means labor. Do not limit the work of the laboratory of the spirit and you will see the results.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 62:
62. The world of form is unlimited, and a developed receptivity and imagination can add multifold manifestations to Be-ness. If we accept the concept of a whole arc of ascent through all directions of Space, we will be able to attain understanding of the far-off worlds. Why not enrich life by admitting into the consciousness the fact that beyond its earthly dwelling the spirit has treasures toward which to aspire? Those who deny the life on the far-off worlds deprive themselves of their own obvious wealth. Why not accept the thought that the worlds cleave to a chain which leads from conception to unending evolution? Creation, which expands in an ascending arc, proceeds just as the Cosmic Fire. Why should one limit the Cosmos to Earth alone, in the belief that Cosmos provided only the one refuge to man? Let us rise upon the ascending arc in cooperation with the far-off worlds. The spirit knows that creativeness, for the fruits of the next step, must be intensified.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 74:
74. People who circumscribe themselves by the evident, and who sense only the obvious, limit their world. The visible does not lead to Infinity, and therefore a limited mind is attempting to solve the creative complexities. Infinity can be cognized. The supreme understanding can be attained only by a supreme cognizance. The highest perception is accessible only to the one who knows the spiritual world. Psychic energy opens all gates. And the best attainment of the human spirit will be the realization of Infinity. The symbol of energy will reveal to humanity the unceasingness of the processes of all Be-ness. Could one stop the endless stream of lives moving on toward Infinity?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 110:
110. In the higher worlds Infinity is regarded as the basic aspect of life. Then the process of thought penetrates to the center of cosmic foundation, which is called "The Bell." If people knew that they live for only an insignificant number of years in comparison to Eternity, and if they would stop thinking that this stage is limited by cosmic ordainment, then the beauty of cosmic evolution would unfold before them. Confining their lives, people limit their activities. People's centers are dormant, and only when the consciousness awakens is it directed to the understanding that all senses can live psychically in the rhythm of Cosmos. Man expresses only a small part of his life and with minor activity of his centers. In limiting his own life he limits the Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 348:
Without limit is the magnetism of the creative principle!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 27:
We consider haughtiness toward one's Guru as the limit of conceit. Thus let the disciples remember on all paths.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 325:
325. The earthly strata are greatly tensed because all earthly centers are atremble in the effort toward shifting. Every step of the cosmic shifting evokes tension. Thus, both matter and spirit are acting. The spirit immerging into the affirmed sphere of evolution is under the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. How, then, can a spirit who does not carry the fires be affirmed? Each step of evolution is constructed by the Cosmic Magnet. Only when the spirit can build the step of cumulation of the Chalice can he become a co-worker of the Cosmic Magnet. Every effort to go beyond the limit of the usual pertains to constructiveness. Having stepped beyond the earthly strata, the spirit understands the needs of Earth. Thus, verily, will the spirit realize the Infinite.

Heart (1932) - 135:
135. Thought-reading comes from straight knowledge. Not artificial magic, not glaring of the eyes, not the holding of hands, but the fire of the heart connects the subtlest apparatuses. There are two difficulties - the reader may be surrounded by several currents, and the one whose thoughts are being read may think so unclearly that he himself is unable to establish his basic thought. But the reading of thoughts is instructive not only as a phenomenon for the contemporary consciousness of humanity, but as a scientific physical experiment in the transmission of currents. There are so many significant experiments awaiting their turn! You all know of the luminous manifestations, but as yet no scientists have investigated the appearance of these lights. Are they optical manifestations, purely visual, or are they spatial chemical ones? Perhaps this condensation of energy may set the beginning of a new method of lighting. All these manifestations belong to the investigations of psychic energy. Why should one think that humanity is destined to limit itself solely to the one type of cosmic energy called electricity? There may be many channels for the manifestation of this energy. But, of course, it is easier for people first to pay attention to their own microcosm - the heart - in which slumber all the energies of the world.

Heart (1932) - 264:
264. Beyond all human boundaries flash the sparks of space. So, also, over and above earthly decrees the far-off calls come flying. Do you not awaken at times with unusual words in your consciousness, do you do not hear unearthly names? The meetings in the Subtle World are not few. Not few are the channels to the fiery regions. And often we are called by those whom we are destined to encounter sooner or later in the future. The earthly world is not impoverished if we ourselves do not limit it. Not a little did the ancients teach us about the possibilities of transformation and the link with the Highest Consciousness. It is unforgivable for us to remain in an animal state. For although animals sense the Subtle World, they do not cognize it. But people must realize their link with the far-off worlds; in this lies their distinction and power. Yet if people close their consciousness, they harm not only themselves but also existence in general.

