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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LE > LEANING (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 554:
554. Many thousands of years ago it was said, "The time will come when people will open their hearts and offer their Chalices to the Supreme." The time has approached when humanity nears its sixth stage of perfectment, and the flame will soon begin to glow above the Chalice. How many images and prophecies have been accumulated in space! Truly, it is time to recall the image of the Chalice, when resin flamed within the chalices of the ancients, and the priestess, leaning on the sword of attainment, raised the Chalice to the Highest.

Heart (1932) - 205:
205. It is laudable to defend the Sign of the Lords. It is practical to train oneself in the realization of the closeness of the Lords. Just as it is impossible for man to dispense with food, so must he cling to Hierarchy. Not like a timber leaning for support, but as a vigilant guard let him be prepared to take the defense each moment and thereby multiply his strength. Likewise, although you know enough about the One Light, I nevertheless repeat that you should multiply your forces. Even the cross itself has no strength without the heart. Even the purest prana will not penetrate a wrathful heart. Even Aum will remain as naught before a deceptive and treacherous heart. Thus let us remember in order that no obsession may penetrate the heart. You have examples of obsession before you and you see what is being lost in the days of shameful weakness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 439:
439. The psychic nature is individual in both people and animals. It is an error to attribute it to a single race or species. One may notice in certain peoples a leaning toward psychic manifestations, but this quality still does not explain strong manifestations in the case of certain individuals; it is the same in the animal world. Some will say, May not this be evidence of the disorderliness of some laws? Not at all. On the contrary, it merely proves the existence of laws over and above earthly reasoning. There are many questions which lead into error those who cannot think above earthly reasoning. People have become accustomed to think about fortuitous boundaries of nations, taking them for something immutable; likewise an entire people should think uniformly; a species of animals should have the same characteristics - yet life itself teaches one to perceive a great diversity. Man will be far happier when he discovers the thread of laws of the psychic nature.


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