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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LA > LASTS (2)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 7:
7. Now you are astonished that the Battle lasts so long, because the expansion of consciousness extends the boundaries of the being. Indeed it would be lightmindedness to think that the One Who revolted against Light were a weakling. One must understand that the Forces of Light refrain from annihilating the enemy not because of weakness but because of a desire not to upset prematurely the equilibrium of the planet. Few are able to realize that the power of the Creator of the planet takes into consideration physical conditions. But one may already see that the harmonious vibrations have been disturbed and that the planet is being shaken in convulsions of heat and cold. Therefore I advise the equilibrium of the spirit. There where the foundation is affected, there a special presence of the spirit is necessary.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 188:
188. Urusvati knows that the duration of a human life depends largely upon the will to live. The Thinker said, "Life lasts as long as man himself wants to remain on Earth." Even fatal diseases can be cured by the human will. Everyone, whether a messenger from the higher spheres, or, at the other extreme, an outcast, must preserve the gift of life. We may not wilfully cut the silver cord that binds us to the Masters.


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