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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LA > LADDER (56)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 43:
43. Learn to approach Our Heights pure of heart. Our Ray will shine upon you and exalt your daily life. You carry stones for the raising of My new Temple. Teach others My Word, and wisdom will flourish; And a new Temple will be raised. Do not regard Me as a magician, yet can I lead you upward upon the ladder of Beauty beheld only in dreams. Wafting to you the fragrance from the mountains of Tibet, We bring the message of a new religion of the pure spirit to humanity. It is coming; and you, united here in search of light, bear the precious stone. To you is revealed the miracle of creating harmony in life. It will reveal to the world a new Teaching.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 123:
O Thou Benevolence, O Thou Sufferer on the Cross, Thou wilt attest the fire of our resurrection there at the foot of the ladder leading to the Temple of Divine Glory.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 232:
232. The path of virtue is not a singing of psalms, but labor and service. If Karma is violated, it will react against you. The travail of the spirit is the one ladder on the shortest path. The suffering of a decade is crowded into one day in the lives of the chosen ones. Better a full cup of misery than a life of mild sadness. Pay your accounts in the hostelries on the way, and with a bow they will carry your trunks onto the ships.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.4:
To build an arch between the ways of the full decline and the ascent is not easy. The carriers of spirit do not recognize each other. Harken to and record the voices of strange figures on your way. Afterwards you will weld together these informations, thus revealing the ladder of practical possibilities.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.10:
You will ask how you should gather. I will tell you to gather in prayer. Better be silent, without the clatter of objects, without the raising of voices, because the wings of spirit grow in quiet. Dedicate in prayer the time of Our Communions, because for the Communion We shall bring the very best. The current of Communion creates a wondrous ladder to the very loftiest manifestations of the Creator - the ladder of Spirit. You can struggle in life, you can discern when is the hour to invoke My Hand.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.5:
2.1.5. Shamballa is the indispensable site where the spiritual world unites with the material one. As in a magnet there exists the point of utmost attraction, so the gates of the spiritual world open into the Mountain Dwelling. The manifested height of Guarisankar helps the magnetic current. Jacob's Ladder is the symbol of Our Abode.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.6:
One must know how people are awaiting My Coming. People's desire forges a new rung for the ladder.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.8:
Why search for Light when one should sense it? The spirit knows it is accessible to him and predestined for him. Otherwise, wherefore the ladder of Our Brotherhood? It rests on the earth and has merged with the heavenly spheres.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.3:
2.4.3. Christ said: "Not in a temple, but in spirit shalt thou pray." Verily, religious prejudice is the worst vulgarity Often even religious ecstasies result in more harm than good. Out of them the crowd has made a vulgar spectacle. Therefore, it is important to show the vitality of Those Who stand upon all rungs of the Ladder.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.6:
3.3.6. Regard nothing as belonging to you; the easier for you not to damage things. Think how best to adorn each place; the surer will you protect yourself from rubbish. Consider how much better than the old must each new thing be; by this will you affirm the ladder of ascent. Think how beautiful is the morrow; thus will you learn to look forward. Think how cruel is the condition of animals; thus will you start to pity the lower. Reflect how small is the Earth; thus you will improve your understanding of relationships. Think how beautiful is the sun hiding behind the Earth's sphere; thus will you restrain yourself from irritation. Think how white are the doves in the sun's ray; thus will you strengthen your hope. Think how blue is the sky; thus will you approach eternity. Think how black is darkness; thus will you guard yourself against the cold of retreat. Think courageously about the Images of the Great Ones; thus will you follow the line of unity. Think what happiness it is to walk upon the crust of the planet, imbuing it with the consciousness of the spirit. Think what happiness it is to walk under the rays of constellations, being a focal point of rays millenniums of years old. Think about Our Hand, which guides vigilantly; thus will you prolong the thread of life.

New Era Community (1926) - 121:
A childish materialism proves to be a narcotic for people, but enlightened knowledge will be a ladder of victory.

New Era Community (1926) - 153:
Ponder how like a fiery ladder is steadfastness.

