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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LI > LIGHTS (38)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 36:
36. The pupils must not judge hastily. I rejoice in the fiery spirit - but temper yourself. The spirit quivers, the northern lights are at play; teeming with life is nature, and God manifests His Mercy. My Shield will flame radiantly above you. Read less - ponder.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 72:
72. The Spirit of Christ breathes across the desert of life. Like a spring It wears Its way through the solid rocks. In the milky firmament It radiates in lights beyond counting, and rises upward in the stem of every flower.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 337:
Regard those who call. What beauty! Not only do they behold beauty but they would share it with you. To share is the pledge of victory. And the words that open the gates are simple. But few know how to apply them to the locked portals. We perceive the festival of labor. Into the flames of purification cast all prejudices, and all obstacles of the material life. What a great pyre upon the mountain lights the way!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 477:
477. Most people have completely lost the understanding of and ability to apply psychic energy. They have forgotten that any energy propelled into action will continue by inertia. It is almost impossible to stop such action. That is why each manifestation of psychic energy pursues its action, sometimes quite continuously. For example, one could already have changed one's thought, but the effect of a previous thought will nevertheless continue to pierce space. In this lies not only the power of psychic energy but also its particular quality, which deserves special care. Only through an enlightened consciousness can one control psychic energy so as not to obstruct one's path with thought-projections from the past. Often an accidental and unfitting thought can disturb the surface of the ocean of attainments for a long time. One may have long since forgotten about a thought, but it continues flying before one, lighting or obscuring the path. A luminous ray will attract small lights, which enrich it. But dark and dusty particles will adhere to rubbish and impede one's motion.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 595:
The planetary bodies radiate with different lights. Scientists will see the sparks of psychic energy. The fires of the human body's centers also radiate differently depending upon the chemism of the metals in the human body.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 31:
31. The utilization of all manifestations of the primary formulae of the Lotus of Cosmos should guide humanity in its evolutionary development. When the spirit will make use of the manifestation of Spatial Fire, and when the breath of Truth will touch the Source of Life, then will it be possible to vouch for the shifting of consciousness. The top, revolving around its own axis, symbolizes the destiny of the man who has dissociated himself from the eternal motion. He who carries the Lotus, who is open to meet the Cosmos, and who displays the best differentiation of the lights of the centers, typifies the builder of life, co-measuring his constriction of the centers with their opening. Let us find a correct definition of the vital principle. The open Lotus embraces everything; the differentiated lights of its flaming petals rotate to cover all directions. When the sacred Fire, representing the spirit, is in touch with the All-existing, then the cosmic ring and the wheel of life move in conjunction.

Hierarchy (1931) - 167:
167. The center that lights all beginnings of Our Works is based upon the law of Hierarchy. The impetuosity of creativeness is founded upon the center of Hierarchy. How obviously humanity deviates from the higher path and higher striving! He who is afraid of the manifestation of the Teacher will remain an ignoramus. He who rejects the Leading Hand will forever remain in error. He who is afraid to lose his individuality does not possess it. Thus one should ponder upon the great laws of Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 40:
40. The Invisible World participates in earthly life much more than is supposed. Advise that attention be directed to many small manifestations, which are usually not even noticed. Not striking and blinding manifestations, but those which the limited mind calls coincidence or accident, these construct unforgettable results. If we take all the inexplicable manifestations of the heart, even unprepared minds will notice unusualness which contradicts the deductions of medicine. Let us take for instance the so-called double pulse, when an external influence seemingly creates two focal points for the organism. Yet, the manifestation of cosmic energy explains with perfect simplicity how closely we are united with the external forces, and the external fires and lights will remind us of the same thing, if our minds will permit them to be seen.

Heart (1932) - 135:
135. Thought-reading comes from straight knowledge. Not artificial magic, not glaring of the eyes, not the holding of hands, but the fire of the heart connects the subtlest apparatuses. There are two difficulties - the reader may be surrounded by several currents, and the one whose thoughts are being read may think so unclearly that he himself is unable to establish his basic thought. But the reading of thoughts is instructive not only as a phenomenon for the contemporary consciousness of humanity, but as a scientific physical experiment in the transmission of currents. There are so many significant experiments awaiting their turn! You all know of the luminous manifestations, but as yet no scientists have investigated the appearance of these lights. Are they optical manifestations, purely visual, or are they spatial chemical ones? Perhaps this condensation of energy may set the beginning of a new method of lighting. All these manifestations belong to the investigations of psychic energy. Why should one think that humanity is destined to limit itself solely to the one type of cosmic energy called electricity? There may be many channels for the manifestation of this energy. But, of course, it is easier for people first to pay attention to their own microcosm - the heart - in which slumber all the energies of the world.