Heart (1932) - 497:
497. You will be confronted with the question - Why does the manifested help appear precisely upon the brink of the abyss? There are many causes for this, among them karma and the desire for self-perfectment, yet from another angle, the cause lies in the tensity of heart energy. For cooperation with the Highest Forces tensity of the heart is needed, but it usually begins only when the tension reaches its extreme limit. This means that if the heart energy were manifested as it should be, cooperation would be achieved earlier. Thus we arrive again at the education of the heart energy. Let us remember that this education should begin with the minutest sensations and the most usual actions. This circumstance complicates the situation, because people usually like to say, "Let me fight a giant, but spare me from catching fleas." Yet giants are rare, whereas fleas are innumerable. One must pass through these dark swarms. The house has to be protected from them. The venom carried by the giant is less than that of the flea. Furthermore, the appearance of the giant evokes unusual courage; yet courage is also necessary against flies and fleas, and usually people suffer from flies rather than from giants.

Heart (1932) - 565:
565. Much more of the wondrous occurs than we are accustomed to think. One could cite some historic instances of how prominent persons disappeared without leaving traces. But those who, for certain reasons, could not hide, apparently died, asking that they be covered tightly and that afterward thick layers of flowers be strewn upon them. During the night unknown persons came, made an exchange, and departed with the apparently dead. One could point out more than one case in Asia, Egypt, Greece, when events demanded such a transformation. Of course history represents these events in an entirely distorted manner. Empty tombs and secret cremations could recall much that is unknown to the people. One should measure with large scales. One should not assume that things are limited. Materia Lucida is ample for all achievements. One can develop great responsibility precisely through great measures. There are many ways, and if now We insist upon the shortest, it means that the limit of events has approached. It is correct to observe the causes and the course of events. But only a few feel responsibility for what takes place. I can affirm that each indicated situation has its most immediate designation. Since ancient days it was customary to investigate the disciple's degree of observation. For this, a seemingly abstract formula was altered and it was observed whether the keen intelligence would be capable of retrospection in order to find application for the formula expressed. The Teaching can deepen the understanding through observation.

Heart (1932) - 587:
This parable can be told to many. The coils of the snake are so frequent! Having become like snakes, people cannot tolerate anything beyond their crawling state. They are ready to waste time and effort in order to discover something which in their opinion would be disparaging. The worm's dimensions correspond to such a tendency of thought. He who tries to assert that the Yogi's achievements do not exist is verily a cunning worm! But it is necessary to centralize all the details of Yoga through refinement of the heart - thus are the ancient achievements renewed in the rays of the New World. Why limit oneself to earthly achievements? Why rend oneself forcibly from karmic conditions? Through the Fiery Baptism one can also here attain the unity with the Subtle World. Thus one can strengthen oneself through the understanding of the heart and receive those beneficial currents which are sensed physically.

Heart (1932) - 592:
592. Suicide is a profanation against the heart, and the extreme limit of ignorance. A premeditated murder is likewise against the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 101:
101. No justification is possible where there is hatred. I summon to magnanimity, not to weakness. One may renounce everything for the Service of Light, but one must test good will in the Fire. This must be understood with the strings of the heart. But when you encounter a tiger, do not think of helping him; there is a limit to abomination.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 171:
171. The need for fiery knowledge will, like the imagination, lie in the domain of accumulated life experiences. Indeed, remembrance of the Fiery World is incomparably rarer than subtle impressions. Often people have no words to express fiery impressions. People usually do not think with their minds, but limit their thinking by the conventional words of others, thus introducing dead words into the vast domain of thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 219:
219. Which of the conventional types of humanity expresses the fiery heart? The customary trend of thought may surmise the type to be of sanguinary nature, or, at least choleric, but this conclusion is an ignorant one. The fiery heart is a synthesized essence and cannot be fitted into purely conventional categories. It can only be asserted that the hypochondriac does not reflect the fiery essence. Thus, one must imagine the fiery heart as an all-containing receptacle. The fires of such a heart will also not be uniform. Who can limit Buddhi by blue color? It may be asked of which shade is this vibrating blue color? In any scale there will be a blue tone, depending on the outer and inner chemism. Also, let us not forget daltonism, which is widely developed. Thus, within a single law the fiery heart will find all the riches that befit the splendor of the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 240:
240. One receives communion from a Fiery Chalice; another swallows a goblet of inflaming wine. The first is enraptured in spirit, the second shudders in the flame and is destroyed. The first can receive communion endlessly; the second quickly reaches the limit of poisoning. Is not the solution in the spirit? Quality of thought employs the fire for Good. Drunkenness is deplorable, as a perversion of the sacred Fire. Least of all can Fire be coupled with egoism.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 308:
308. Self-perfectment is Light. Self-indulgence is darkness. One can so build one's life that each day will, as it were, be the end. But one can so illumine one's life that each hour will be a beginning. Thus one can rebuild one's earthly existence beneath one's very eyes. Only in this way will the questions of the future and the understanding of fiery perfectment become perceptible. Daring should be found to reconstruct one's life in accordance with new accumulations. To die in the bed of one's grandfather is to be relegated to a medieval status. We even advise that these beds be taken to a museum; this will also be more hygienic. However, we should not limit tomorrow by the measurements of yesterday; if we do, how can we approach a comprehension of the Fiery World, which was like hellfire to our grandfathers. And now, when due reverence is tendered to Light and the grandeur of Fire, we can have spiritually a very rich tomorrow.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 402:
402. Unexpectedness paralyzes all human senses. Hearing, sight, smell, and also touch are lost. But this is not the result of fear, only of turning away from a preconceived path. Actually, of all the elements fire offers the greatest amount of unexpectedness. People limit their consciousness to merely a few formulas of Agni. Therefore, all other varieties of the element of fire are simply not contained in the consciousness. This means that there is much still to be assimilated, and the unexpected can thus be turned into the expected. One should also deal similarly with hitherto unfamiliar manifestations of life. One should arm oneself spiritually in order that nothing in the Subtle World may surprise one. Many hope to meet relatives and a Guide; even films, devoid of spirit, have disclosed impressions of such meetings more than once. But in all worlds it is best to rely upon one's own consciousness and strength. Therefore one should eliminate every possibility of shocking the narrow consciousness. One must free oneself from being shocked by the unexpected. There are numerous unexpected concepts, forms, and combinations which make the consciousness shudder, but the more we admit and imagine, the less we are bound. Thus, develop your imagination on a world-wide scope. People refuse to believe that the unexpected, in other words, ignorance produces a paralysis of the nerves. Though it be ever so brief, such a reaction arrests the work of Fire. Wherever possible, one should accustom oneself to the concept of unexpectedness. This advice should be remembered especially.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 483:
483. Let the thought-creativeness of the Subtle World remind us of what kind of amplifier is revealed to us. Verily, he who passes over in righteousness multiplies the righteousness, and he who passes over in evil becomes a source of evil. Thus we can multiply our energies without limit. It is therefore our duty to refine our organisms in order that it be a worthy receptacle. And these actions can be performed in palaces as well as in huts. Only consciousness of the grandeur of the revealed Fiery World leads to the path of unity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 558:
558. Premeditated murder is one thing, self-defense is another. When one is subjected to an attack by the dark forces, it is necessary to defend oneself. Thought about defense is not murder. Each one can defend himself first of all by the strength of his spirit. Some strengthen their protective net, picturing it as a shield. But the fiery heart does not limit itself to a shield; it sends forth the spiral of Agni, which blunts the most malevolent arrows. Of course, courage and resourcefulness are needed for such action.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 644:
644. Bliss, Nirvana, Divine Nearness and all analogous terms for the higher state are usually understood in an earthly sense. Thus, Bliss is always understood as an ecstatic oblivion and the rapture of some kind of indolent rest; but oblivion may be understood only as the erasure of all earthly means and examples. Truly, why such limited earthly ways, when one can already act through the higher energies? Is it possible to identify Divine Nearness with indolence and immersion in oblivion? Such a correlation is contrary to the very meaning of approach to the Highest Principle. This conjoining with the Highest, this transformation through the higher energies, primarily impels one to an increased tension of all forces. Even in extreme tension a man must not lose hold of himself. But amidst the contacts with fiery radiances, the seed of the spirit will be kindled the more, and its striving toward thought-creativeness, unrestrainable. One may wonder why people try to limit and disparage the significance of the Fiery World. They wish to clothe it in earthly limitations and also stipulate that the inhabitants of other worlds must exist in earthly bodies and dwell in earthly conditions. Only an undeveloped imagination can limit the Universe to such a degree. Therefore I so greatly emphasize the development of imagination as the basis of striving toward the Higher Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 650:
650. In all Teachings the dark forces are represented as shooting their fiery arrows at the Illumined One. This battle is depicted in beautiful symbols. No less beautifully is it indicated that the malevolent arrows do not reach their target but form a protective net. Let us not regard this heedlessly; this symbol is entirely realistic, even from the viewpoint of modern science. The malevolent flame encounters the great fire of the heart and becomes subservient, only augmenting the Agni of the Great Spirit. Thus, the heart which manifests all its power is invincible. In case of retreat, search nearby. Has the heart maintained all its force? Has not some transitory earthly circumstance interfered? Has not self-pity arisen? Did not a quiver of fear overcast the heart? And did not doubt allow clouds to set in? Verily, where the Agni of the heart is not overcast, there can be no defeat. Often it seems to a man that he has reached his limit, but he is deceived by faulty vision, and a large expanse still lies before him, precisely where victory may come. Prematurity leads to misfortune.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 17:
17. Rhythm is the progenitor of cooperation. From hoary antiquity people have understood the significance of rhythmic choirs, of musical movements; thus has the consciousness accumulated knowledge about the impelling force of collective labor. People knew long ago that rhythm kindled collective fires and helped in avoiding irritation and disunity. It affirmed identical aspirations, therefore music is the sign of unity before collective work. It is a pity that modern music is so often lacking in rhythm. Perhaps it serves as the beginning of many spiritual ulcers, but the question of harmony is unusually complicated. Lack of rhythm is disunity, but crude rhythm is stupor. Thus only a fiery consciousness will prompt the refinement of rhythm. One may ponder over many things, but we shall always return to the fiery understanding. The abode of Agni is opened not by reasoning but by the harmony of rhythm. Precisely as a vessel sometimes is opened not by force but by rhythm. Only the true rhythm carries us forward and preserves us from delay. Yet we know all the detrimental result of delay, as in movement, so also in spirit. It is inadmissible to have a broken rhythm, at times retarded and at other times accelerated. Thus an enormous and useless expenditure of energy takes place. He will not retreat who has begun to advance in fiery rhythm. Precisely this rhythm saves one from sorrowful ponderings and leads one forward in spirit; therefore let us not limit the effectiveness of the rhythm by external motion only, let us introduce it into spiritual life.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 140:
140. It is necessary not only to recognize that there is no void, but also to understand the surrounding life. The understanding of life as intertwined and mutually nourishing brings realization of the omnipresence of psychic energy. On the very smallest examples, in incomplete micro-organisms, one may study that which is strikingly all-saturating. Varied currents, rays, and chemisms pass through masses of beings, but psychic energy not only does not retard them, but transmits them farther. When we speak of the most pure air, even about the purest Prana, we nevertheless presuppose all-containment, and in this containment various tensions. Picturing such physical saturation will aid the realization of Higher Worlds. Actually, everything is alive, and everything manifests the same energy. In this primitive position rests also the possibility of transmutation of everything existing. Death becomes a transposition and life becomes unavoidable cooperation. The very approach to the Fiery World is application of conformable qualities. It is sad to see how people limit themselves and try to destroy the universe. Perhaps overproduction, competition, and distortion of the meaning of life will bring humanity into a blind alley, and then it will be obliged to stop and think. Because, by setting aside all limitations the recognition of the Higher Worlds will come along. Calling to the Fiery World, we must have recourse to comparison with micro-organisms, and thus impel people to think about a saturation with the uninterrupted life. Indeed it is easier to think with the heart, above all micro-organisms. It is necessary to summon to such a solution.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 209:
209. The picture of present-day reality is still more unattractive. One must value highly the periods of time during which there was no blasphemy. Has not this viper poisoned the present state of affairs? We are much troubled to see how senselessly people limit their lives, not thinking about the great miracle which each man bears within himself. To each one has this marvel been allotted. The purse of the heart is identical in all - place therein the treasure!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 269:
269. The singular expression which you observed on the portraits pertains to the domain of Hiero-inspiration. Already in remote antiquity this spiritual penetration was understood. In ancient Egypt portrait images were used as a means of communion at a distance. Sacred Images likewise respond to spiritual communion. But this natural manifestation should be understood simply, as one more grain of knowledge, and not as magic or sorcery. No one can draft a boundary line to limit the knowledge of the spirit. No one has such an imagination as to be able to realize where the magnitude of energy could be cut short. Hence, one should conscientiously note all the understood details of various manifestations. One must rejoice at all such realizations, because these fiery beacons lead to the Fiery World. Consequently, on such paths one should apply great vigilance. One must accept reality as it is. Not distrust nor sleepiness, but the good eye and the opened heart lead to understanding of the new manifestations of the Fiery World. Observe how much the expression of the image becomes changed, and in the course of time you can compare this with events. It is needful, of course, to carry out observations upon people who have for you a special significance, and whom you know. The manifestation of such alterations of expression was called by the Egyptians the mirror of the soul.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 33:
33. Amidst the wrestlings of the spirit there should be especially noted the feeling of dissatisfaction. The spirit which possesses a synthesis can, of course, affirm its strength. But precisely these fiery receivers do not know the feeling of satisfaction. Thus, one may often observe in life that conventionality precludes acceptance of the Bearers of Synthesis. The multitude always evaluates evidence alone. One may only regret that people so limit themselves by creating such narrow boundaries. One may pity those who are unwilling to understand the creativeness of thought. You spoke correctly about thought and straight-knowledge. The thought reigns above all Samadhi. The higher, the more powerful. The more flaming the thought the more useful the manifestation. Truly, thought is all-powerful and limitless.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 44:
Can people then grasp the magnitude of laws which balance the entire Cosmos? Earthly measure is not applicable to the grandeur of Cosmos; and the lack of success of all the investigations can be attributed to this lack of understanding. It is impossible to limit the Unlimited! Thinking can penetrate the depth of Cosmos when the spirit is imbued with the understanding of the essential nature of Fire, its infinite power and unlimited properties. If humanity could grasp the essentiality and magnitude of fiery constructiveness, then all the steps of evolution would lead to the affirmation of great laws. Everything movable travels a spiral path toward great refinement. Therefore on the path to the Fiery World one should know about the infinitude of the laws.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 48:
48. How man does limit the Fiery Right! He does not even understand that he is going against the very affirmation of Existence. How many wondrous manifested laws are concealed from man! Thus each sacred principle must be guarded. Close by is the revelation, yet it is difficult to broaden the consciousness. Thus the sacred is cognized by that spirit which is close to the Fiery Law. Unification is affirmation of the Cosmic law of Causality. A fiery vortex generates a powerful spatial tension; therefore all human calculations are unreliable. Indeed, to humanity it has been given according to its consciousness; that is the reason Truth is concealed, but the affirmation of Fiery Right rules in space. Thus We, the Arhats, sacredly guard in the heart the law of Cosmic Right. Cosmic structure is impossible without fiery fusion - upon this we shall end.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 141:
141. Precisely a Fiery Purification must be affirmed upon Earth. Bodily energies are nurtured with earthly emanations, and the energies of fiery potentials must be just as vitally manifested in the earthly spheres. The path of fiery purifications must reach its mighty limit, because organisms, by exerting their intensities of will, can establish a sacred bond with the Fiery World. Therefore, only saturated spirits can prolong their labors on the refinement of the centers. Without this permeation it is impossible to consolidate the labor of the spirit in the two Worlds. On the path to the Fiery World one must accept the law of Purification by Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 171:
171. Yes, the heart of the Arhat is like the Heart of the Cosmos. But wherein is contained the sunlike quality of the heart of the Arhat? We say - in love, but not in that aspect of love to which humanity likes to limit it; nor yet in that benevolent love which people ascribe to a Patriarch. No, the sunlike heart of the Arhat propels into achievement and smites everything corrupting. The Heart of the Arhat contends with darkness and affirms fiery striving.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 258:
258. The cleansing of space is reaching into all undertakings. The time has come to make evident the forces marching with the Light and those marching with darkness. Indeed, the temptation of the Prince of darkness is therein that he promises repose, but We say - it is the last hour! Only an accelerated purification will make possible the salvation of the planet; indeed, this is not a matter of eons, nor even of many years. Actually fiery explosion will save the planet. Fiery explosion must be displayed in every manifestation. Only the cleansing of space, only the purification of the consciousness, only the purification of the Teachings, will produce the manifestation of purified explosions of the spirit. True, the darkness is becoming dense, but when the tension of the forces of darkness reaches its limit, then will the Forces of Light affirm Their might. Thus one should be prepared for the acceptance of great tension. Light conquers darkness!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 336:
336. The equilibrium of the World has been violated to the very limit. Spiritual striving proceeds apart from matter, and instead of unity there is derived a frightful disunity and dissolution. All unapplied energies remain in the earthly strata, and instead of finding employment they are borne into a chaotic vortex. The spiritual quest is also carried into a chaotic vortex because the isolation of mankind severs the currents from the Higher Spheres. Equilibrium does not come about without the participation of all spatial and human radiations. On the path to the Fiery World, the basis of equilibrium is affirmation of the beginning of the Enlightened Epoch of the World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 463:
463. The mind does not love fire, for it is always contending with the heart. The mind does not love wisdom for it fears Infinity. The mind attempts to limit itself with laws, because it does not rely upon flights. Thus it is possible to discover the earthly principle, and also flights into the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 148:
By Mystery is the world maintained. There is no limit to Infinity.