New Era Community (1926) - 154:
154. Someone decides " I will cross upon the fiery ladder." Do so, to each one the path is open. But remember, if fear comes the steps melt into liquid flame. Whither will you go, not having acquired the quality of labor? When We say it is better to sleep on cedar roots, the follower can carry out easily the advice. It is easy to sleep, and especially when so advised. But when one is told to take up constant watch, then the steps become burning hot. One thing must be repeated not easy is the ladder.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 34:
Let us guard the law of life that leads up the ladder of beauty and happiness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 175:
175. The confirmation of the yogi in his path will be a full participation in the evolution of the worlds. But one particular quality distinguishes the yogi - he knows not death, for the awakened consciousness experiences no interruption of existence. Thus, not for a moment does the yogi interrupt his service to Truth. Gradually does he who attains Yoga ascend upon the ladder of the worlds. Unceasingly do his mission and his service flow. The retention of consciousness in his varied sheaths makes the yogi's achievement vital to life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 308:
308. Every wrongdoer is afraid to return to the site of his misdeeds. People realize that their previous conduct in the astral world often does not correspond to standards of spiritual dignity. Therefore, they are filled with awe and fear before the gates of the astral. They even try not to think about crossing, hoping that ignorance will relieve them of responsibility. But, by admitting this knowledge, they could make these crossings no more difficult than the ascent of the rungs of a ladder.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 4:
Often you hear the outcry, the moan, "Why is there leprosy, why calamity, why is the evidence of beauty obscured by a twisted smile?" Poor humanity, We regard your ailments as your own progeny. Evolution does not need so many impediments. The ladder of ascent does not need so many superfluous steps. Our Shield does not need your recognition, but you are in need of Our Shield.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 44:
Let the far-off worlds live in the consciousness of men as a wondrous kingdom. This is just as indisputable and just as real as the fact that a growing seed gives birth to a flower. The far-off worlds are interpreted only as something illustrative of the concept of distance. But let us regard the far-off worlds - the life there is affirmed in beauty and in striving for achievement; there are the fires of spirit; there is the fire of love; there the seeming excrescences of Earth are transformed into creations of Fire. The fires of the spirit carry knowledge that the passing of the present and the striving into the better future will be the ladder upon which we shall ascend.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 88:
Having entered the tide of the cosmic stream, is it not more goal-fitting to realize that these limitless chastisements have their antitheses in the Infinite? I say that Infinity will accept those streams of cosmic torrent which have consciously outrun human consciousness. It rests with man whether his arc of consciousness keeps pace with the cosmic stream or remains behind. Infinity provides a ladder of ascent for everyone.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 318:
318. A coming achievement upon the scroll of human attainments is the conquest of the spheres of highest tension. When humanity will accustom itself to the realization of the transmutation from the lowest to the highest, then the spirit-understanding may be sent. The meaning of life is constructed according to the patterns of the cosmic rays. Are not the patterns of life woven by rays? Are not the patterns cumulated through millennia? These cosmic patterns direct all the strivings of life. When the rays are fixed by manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet, the pattern is so powerful and unalterable. Thus, in the records of Space there exists the pattern of each spirit. Only that spirit can record his own achievements who by his pattern has adorned the ladder of life evolutionward. If the spirit considers his achievements as a reward, then, of course, a channel of personal strivings is the result.

Hierarchy (1931) - 101:
101. How majestic is the law of Hierarchy! How constructive are all laws of Hierarchy! Verily, the ladder reaches Heaven. Thus, each one striving to Hierarchy can fulfill the Higher Will through a task given from Above. Thus, We build through Hierarchy; hence each Indication should be fulfilled as given by the Hierarch. Only thus can one fulfill the Higher Will. Therefore one should truly guard the wish of the Hierarch. As pearls of the spirit one should guard the entire affirmed Source.

Hierarchy (1931) - 155:
155. The consciousness not blended with the Lord cannot strive to the law of accumulation in the Chalice. Only the power of the Cosmic Magnet can bring the spirit close to the Teacher. Verily, the one who adheres to the Higher Consciousness receives the power of thought. Only when a spirit accepts all transmissions from Above can he broaden his consciousness, otherwise the power concealed within the Chalice cannot be awakened. Thus, the thread of the bond is the ladder of spirit upon which the power of the spirit ascends. Creativeness is affirmed by way of this wondrous thread. Thus, the ascent of the spirit proceeds through its bond with the Lord.

