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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LI > LIGHT-MINDED (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.14:
2.6.14. One must speak about those who oppose and threaten Me. It is light-minded to hope that a rent in the web of the world can be easily mended. Even a simple sound may bring an unexpected echo from afar. How much deeper does the sending of the spirit pierce into space! And these wounds are almost unhealable.

New Era Community (1926) - 126:
126. Do you feel the actual harm caused by erroneous actions? Do you not perceive that the harm brought by your egoism first of all touches you directly? But in the plan of actions you are not alone, and each step of yours also concerns those who are responsible who proceed in self-sacrifice. Much that is irreparable is done during light-minded gatherings. The Teaching has pointed out many times the bond of the collective. It is needful to safeguard those who run risks for the hastening of results. Mentally beware of pernicious, harshly clouded moods. Furthermore I ask, "Have you learned to read the books of the Teaching? Is there a desire to anchor your thought to one pillar?" We are very fond of beautiful parables but we forget that in each of them is contained the cost of a life.

Hierarchy (1931) - 253:
253. Many legends express the danger of having several Gurus. Let us cite one of them. "One pious woman had three sons. Each of them had chosen a venerable Rishi as his Guru. But one of them conceived the idea of increasing his powers by asking two more Rishis to be his guides, though his mother had warned him of the danger of such a thoughtless action. The time came when the Rishis began to teach the three youths to fly. The third youth asked the two other Rishis to strengthen his flights, so that he might be ahead of his brothers. But the whirlwinds sent from three places crossed and the light-minded fellow was torn to pieces in the air; whereas his brothers flew safely in the direction of the Rishi chosen by them." Thus people remember the law of Hierarchy. One might adopt this law. From every standpoint of knowledge science confirms other laws of life; however, one should look with an oblique eye.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 442:
442. One of the most difficult qualities is to be able to refrain from divulging that which is not predestined to be divulged, in order to avoid inflicting harm. The example of Aeschylus is instructive. The elements precipitate themselves upon him who forces them out of the state of conformity. It is impossible to save such a light-minded traitor. You know that similar betrayals are committed in small matters as well as great, and many of them not from malice but from thoughtlessness. It does not matter how the cage of a savage beast came to be open.

Brotherhood (1937) - 267:
267. Cooperation can have beginning and end, but Brotherhood, once established, is inviolable. Therefore, let us not be light-minded toward this concept fixed in the foundation. During all existences Brothers will meet together and affirm labor in common. One should rejoice at such a possibility, which will not be exhausted throughout the ages.

Brotherhood (1937) - 303:
303. Certain disciples of lower degrees are afraid to rise on the ladder of ascent, wishing to avoid the responsibility which grows with each step. Such lightminded disciples even suppose that their sojourn on the lower steps is more interesting. They are content with the physical manifestations of materialization and with similar irresponsible occupations. Nevertheless, they know that eventually each disciple must manifest himself in daily labor and undergo the attack of chaos. This is not so agreeable for the light-minded. Thus, Brotherhood itself appears difficult to them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20:
Our Towers are many-storied, and research is constantly taking place. Who then will be so light-minded as to dare to obscure the accumulated energies? The rebounding blow may be terrible, and no one can avert it once the fundamental energies are set into action. Therefore, We solicitously warn against provoking unpleasant shocks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
Some light-minded people think that a ritual utterance of the Highest Names will protect them immediately from dark assaults. However, it is not ritual but the pure fire of the heart that creates a firm shield.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 29:
29. Urusvati values Our Help. He who values also safeguards. Each true cooperation requires first of all a cautious attitude. One should not abuse Hierarchic cooperation by a casual state of mind, and must attend respectfully to the Voice of the Elders. Even those who, because of their ignorance, cannot conceive of the existence of Our Brotherhood can still recognize the existence of superearthly voices. But those who can realize Our Brotherhood within themselves should understand that each light-minded wavering disturbs the flow of the Teacher's thought. Each unfitting word distorts something. Each broken thread can coil into a noose. This is not meant as a threat, but comes only from a desire to bring forth better achievements.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204:
People do not understand that each of their light-minded deeds is observed by invisible entities, and that thought should be cultivated under the most favorable mental conditions.


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