Heart (1932) - 330:
330. A refined condition of the heart calls forth a special activity of all sensations. The smell, the hearing, the sight, the taste act incessantly. There is no silence, because upon the silencing of earthly sounds the echoes of the Subtle World begin to reach one. There is not a moment without odor, because the purest air is full of aromas; there is no visual void, because the lights of the Subtle World will not leave the open eye, or even the closed eye. Is not the purest sky full of formations? Likewise, there cannot be cessation of taste when man himself is the most powerful chemical laboratory. Regarding the touch, you yourself know to what an extent the Subtle World can touch one. Thus, without departing from this world, the heart makes us collaborators with a multitude of fine manifestations. And if someone insists upon the existence of absolute silence, do not consider his heart refined.

Heart (1932) - 343:
343. The fiery body may sometimes evidence itself even through a physical shell. Thus, under a certain tension of the manifestations of the Fire of Space, the fiery body seemingly begins to radiate in small fires over the surface of the physical body. This subtle fiery condition can rarely be seen. Not only is the eye unable to assimilate these tiny lights but the very power of the glance seemingly quenches these subtle flashes. Cosmic manifestations, such as volcanic eruptions and other fiery manifestations, contribute to the phenomena of the fiery body. This manifestation has nothing in common with the fires of the aura or with external fires, such as the fires of St. Elm. Today Urusvati became aware of the flames of the fiery body. Cosmic destructions, instead of pains, gave indications to the fiery body. Thus the symptoms of intercourse with the cosmic manifestations were multiplied. Eruptions in the microcosm can evoke eruption of the glands, but may also call forth the fires of the fiery body.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 193:
193. In human hands benevolence is like the evening lamp. Darkness falls, but the lamp is ready and an experienced hand is there to light it. But again I say - praise each good deed, it is a manifestation of generosity. Let each spark of good be blown into a flame. Though good be accidental to a great extent, it still is good. It would be too much to demand always a conscious good action; let the darkness be dispersed, even by dim lights. Even with one spark of light, absolute darkness will no longer be such. Behind the thought, word, or deed, Light is already standing. Thus, he who knows how to find a spark of Light is already an illumined co-worker.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 289:
289. Sunbirds do not descend to Earth. In this myth is indicated the separation of the Fiery World from earthly conditions. One can see that men have paid special reverence to the fiery element since ancient days. Indeed, with what solicitude must one regard each fiery manifestation! In the midst of the most ordinary life one can discern the sparks of the higher Fire. This means that around each spark a purified atmosphere grows; therefore it is especially abominable to extinguish these gleams. They flash out unexpectedly, but the extinction of such lights produces consequences of particular instability. It has been said truly that it is better not to be born than to multiply the abominations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 301:
301. One need not be surprised at flashes of light before one's closed eyes. The prophets said, "O Lord, I behold no darkness!" This is not a symbol of devotion, but a scientific evidence of the kindling of the centers. One constantly finds references to these lights. One should seek for them not only in antiquity but should also inquire about them among the blind and children. A poet could write a song on how heaven reveals itself to closed eyes.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 385:
385. An aviator, having attained a record altitude, is still filled with dissatisfaction. He then resolves to try for greater heights. Dissatisfaction is the gateway to Infinity. Dissatisfaction should be valued to the full extent. Pleasure is neighbor to contentment, whereas joy is wings to Infinity. The fiery Teaching must preserve each kindling of the fires and guard against all extinguishers. Satisfaction is the sign of mediocrity and ignorance. Not satisfaction, but joy in eternal labor is the destiny of the great and ascending one. Nowadays fools may laugh when We speak of eternal ascent. Even the grave will not spare the fool from Eternity. Only a puerile brain could fail to understand that the earthly garment is not consummation. The fires summon to the uncognized, and even the blind see these lights. Do not fail to ask the blind about the fires. Some of them see fiery signs and understand their connection with the heart. Thus, the calls of dissatisfaction lead to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 473:
473. You notice how much stronger are the lights of space than the radiance of sunshine. In darkness, it is difficult to estimate lights, but by comparing them with the light of the sun one can have an idea of the splendor of the Fiery World. It must be understood that earthly eyes cannot bear the supreme radiance, therefore We prepare them for the Fiery World by sparks and lights. One should not, like a pig, keep one's eyes directed only toward the ground.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 20:
20. There are many reasons why people fear the Subtle World and radiations of light. They feel in their essence that in the Subtle World every intention is accompanied by an obvious radiation, but man himself does not see his own radiations. If he were fully convinced of the good quality of his thoughts, he would fear nothing. But with a majority of people thoughts are very sinuous, and man, through the earthly habit of doubt, errs much from the true foundations of thinking. Therefore I reiterate so much about the necessity of clear thinking. One should be so sure of the quality of one's own thinking that not for an instant could one be confused by one's own light. A firm aspiration towards good, affirmed by the heart, will only multiply the beautiful lights. Besides their essence these lights are as purifiers of space. In the Subtle World such benevolent radiations create an all-embracing smile and contribute towards general joy. Therefore affirm yourself in good, and think so as not to be ashamed before any one. Do not consider these words an abstraction. The Subtle World confirms them. Many dwellers in the Subtle World regret that no one on Earth told them about these obvious radiations, which ought to be beautiful.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 265:
265. Let us strive to understand the distinction of the most necessary. The determination of the degree of necessity is a quality of the Leader. One should know how to make a mosaic of successive order out of many simultaneous considerations. Neither logic, nor reason, nor formulas, but the fire of the heart lights the path of such a train of actions. One should realize with full heart where the passageway is adequate, so as not to jostle a neighbor. The heart will indicate when not to overdo as regards pressure. Such testings of strength are known as the wings of justice.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 424:
424. The Lights of the Mother of the World resemble the pillars of the Aurora Borealis. Very rare is the phenomenon when the microcosm - man - can be compared to the Macrocosm. Ur. has seen such a manifestation. It responds to the pressure of world energy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 437:
437. One of the most visually beautiful fiery actions will be the convergence and divergence of auras. This beauty can be likened to that of the Northern Lights, and in it is expressed a multitude of psychological moments. One may observe how carefully the radiations draw near, how the protective network palpitates and flashes, as a preliminary to resounding harmoniously or to becoming darkened. The full and complete life, its chemism and magnetism, is concealed in the space and about a man. We await the time when people will begin patiently to photograph auras. Then it will be possible to observe the movement of light on a cinema screen, when the film will reflect the sequence of movements of the aura. You know that for successful photographing many subtle conditions are required. Often even a physically uncomfortable room can yield good results. You have excellent prints of subtle beings, photographed under ordinary conditions. Also, you know that when you decided to improve the physical conditions the photographing failed. The chief factor of success lies in internal, invisible circumstances. One must apply great patience, and exclude any irritation or wavering. Any fiery chaos merely darkens the film. Also, there will be no especially clear visions when there is a confused frame of mind. But when the necessary harmony is reached the photographing will be easy. Many external conditions can have an influence; therefore it is better not to bring in new objects once the needed vibration has been established. And disorderly exclamations are also harmful. The principle element is patience.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 165:
165. The forces of darkness press on by various means, being affirmed in strata which are found to be near to the Light. In the Subtle Spheres this proximity is naturally impossible, but in the earthly strata, where the atmosphere is so thickened with infected gases, the forces of darkness definitely try to come close to the Light. An impulse of destruction impels the forces of darkness to these Torch lights of Truth. The enemies who uplift a sword are not so dangerous as those who penetrate under the mask of Light. There are conscious and unconscious instruments of darkness. At first the unconscious ones create, as it were, in unison with the good, and these bearers of evil infect each pure beginning. But conscious servants of evil enter into the temple with your prayer, and woe to the undiscerning! Dark snares have been laid for them. It is not fitting to admit into the Holy of Holies offenders against the spirit. Djinn can help on the earthly plane, and may even build a temple, but the spiritual plane is inaccessible to them. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the servants of darkness who strive to penetrate into the Holy of Holies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 518:
518. A state of silence is sometimes filled with discharges and lights, but there can be a deep silence where nothing stirs - which is the greater?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 528:
528. In the Subtle World only at times do the Lights of the Fiery World glow. The inhabitants of the Subtle World revere such manifestations as salutary sacred shortenings of the path. Thus, even the Subtle World understands the higher step as a very rare manifestation. But on the Earth contacts with the Subtle World are not so rare; and even the radiances of the Fiery World occur there. Why, then, are the incarnate dwellers so filled with negation

AUM (1936) - 71:
Sleep is not understood by science. The idea of rest is primitive. If each action is preceded by a spiritual act, then such a extraordinary state as that of sleep must be especially noted. For almost half their lives people entrust themselves to an invisible world. It is necessary to purify one's consciousness before entrance into the sacred Gates. Thought about the Higher World, thought about the Guardians, already lights up the drooping consciousness; hence, there may be more desirable meetings, and attacks may be warded off. Only the heart's thought about the Higher World provides an impenetrable armor.