Hierarchy (1931) - 344:
Thus Hierarchy is lawfully affirmed during the shifting of countries and the substitution of fire for all that departs. Therefore it is so urgent to adopt the law of Hierarchy, for without the chain the great ladder of ascent cannot be constructed. Thus, the affirmation of the greatness of the law of Hierarchy must be adopted fierily.

Hierarchy (1931) - 372:
372. The affirmation of the Teacher should be repeated each hour, for Our structure is in need of a conscious adoption of Hierarchy. Various events may be expected, but participation in them can only be through the Hierarchy proclaimed by Us. Thus I say, Not only Our decision but the karma of millenniums makes the structure of the future immutable. Details may be changed, but the foundation must not be violated. Thus, Our Will should not be forgotten, even in the details of life. You realize correctly the creative fairy tale, but only upon the ladder of Hierarchy will it be transformed into the salvation of the world. Thus I speak.

Hierarchy (1931) - 397:
They will say, Why the pains of a Yogi? Certainly this is the burden of this world. Pains are unnecessary where the cosmic rhythm is not violated. Therefore it is beneficial for a Yogi to have a better attuned circle around him in order to give a certain form to the approaching cosmic waves. Therefore, when I speak of harmony, I do not have in mind only sensitiveness; I point out a useful construction. Hierarchy stands upon exact laws. We, who have realized them take upon Ourselves the responsibility of protecting this ladder of Light. One must repeat this untiringly in order that the structure of Hierarchy may be impressed as a design upon the brain.

