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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LA > LAVISHLY (2)

AUM (1936) - 339:
339. Each discharge of secretions, each exhalation sends out emanations of psychic energy. Each man lavishly saturates space, therefore he is obligated to show concern about a better quality of psychic energy. If people would understand that each breath has a significance for space, they would take care to purify their breathing. With the simplest apparatus the emanations of psychic energy can be demonstrated. One can see in the swings of the pendulum of life how continuously the energy vibrates. The same means shows the radiations called the aura, which indicates that particles of the aura are being sent out ceaselessly into space, and psychic energy continually weaves a new protective net.

AUM (1936) - 451:
To people of exalted thinking, such inspiration must not be an infrequent guest by the very basis of their life. It is necessary only to pay heed to these contacts; people usually brush them aside as annoying gnats, and it would seem that man had decided to dispense with the higher energies which have been placed so lavishly at his disposal. I advise you to reflect deeply - What is inspiration?


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