AUM (1936) - 84:
84. The Fire or Light of the Higher World is not an entirely unusual manifestation. Far oftener than it is thought do these sparks penetrate the earthly strata. Indeed, they are explained as electrical manifestations. Their substance does not differ essentially from that which it has been agreed to call electricity, but such sendings emanate from the thought energy of the Higher World. Not by accident do such fires and lights flash out; either encouragement or forewarning or confirmation resound in these sendings of Light. People usually complain that these messengers arrive unexpectedly. Amidst one's daily labor there may suddenly be seen a luminous indication. Perhaps it may instill courage and vigor and remind one about the Higher World, in order to fix in the masonry of consciousness still another strong stone.

AUM (1936) - 84:
Wondrous are the fires and lights of the Higher World. They do not singe where there is good. Each time they impel one to reflect about that invisible magnitude. One should accept these bridges as the sole path. It is terrible to be afraid of the Light as then Fire turns into a devouring flame. Fear is unfitting, and terror is self-destructive.

AUM (1936) - 146:
146. The light of the Subtle World has no relationship to the earthly understanding of solar light. In the lower strata, darkened consciousnesses create obscurity, but the higher the consciousness and thought, the more luminous is the miraculous radiance. Indeed, the dwellers of the Subtle World see both earth and the luminaries, but the earthly lights are transmuted by their consciousnesses differently. Likewise with the thoughts of the Subtle World; though they are based on the same energy, their process is original. The law of equilibrium normalizes mental excesses.

Brotherhood (1937) - 327:
327. The Himalayan lights have been observed by many scholars, none the less, for the ignorant they remain doubtful. The non-searing flame of the Himalayas, though people have observed and touched it, likewise remains as before within the limits of the fantastic. Each manifestation of light has energy in its basis, but such a force is denied. Even luminous stars and flashes seen by many are referred to ocular abnormalities. Actually, this poor interpretation is contradicted by the fact that such manifestations are simultaneously seen by several people. However, people do not usually inform each other about their sensations and visions. As a result much remains unnoticed. Therefore, the lightnings of thought also will be mere phantoms for the majority. Yet many animals are called electrical because they preserve within themselves a considerable store of energy; and similarly, certain people can be called electrical. Is it too difficult to imagine that their thought-energy can be visible as a brilliant flash, especially when a crossing of currents may be taking place? One should know how to keep one's eyes open. One must take the trouble to observe, otherwise many remarkable manifestations will pass unnoticed. The Himalayan lights furnish a suitable example.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 30:
30. Urusvati is familiar with the varied ways in which light is manifested. Seeing flashes of light is an indication of a spiritual keenness of eye. In themselves these lights do not mean anything special, but they are like banners on the way to Us. The Northern lights, in their lowest degree, are not noticed by people. Similarly, the earliest flashes of the spirit are not evident to many. One can observe that small bright sparks will burst into flame and produce a rainbow-like illumination. Thus a beautiful aura is kindled around people. Note that these lights are especially visible in Our Abode. From ancient times they have been accumulated, and, if desired, can be made to blaze radiantly. In legends people are mentioned who could evoke around themselves a dazzling light. Thus, if one wishes one can be surrounded by a fiery force.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 216:
In the literature of various nations one can find puzzling indications. For example, Shambhala is said to be located in the extreme North, and the northern lights would seem to confirm this. But let us not forget that similar electrical discharges can also be observed in the Himalayas.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 346:
When your friends begin to record their extraordinary experiences, please urge them to do it as simply as possible and avoid elaborate descriptions. They should not add their own interpretations but record the facts simply and accurately, with the utmost truthfulness. It is not necessary to place much significance in the fleeting lights that one sees, for they are small details of everyday life. Information should also be gathered from printed sources, although these cannot compare to one's own verifiable observations.


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