Heart (1932) - 252:
252. The anguish of the heart over the far-off worlds creates a special type of anguish. Hearts that have been tested many times cannot be confined to a fixed earthly aura. And their experience indicates how the Teaching summons them to the expansion of understanding. But nothing will erase the memory of the far-off worlds in those who have approached them in the fiery body. As countless as the stars, as inexpressible in words, is the memory of the far-off worlds. So, too, the heart will not forget about the silver thread, which is like a ladder to Infinity. The earthly body cannot withstand many fiery revelations. But the same thread of the heart retains the consciousness of the far-off worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 19:
19. You already know about the significance of the thirtieth year for fiery manifestations, but one should especially guard the organism up to the seventh year. In children, even in the most highly developed, one should never force nature - Fire will not tolerate compulsion. One should know how to open the door, but each coercion may cause irreparable harm. On the other hand, one should not inordinately facilitate the child's striving, since excessive help creates weaklings. Therefore, the Golden Path is ordained. Thus, Fire demands cautious handling in all its manifestations. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are essentially fire-voyance and fire-audience. Fire is needed as the intermediary for all exalted actions. Six hundred times did We speak of the heart; so are We ready to speak six hundred and sixty-six times of the significance of Fire, if only to affirm the definition of Fire as a triumphal ladder. People cannot exist without turning to Fire; in the earthly world or in the Subtle World, they turn to the higher Mediation. But We do not speak of fire worship, for there will be ignoramuses and fanatics who will try to raise this absurd accusation. I speak of the highest attainment, which will bring our subtle body to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 177:
177. Does an Arhat rest? You already know that a change of labor is rest, but the true repose of an Arhat is his thought about the Beautiful. Amidst various labors, thought about the Beautiful is the bridge and power and stream of benevolence. Let us weigh a thought of evil and a thought of good, and we shall prove to ourselves that the beautiful thought is more powerful. Let us organically analyze different thoughts, and we shall see that a beautiful thought is a treasury of health. In beautiful thinking an Arhat beholds the ladder of ascent. In this active thinking is the Arhat's repose. In what else can we find another source of benevolence? Thus can we remember when we are especially oppressed. When the shutters of selfhood are being fastened everywhere, when fires are extinguished in the darkness, is it not the time to reflect about the Beautiful? We anticipate a miracle, we strive to break the lock, but the ladder of the Arhat is only in the Beautiful. Let us not sully, let us not belittle this path! Only thereby will we attract that which seems so miraculous. And the miracle, is it not the indissoluble bond with Hierarchy? In this bond lies all of physics, and mechanics, and chemistry, and the panacea for all things. It seems possible with a little striving to move all obstacles, but the fulfillment of this condition is immeasurably difficult for people! Why have they clipped the wings of beauty?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 303:
303. Dreams about the future are widespread. Prophecies are disseminated by the thousands, and people in various countries are becoming accustomed to definite dates. In this way the course of evolution is being affirmed. So, too, the awesome dates are being called to mind. One might say that never before has humanity had to so cast its lot. It is impossible to violate free will more than is now being done. You yourself see how the dates are being brought to mind in the most unusual ways, but blind are those who do not wish to see. You yourself also see how difficult it is to establish a solemn unity, even as a salutary remedy. Yet you also see how a great many destructions may be mitigated. Where there would have been a blow, only a slight shock occurs. But do not rest in the belief of a secure existence. Everything is unstable; the Ladder of Hierarchy alone is firm.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 621:
621. It is a natural desire to want to know how the transitions into different spheres are accomplished. It is not difficult to understand that purified Agni is the decisive factor. If we gradually fill a balloon with combustible gas, it will begin to rise proportionately. If a balloon cannot retain the gas it will descend. This is a crude example of the principle governing transition into the various spheres of the Subtle World. The subtle entity can ascend by itself if its fiery seed is appropriately filled. Fire - the transmuter - helps to assimilate the new and higher conditions. Agni facilitates the understanding of the language of each sphere, because the intercourse of beings becomes more refined as the ascent is made. Of course, the high Guidance does not forsake the striving ones, but for assimilation of Guidance devotion is needed. Thus, a being can ascend the ladder - there is no other symbol which can more accurately define the ascent of the spirit. If a being is detained on one step, the cause is apparent in the aura. So many travelers quite unexpectedly find themselves a few steps lower! The usual reason for such retrogression is some earthly remembrance which engenders cravings. The Guide considers a store of patience indispensable to protect those who stumble. But one should not draw too frequently upon this precious energy. The being who can discover the cause by himself will actually ascend more quickly. Truly, ascent is accompanied by the joy of new companions, and finally the earthly asp of envy falls away, and thought-creativeness is no longer impeded by the currents of malice. But one should prepare even now for mobility of consciousness. A torpid consciousness obstructs the striving of Agni. Thus, let us envision perfectly clearly the ladder of ascent.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 94:
94. The heart in its full significance is a transmuter and a condenser. Often these processes happen to be so strong that human strength cannot suffice to contain and endure the tension. From antiquity has come the prayer about resigning one's spirit to God. One should understand truly this surrender of the spirit. If you feel an unbearable anguish of the heart, transfer it mentally to the Lord. Thus you may join your heart with the Inexhaustible Source - Hierarchy. Such action may be particularly needed when the tension of the entire planet is great. One must be prepared for the most diversified influences, both cosmic and human. The adherence of the heart to Hierarchy is a continuous action, but at present We are pointing out particular instances when it becomes necessary to strengthen the heart with the manifestation of Hierarchy with especial clarity of consciousness. Many will not understand how one can strengthen the heart by thought, because for them the heart is but a physical organ. But whoever has felt Our currents will understand the meaning of this bond. The World is living through such a tension that it is timely to remind about the necessity of readiness for such communions. The Fiery World must be evoked in full consciousness. In case of need one may even orally address the Lord. Upon all steps of Hierarchy there is the same transmission and communion. And how majestic is this Ladder of Immeasurable Help.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 228:
228. Usually people do not even notice the turning course of circumstances. Yesterday your attention was directed to the fact that people do not wish to understand that they themselves create! The ladder has long since been constructed, yet man nevertheless casts himself into emptiness, for he thinks about a former ladder. It seems impossible to affirm people upon reality. The simplest and most beautiful solutions are passed over in silence, and rejected merely upon the assumption that somewhere grandfather's ladder has been left standing. It has ceased to exist long since, but the average consciousness will not accept such reality.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 253:
253. Only the experienced heart apprehends the Maya of not only despair but rapture. It is not easy to show that rapture and exultation are not far removed from despair in their chemism. Exultation without a foundation does not resemble the wise joy when the whole heart vibrates with the Cosmos. In general, most people cannot endure residence on the Earth in continuous tension. Yet it is possible to inure them to conditions in certain chemical laboratories, where the newcomer is completely unable to breathe and where those who work there regularly do not even notice the pressure. Such an example must convince one of how possible it is to accustom oneself to constant vigilance, as to a magnet of tension. Whoever places a foot upon the ladder of ascent finds the initial step difficult. Thus Maya passes into conscious realization of the cosmic tension.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 280:
280. Esteem people who not only speak but also act. Affirm the ability to understand action. The hardships of these times have resulted from disorganization. The cause of such disorganization is absurd in its insignificance - the cooperation of hearts has been forgotten. Meeting together in prayer, people forget how to attune themselves for service. Whereas, such a condition is indispensable and is easily attained; for this it is merely necessary that people help one another. To preserve an unusual frame of mind means to proceed to the Fiery World. Under the ordinary conditions of life such a frame of mind is not easy, but precisely it must not be set aside. One should not enter the temple otherwise than prayerfully. In prayer existence is uplifted and made better; therefore each prayer, as also each exaltation, must be better than the preceding one. Each step of the ladder of the spirit must be traversed. How majestic is the Ladder to the Fiery World, which has in a year three hundred sixty six steps by day and three hundred sixty six by night! Every step is distinct from every other, and let each one be better than the preceding one. Joy toward the Teaching, will it not be a true adornment of a step? In each joy for the Teaching is already contained new cognition. Often one cannot express in words this step, given in joy. It is indisputable, and what a veritable mountain is ascended in the prayer of joy! Pains are alleviated by it, the task is made successful by it. No one and nothing can block this joy. Thus shall we have the advantage of success. The same thing may be wished to all, because on the ladder of the spirit there is no crowding. Let each one rejoice at the sheer beauty of a new step. Why should anyone go backward? But it is difficult and burdensome to lose what has been already traversed. Downfall is always harmful, even for the body. One can imagine how ruinous it is for the spirit, for the fiery being. Contact with Fire already produces a special kind of tissue, which glows on the upward, and is reduced to ashes on a downward path. The ladder of ascent is the measure of magnanimity, consequently magnanimity may be achieved daily.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 285:
285. The Teaching should be read under different conditions, yet the effect will not be always identical. At a time of consternation the Teaching will bring tranquility, at a time of affliction - consolation, at a time of doubt - affirmation, but in order to absorb the reality of the Teaching, one must repress one's casual sensations by penetration into the treasury of Hierarchy. Not merely as a comfort has the Teaching been given, but for advancement upon the ladder of ascent. Indeed, under the special conditions of the world, a deepening of comprehension is especially difficult. Already more than once the world has tottered on the boundary line between mechanics and the spirit. The present is precisely such a time, intensified by the attacks of the dark forces. Multifarious is the bazaar of material rubbish; first of all one must appraise everything in order to set up new values. Thus, the ability to reappraise within the consciousness will be the threshold of the future. Admission means recognition, and many dark visitors have been admitted by humanity. Such invitations weigh heavily during the transitional state. The heart must be urged to raise its voice for the regeneration of the World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 68:
68. Upon leaving the earthly sphere the spirit is intensified in the consciousness of the achievements which were dominant in that life. The life of a man has, as it were, its leit-motifs, and upon these songs, or laments, the spirit is intensified. The achievements of the spirit lead upward, and departure from the earthly sphere is always a joy for the spirit which has realized the luminous achievement of Service. Even during physical pains the spirit surmounts all earthly infirmities. In the breaking away from Earth the bond with the Higher Worlds, to which the spirit aspires, is affirmed. The ladder of ascent is built upon the devotion to Hierarchy. But the spirit which dwells within the confines of selfhood has no other path but grief. Breaking away then is frightful, and the spirit is for a long time attached to the earthly sphere. Many hearts which have accepted the power of Service aspire to the Higher Worlds. A ray of help is extended to the devoted disciple. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about parting from the earthly sphere with the joy of Service to Light.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 564:
564. It is possible for a most worthy inhabitant of the Subtle World to rise thence into the Fiery World? It is, and his transformation will be beautiful. Through the process of purification, the subtle body begins to shine. Fire begins to spread, and finally the shell falls away like a light layer of ash. Since the fiery essence cannot remain in its former stratum it ascends into the Fiery World. That which was in the Subtle World an insufferable effulgence becomes in the Fiery World the dimmest - such is the ladder. One must become accustomed to imagining many strata of the Subtle World. From deep red flame to the most beautiful radiance of the rainbow, like an agitated sea, these facets are effused and weave all possible combinations. But for the darkness, for the lower abysses, this radiance will be as distant as heat-lightning. Let him who longs for Light not fear to be fiery. A burning on Earth is a symbol of superb transformation.