AUM (1936) - 267:
267. Each prayer is a beginning and not a conclusion. Ordinarily prayer is understood as something final, whereas there can be no communion with the Higher World without consequences. Each slight opening of the sacred Gates already renews the chords of the consciousness. This renewal does not bespeak the past but is directed into the future. Thus, prayer is the gateway to the future. This creative force should be kept in mind. It is inadmissible to limit oneself to the gesture of outward prayer; such hypocrisy is the most dangerous blasphemy. Yet it is impossible to affirm the power of communion with the Higher World so long as the basic energy remains unrealized. Therefore, knowledge of the Subtle World helps to construct the step to the Higher World. The Subtle World has already become almost a laboratory concept. Though the names be diverse, the goal of the quest is one. Let us not disturb the scholars who draw close to the Great Unknown. We are indifferent as to how they name the sparks of the One Light. In approaching, they will suspect that there are a great number of subdivisions. They will be right from their point of view, because psychic energy reveals its face according to the quality of energy of the investigator.

AUM (1936) - 438:
438. Desperation is bad, but there is another measure of extreme intensity which is necessary for attainment. Externally it can almost be identified with the limit of despair, but in essence they will be opposites. Despair is destructive, but the extreme limit of tension is constructive.

Brotherhood (1937) - 93:
93. All is possible; only depression of spirit can whisper about impossibility. Each step of science does not limit; it provides a new possibility. If something appears impossible from the earthly point of view, it may be entirely feasible through application of subtle energies. The face of a man changes with the source of light. Lightning can alter to the point of non-recognition the facial features and can reveal a quite unusual expression. But there are so many rays and currents, of diverse influence, and they can transform that which exists!

Brotherhood (1937) - 167:
167. Rarely is found a ready consciousness, one which does not limit itself by fear, doubt, malice and hypocrisy. It can be seen that harmful limitation comes not only from without; first of all, it stirs about in the corners of the consciousness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 341:
341. Thought is the law of the world. This law must be understood in all its fullness. Thought is not only verbal expression, the domain of thought is also the domain of mental energy. Precisely this circumstance is lost sight of, and only a small range is allotted for the diffusion of thought. Such limitation prevents from representing thought as beyond the limits of the planet, in other words, it deprives thought of its noble meaning. Thought, just as does thought-energy, actually assumes due significance when it is understood as existing beyond the limits of Earth. It is impossible to limit thought to the earthly sphere, otherwise radio waves could compete with this greatest of energies. Constricting the greatest energy also aids the belittlement of human thinking. Verily, the more man constrains his possibilities, the more does he cut himself off from great cooperation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 378:
378. Thought does not die away in space. Horizontally and vertically thought traverses space. There is no limit to its expansion. But nothing can remain in the same state. We know about the inviolability of thought, but apparently transmutation of it is taking place, and one needs to know into what the thought is being transmuted. It flows into pure fire. A beautiful circle results. From the fire arises energy - a creative thought - and through the earthly furnace this thought is again united with fire. The circle is closed, and renewed energy ascends regenerated for new labor. Such consummated cycles can be observed throughout the Universe. But the evolution of thought will be especially sublime. Therefore, does not this realization of the value of thought impel man to intensify his thought-energy? Let each one apprehend what kind of thought will be especially creative. Let man weigh in his heart which thought is fitting for him. Thus a selection of values takes place.

Brotherhood (1937) - 433:
433. For some reason birds are considered carefree, but they not only sense bad weather they also display more concern about dates for nesting and migration than people do. Goal-fitness has been excellently developed in all the kingdoms of nature. This quality is not always appreciated by people; they know too little of the past, and they do not wish to think about the future. For the most part, investigations of the past are casual, and therefore findings are heterogeneous. People usually limit themselves to quests of known places; they forget that life passes along the most unexpected paths, and its traces can be found unostensibly and unexpectedly. It is essential to preserve the writings of contemporaries, which in the course of time will help to find places already leveled to the ground.

