Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 68: 68. Upon leaving the earthly sphere the spirit is intensified in the consciousness of the achievements which were dominant in that life. The life of a man has, as it were, its leit-motifs, and upon these songs, or laments, the spirit is intensified. The achievements of the spirit lead upward, and departure from the earthly sphere is always a joy for the spirit which has realized the luminous achievement of Service. Even during physical pains the spirit surmounts all earthly infirmities. In the breaking away from Earth the bond with the Higher Worlds, to which the spirit aspires, is affirmed. The ladder of ascent is built upon the devotion to Hierarchy. But the spirit which dwells within the confines of selfhood has no other path but grief. Breaking away then is frightful, and the spirit is for a long time attached to the earthly sphere. Many hearts which have accepted the power of Service aspire to the Higher Worlds. A ray of help is extended to the devoted disciple. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about parting from the earthly sphere with the joy of Service to Light. AUM (1936) - 139: 139. In the world treasury are many covenants and legends which affirm the Higher World. People cannot justify themselves by pleading a lack of indications guiding them to knowledge. It is usual to hear complaints of the lack of knowledge as to the path to the Higher World. Such laments are hypocritical! These disgruntled ones will not take the trouble to seek out the Source. One may notice to what an extent aspiring people, even under the most unfavorable conditions, find strength to discover the Light. We watch over such light-bearers who overcome the most incredible difficulties.