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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LA > LARYNX (10)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 162:
162. Each danger brings its advantages. When tempering a sword in fire, certainly the flame is a danger, but it also heightens the subtlety of receptivity. A similar fiery synthesis results from the development of the center of the larynx. Therefore, Agni Yoga is created upon the manifestation of Fire, the life-giver and the creator of will.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 248:
248. The ability to penetrate to the real meaning of words lies in the receptivity of the inner center, not in analyzing the structure of speech. Submit the simplest idea to a thousand people for discussion, and you might receive only one correct interpretation. One should train oneself to a true understanding of speech. Yoga will aid in approaching the true understanding of thought. The understanding of different languages originates from the receptivity of one center - the larynx.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 330:
330. Observe the symptoms of ailments that seem incomprehensible. Locate and observe those centers near which the symptoms and pains appear. Perhaps there is an aching of the shoulders or elbows or knees. Perhaps three signs appear near the center of the Chalice, or burning occurs in the larynx. Each such symptom indicates the activity of that center. As if inscribed in a book, the personality of each individual is written by the sign of his essence, constantly flaming above his head. One can read it even with plain observation. But people are accustomed to cruder manifestations. They expect deafening thunder and blinding lightning. Yet, they themselves often perform the most important actions in silence.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 392:
392. When the center of the lungs is thus powerfully kindled, the utmost precautions must be applied. This center is connected with the Chalice and with the center at the nape of the neck. Hence, there is such tension in the entire network of the nerves. The larynx is also within the area of this net of the centers. Therefore, this center must be very carefully protected against conflagration.

Hierarchy (1931) - 150:
150. Attention should be paid to the kindling of the centers of the knees. Even spots upon the skin reveal the very same stigmata as does genuflection, which means that the prayer within the heart may be evidencing the same signs. Thus one may gather significant signs, for instance; the rhythm of cosmic energies in the heart or a strong swelling of the abdomen near these centers is attested as are those of the larynx, the back of the neck, and the crown of the head.

Hierarchy (1931) - 362:
362. People are often more perturbed by thunder than by lightning. Likewise with events - people are more troubled by the reverberation than by the essence. One could say that there is no need to be terrified by thunder if the lightning has not struck! Only a novice fears the thunder of cannons and does not hear the flight of a bullet. Psychic energy reacts to the lightning. It can be seen how the natural capacities of the organism protect one from perilous conflagration. Thus psychic energy sometimes induces artificial swellings in order to divert a dangerous conflagration from an adjacent center. It is a very rare manifestation when, under one's eyes, the Yogi's extremities swell and the tissues as quickly contract to their former size. You witnessed such a manifestation when the center of the larynx was threatened by conflagration. In spite of the danger the psychic energy speedily mastered the fire.

Heart (1932) - 56:
56. A wise host does not light all fires without special purpose. Thus, in ancient legends there is mentioned the mountain surrounded by flame, but it is not stated anywhere that the fire burnt continuously; it rose according to the need. Thus also your fires glow according to necessity - the Eye of Brahma, or the wings, or the rays from the larynx, or the other principal twenty-one fires - it is necessary to permit them to be kindled according to their natures. It is necessary to point out that the fires act according to their power of contact with the Hierarchy. Conflagration or unbridled burning is not permissible. In the Great Service, care and caution are the first principles of the highest cooperation. We protect each particle of the energy of the Elohim and each Uruci, from the Fire of Space. This accountability is demanded especially during the time of the battle's tension.

Heart (1932) - 174:
174. The flaming pentagram is a shield in time of battle. In the midst of special tension man represents such a pentagram - the larynx burns as if aflame, the extremities of hands and feet are ablaze; thereby, like an unconquerable shield, he rises, protecting the manifested works. Of course, such a condition is especially dangerous in life, where so many petty betrayals occur. I advise silence in order not to ignite a number of centers, especially the heart. Such a self-sacrificing and flaming heart is an especial joy for the Highest World. Like torches, these hearts radiate above all the pressures of the world.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 5:
5. When we speak of the non-scorching fire, we must also not forget the consuming Fire. When the nun moans, "I burn, I burn!" no physician knows how to alleviate it. The physician may even apply cold water, forgetting that oil cannot be submerged in water. Fire can be allayed only by fire - in other words, by the energy of the heart, which flows during so-called magnetism. We treat inflammation with a current; such inflammations may flare up in various centers. But, actually, the chief danger lies close to the heart, the solar plexus and the larynx. These centers, being the most synthetic, may be exposed to the most unexpected attacks. Whoever has even once experienced the inner fire understands the danger of the conflagration of the centers. He knows what agony is experienced when the fire breaks through. In most cases man is not responsible for this, except perhaps because of irritation. Often the fire bursts out due to extraneous influences, and in the case of a refined state of the organism, from cosmic causes. Fatigue of the heart actually opens the gates to the enemy. Thus the creative Fire can be transformed into a destructive flame. This should be remembered, for the outbursts develop from small beginnings. It should also be remembered that the use of fiery energy requires care. Great is the evil of needlessly spending the fiery energy of another. An Arhat can never be a vampire - this is a fundamental law of life. Therefore, wise is the law of eternal giving. It may seem that there is nothing in common between sacrifice and Fire; however, flaming sacrifice is mentioned in all Covenants.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 372:
372. The epidemic of tetanus belongs to the fiery illnesses. It can be asserted that such an epidemic can spread as widely as cancer. The condition may be alleviated by mountain air, but the chief requirement will be the assimilation of the fiery energy. Any shock can cause either cancer or tetanus; this indicates that the organism may be fundamentally unbalanced, so that even the slightest shock induces disease by opening all entrances. He who spoke of the treasure of consciousness was a great physician. One should urgently introduce fiery prophylaxis. Today you have heard of cancer, tomorrow perhaps of tetanus, the day after, cramps of the larynx, then bubonic plague, after that a new brain disease; thus a veritable chorus of terrors will thunder out, while people ponder about the cause. Of course, they would rather ascribe it to gasoline than to the action of Fire, which is neither understood nor accepted by them.


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