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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LE > LEISURE (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.5:
On a ship traveled a trader of monkeys. In his leisure he taught the monkeys to imitate the sailors spreading their sails. A storm arose and the sailors hastened to lower the sails. The monkeys, knowing only how to spread them, followed the sailors and hoisted the sails again. The ship was lost because the teacher had foreseen only fair weather.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.1:
2.11.1. I rejoice when you are imbued with the significance of the future. These are especially crucial times. In old prejudices a mountain of incomprehension is revealed. Obscure are the people's ways. Verily, only Our exertion can alter the course of events. Brutal habits have filled the leisure of mankind.

New Era Community (1926) - 103:
103. The schools must be a stronghold of learning in all fullness. Each school, from the very primary up to the highest institution, must be a living link among all schools. Study must be continued during one's entire life. Applied knowledge must be taught, without breaking away from historic and philosophic science. The art of thinking must be developed in each worker. Only then will he grasp the joy of perfectionment and know how to make use of his leisure.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
557. I speak of psychic energy as though all of humanity has already accepted it and decided to improve their consciousness. However, the Teaching remains a wonder from the mountains. People are ready to listen to the Teaching only during their moments of leisure. People see the followers of the Teaching as just lucky, not considering whence comes their happiness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 51:
51. The yearning for communion with the far-off worlds provides the possibility for adherence to the course of Cosmos. The date predestined to humanity for the realization of Infinity pierces already the strata of cosmic fires. People have sought the approach to Truth in varied ways. Various manifestations impelled them to fasts, flagellations, tortures of their bodies and benumbing of their spirit. Manifold searches are inscribed in the book of striving. But progress of the spirit cannot be achieved without the realization of the endlessness of the battle. Progress of spirit is there where the spirit develops its protective net through unlimited striving. But the one who tries to find his protective net in leisure retreats into the mist of non-understanding.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 41:
41. Some children have a habit of breaking things in moments of leisure. Sometimes an ordinary plate may be broken, but sometimes with the same movement a precious cup may be destroyed. Therefore one must direct one's thought upon the most essential and refrain from all petty actions. The intent to inflict even a small harm is already criminal. At present, when we approach decisive events, there is no time to be occupied with trivial things. One must keep in mind that the most decisive time is at hand.

AUM (1936) - 500:
500. It is necessary to show by historical examples to what an extent this containment and coordination have been signs of breadth and clarity of mind. Soon the machine will enable people to be at leisure a considerable portion of the day. One must ask oneself upon what this free time will be expended.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 53:
53. Urusvati is deeply aware of the significance of the creativity in people. We direct Our thought along the lines of cooperation and nationwide creativeness. It is time to realize that people's creativity is an inspired affirmation of their value. In all Our labor We allow time to inspire multiform creativity. Not only those who have dedicated themselves to art, but the entire nation should direct its thoughts to creativeness. Let daily life be created by the hands of the family. Let leisure time be filled with creativeness and let people sing, for the great power of harmony is contained in choirs.


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