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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LI > LILIES (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 14:
And the lilies will blossom upon the stones. And at the first ray, throw open your chamber door, And the birds will sing in praise of labor.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.15:
2.3.15. The growth of the works is similar to that of lilies. Near a garden wall one white sister has hidden herself. She has no companions, but the stalks already carry the evidence of new ones.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 164:
164. People talk much about the aid that should flow from Our Abode. But let us examine the ability of people to accept Our help. Each person who yearns for assistance has already decided selfishly the direction and measure of it. Can an elephant find room in a low cellar? But the seeker of help cares about neither its proportion nor its suitability. For him, lilies should flower during wintertime, and in the desert a spring must burst forth; otherwise the Teacher's merit is small.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 387:
It is helpful to have the length and intensity of these transmissions alternately increased and decreased every seven days. Three times daily is sufficient: morning, noon, and at sunset. In the morning the plants should be watered, adding a pinch of soda to the water. At sunset they should be watered with a solution of valerian. One may continue in this way, testing the plants but also conditioning oneself to the performance of rhythmic action. Poisonous plants should not be used for these experiments, nor should any of the families of lilies or ferns. In this way the emanations of psychic energy will be increased.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 76:
As truth surpasses imagination, so is the future beyond dreams. Origen said "With the eyes of the heart we behold Be-ness." Only through the heart can we discern the beauty of the world manifested by the Heart of Cosmos. The love of Cosmos actuates straight-knowledge. Love of lilies or of the far-off worlds has as its basis the same cosmic principle. Yes, yes, yes! We shall measure through cosmic love!

Hierarchy (1931) - 256:
256. It is said, "Where thy foot treads, lilies will blossom. Where thy head rests, all the sapphires of the world will gather." Thus is the benevolent Messenger spoken of. When We send a Messenger, We do not lose time in repeating the entire Teaching. But the Command will be contained in a few words, because the chosen Messenger knows the Teaching and reverences Hierarchy. To such a Messenger the sapphires and the lilies belong. One should not reiterate at the last moment, for the steed beats with its hoof, not knowing the length of the journey.


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