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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LE > LEAST-RESISTANT (1)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 46:
It is impossible to imagine Our Abode as full of dissonance. Even a crowd is powerful if it blends itself into a mighty consonance. Thus, when cooperating we must discipline our thoughts. But many misunderstandings can arise while sending thoughts. Even those who recognize the creativeness of thought are astonished at not seeing immediate results, forgetting that results can take place invisibly and in unexpected places. Also they fail to see that because thought-energy acts through the least-resistant channels, unexpected results occur constantly. The reason for this lies in undisciplined thinking - people might think that they have sent only one thought, whereas in reality they have contrived to scatter hundreds of the most unexpected sendings. What is received will be just as unexpected. Much harm results from these fleas of thought, which jump about and bite unlikely people. Little attention is given to channels for the spreading of thought.


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