Brotherhood (1937) - 557:
557. He who adheres to the Brotherhood knows full well where the Ineffable begins. Do not attempt to break his silence when he has reached the limit of possibilities. One should not burden him with questions which cannot be answered without harm. Only ignorance can assume that it can assimilate each answer. Yet, there can be answers so incomprehensible, as if spoken in an unknown language, that the consonance of the alien words may appear to convey the wrong meaning. Great cautiousness is necessary during the contact with higher concepts, Brotherhood being among them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48:
The relativity of opinion is demonstrated in discussions about subtle energy. It is incorrect to insist on a particular number of petals for the Lotuses. In addition, each petal differs from the others. Let us not limit the multiformity of the structure of the world. The most unexpectedly profuse growth of the tissues and branchings of the nerves enriches the organism. Each observation is valuable, but let us be very careful in generalizing.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 61:
61. Urusvati is not afraid to join Us during the battle. Many become frightened at the mere mention of battle, and others are overcome with confusion when they learn of its long duration. Still others are seized by a deadly terror when they understand that this battle is without end. Most people try to limit Infinity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70:
One may hear that Brother R. lives in the Carpathians, but it would be just as true to say that I live in London. Undoubtedly, Brother R. has been in the Carpathian Mountains just as I have been in London, but one should not mislead people by referring to dwelling places as permanent. Likewise, one should not think that Brother H. lives in Germany, although some people would like to limit his whereabouts even more, to the vicinity of Nuremburg. There are many examples of how people arbitrarily dispose of Us, while proclaiming themselves to be high initiates, or even Maha Chohans.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 109:
Abuse of the Primary Energy has been compared to the abuse of alcohol, which is beneficial in small doses during certain illnesses, but harmful in large doses. So also, psychic energy can be used for benefit or destruction, and only a broadened consciousness will understand how much can be drawn from this source of energy without abusing it. People have the idea that they can use the beautiful energy without limit, but they forget about the creative laws that provide all possibilities and at the same time limit them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 135:
Thoughts should be directed to the Beautiful, as a salutary medicine. People do not understand what a powerful remedy has been given to them, and they prefer to complain, feel discontent, and weep, not understanding that such ways only limit the best possibilities.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 142:
Thus you can see what We have to struggle with, yet people never tire of criticizing Us. Not only the fanatics but even good thinkers attempt to correct Our Instructions. May We remind you about a writer who proposed to limit the tasks given by Us, without even taking the trouble to read Our Advice! There were many who tried to hinder the activities of the Brotherhood. Later, some misguided critics repented, but the harm caused by their judgments had to be outlived, and such karmic wounds constitute the most bitter earthly experiences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 169:
The Great Pilgrim used to emphasize the necessity of balance, and one might wonder if by this He meant cosmic equilibrium. He affirmed the existence of many worlds and directed thought toward the Highest. Such affirmation was needed because people thought of Earth as the only abode of humanity, and even today many limit their thought to Earth alone.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 180:
180. Urusvati knows that people try to belittle and limit the highest manifestations. The Thinker said, "A salutary shield is spread from Heaven to Earth, but instead of raising themselves to it, people use every device to bring it down to their level. They do not realize that even the most beneficial remedies can lose their power in the earthly mire."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 185:
The Teacher can create a better future, but the disciple must realize and accept it. It is not easy to recognize evolution. Sometimes it comes in silence, but at other times the outcry of the masses can be a sign of the advance of humanity. Why should you limit yourselves to silence or the influence of noisy crowds? Certainly the Higher Will does not restrict itself in this way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 219:
If someone says, "I want only to follow the Teaching of the Great Pilgrim," he will limit his progress. But We appreciate his loving the Great Pilgrim with all his heart, for the heart is inexhaustible. Is it right to suppress such transports of the heart when you know about the labors performed for the good of humanity?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220:
According to a certain kind of person, nothing worthwhile exists for him here on Earth and therefore he has no reason to live. However, if he carries such thoughts with him into the Subtle World, he will continue the same idle existence there. If people limit their idea of the Subtle World by their earthly experience, they will prevent themselves from acquiring new experiences. Few think about the higher worlds, and most would be afraid of the radiance of Materia Lucida. The possibility that thinking will become keener frightens the limited mind. While still on Earth, people should suggest to themselves where precisely they would like to continue their progress. They must concentrate their free will and direct their minds toward consciously chosen subtle experiences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242:
242. Urusvati knows that he who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind. But no one cares when this storm will take place and whom it will destroy. People speak about karma and limit it by their own criteria, but karma acts progressively. This storm will, indeed, affect many, and the punishment will fall upon the sower of the wind.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296:
Scientists often bring the faculty of intuition into their research. This intuition may already dwell within or may be newly born in the depths of the consciousness. Either way, it should be heeded, for it is hard to discern the boundary between intuition and clairvoyance, and one should not limit the process of thinking to the physical abilities. Even during ordinary telescopic observation it must be remembered that the human eye works in diverse ways, and We can assure you that man sees things differently each day.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296:
We can properly observe the heavenly bodies only by utilizing these methods. From an early age, young people should be taught that the complex process of learning is a broad synthesis of all knowledge. Those teachers who begin with methods that limit thinking are in error.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 323:
One should think of consciousness as a vessel that can contain all the human potential. When an ordinary cup is filled to the brim there is no room for more, but fortunately the vessel of consciousness can be stretched infinitely to accommodate the life-giving fluid. Thus, even the most wretched individual will not be deprived of wisdom if he can realize that the capacity of his consciousness is without limit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 345:
Similarly misunderstood is Nirvana, in which the greatest intensification of one's faculties is sometimes interpreted as passive, unfeeling inaction. Equilibrium requires mutual tension, for both cups of the scale must bear equal loads. Therefore, both cups, the mundane and the supermundane, never stand empty. In his ignorance, man prefers to limit himself to one side or the other. That is why humanity is lame; but can one hop for long on one foot? Can one drag one's crutch into the Subtle World? I speak in jest, for sometimes a jest is better remembered!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 347:
The question arises as to whether events caused by hatred can be goal-fitting. You must realize that evil can be good, in a relative way. It is hard to imagine putting a limit on the number of miseries! Sometimes the only alternative is to choose the lesser evil, or, as the Romans said, "to take with a light hand."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362:
Sometimes people hope that there will appear a Guide who will save them from any abyss. These selfish people do not understand that the Guide suffers when descending into the lower spheres. Others think that there is enough time in Infinity, and that while on Earth they can enjoy themselves without limit! Alas, once beyond the earthly boundaries, they will learn to evaluate their losses.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 395:
So-called sacred pains are caused only by an excessive outflow of psychic energy. But how can we disapprove of the generosity of one who serves the Common Good with all his will and being? One cannot place a limit on self-sacrifice when rendering help to humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400:
400. Urusvati knows how uninterested and forgetful people are about past eras. Not realizing that today's culture is linked to the past, they demean it and thus limit their knowledge of the present. The recent past is vaguely remembered, and the ancient periods have been completely forgotten. Thus do people restrict the scope of their life awareness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 405:
People are straining the energies, ignoring the fact that every beginning has its end. A cannon's fire can cause rain, but this is just a primitive example. Radio waves thicken the atmosphere, yet the number of radios increases without limit. Factory owners do not care what diseases they cause, and one can observe many resultant cases of irritation of the mucous membranes and malignant tumors. People do not regard their own wilfulness as a likely cause, nor do they realize that new victims will appear who will pay with their lives.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 433:
It is not only in the sequence of incarnations that various accumulations occur. One can observe changes of desires and aspirations even within one human life. This may also happen by involution, when one falls into savagery and dullness, but let us not speak now about such gloomy manifestations. On the contrary, let us stress how much good one can accumulate during one earthly life - one can learn without limit! The impulse of a growing consciousness will disclose how varied are the ways of seeking.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
Remember that this epidemic was foreseen long ago. When We spoke about Armageddon, We had in mind not only war, but all the devastating consequences of humanity's confusion. But one should not fall into despair, for a depressed state opens the door to all that is poisonous. It is wise to know that Armageddon is accompanied by epidemics. We cannot limit our awareness to known forms of illnesses, but must be ready to face the most complicated and unusual symptoms. Physicians must be able to recognize these new diseases, which are now appearing everywhere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436:
The Thinker said, "Trust is the most reliable weapon. But where is the limit of trust? Man knows that trust is limitless."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 449:
Great is the feeling of joyous readiness! Such a radiant feeling is without limit; it illumines the entire aura and multiplies the physical strength. The mother who saves her child is imbued with strength. Equally strong is the one who is ready to repel all attacks, and in such full readiness is manifested the unification of his various energies. We are speaking specifically about extraordinary combinations of energy, but people ignore signs of extreme danger. If the feeling of constant readiness is cultivated in childhood, it will provide victory over egoism.


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