AUM (1936) - 78:
78. With the utmost reverence, some affirm - "Not That, not That," so as not to admit offensive comparisons. Others altogether forbid pronouncing the word God in order not to belittle the grandeur of the Highest. Thus do people approach Infinity differently. In the depths of their consciousness they feel that it is impossible to express or appraise that which is higher than all possible concepts. A blind man feels the stones of the lower levels, but knows not the height of the tower. Yet man cannot tear himself away from the Ladder of Hierarchy. The traveler will reach the steps of his ascent.

AUM (1936) - 273:
273. It may seem that the Teaching is given one dimension, but by tracing the sequence of the Teaching one can see the turns of an ascending spiral. Such curving is effected in order that humanity be imperceptibly moved forward. Just as we cannot perceive the extent of growth of grass each instant, so, too, the new turn of the spiral does not register in the consciousness. Human reason cannot contain the fiery structure; hence, one should goal-fittingly give to it as much as it can absorb. The consequences of incommensurateness are monstrous, and one must not thrust a monstrosity upon the world through one's own ignorance. The structure must be harmonious. Therefore, it is instructive to compare the steps provided by the Teaching; thus is obtained a significant ladder of ascent.

Brotherhood (1937) - 303:
303. Certain disciples of lower degrees are afraid to rise on the ladder of ascent, wishing to avoid the responsibility which grows with each step. Such lightminded disciples even suppose that their sojourn on the lower steps is more interesting. They are content with the physical manifestations of materialization and with similar irresponsible occupations. Nevertheless, they know that eventually each disciple must manifest himself in daily labor and undergo the attack of chaos. This is not so agreeable for the light-minded. Thus, Brotherhood itself appears difficult to them.

Brotherhood (1937) - 315:
In olden times prolonged testings were designated in order to assemble a nucleus of the spiritually concordant. However, length of time alone does not solve the problem of selection. An evil seed can remain concealed for years and years. The feeling of the heart can whisper the better intimations. Too lightly do people handle a higher concept, and only a few know how to guard it with full love. Such cherishing is not in gesticulations and obeisances, but in indissoluble heart devotion. For some the bond will be fetters and chains, but for others it is a ladder of ascent.

Brotherhood (1937) - 315:
The ignorant, those with overcast hearts, say, "Such a ladder is nebulous," because it is not for them to ascend. It is the more necessary to explain about Brotherhood, because soon people will seek cooperation. All encouragement for such cooperation will be needed. Thus, throughout the world respect for work will be manifested. Labor will be an antitoxin against gold. Yet, many times one is obliged to speak about the beauty of toil.

Brotherhood (1937) - 321:
321. In general, fearful wayfarers are not fitted for the path. Can one imagine a swimmer who is afraid of the water? Likewise harmful is fear before advancing into the Subtle World. Only steadfastness and aspiration to the Highest can further the ascent. He who strives toward something beloved does not count the steps of the ladder. Thus, it is necessary to love in order to attain.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 29:
It is right to remember the wisdom of ancient India, when duty was integral to the very designation of the life of man. At its root the concept of duty is one, and it acts accordingly in its ramifications. The concept of The Teacher is sacred to Us. Each one of Us has had His Teacher, and the steps of this ladder are countless. Even standing at the head of a planet is not a consummation, for there can never be a final consummation. In this lies the joy. Great harm would result if the unutterable names of the Higher Lords were pronounced. Such betrayal might have enormous consequences. There could be visible or invisible explosions. One should become more accustomed to a solicitous attitude toward Hierarchy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 180:
When the Thinker was asked why He did not mention the power of thought in His writings, He answered, "The time will come when mankind will be ready to cognize this truth, but each premature transmission will only create obstacles. People must climb every rung of the ladder."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
We have repeatedly condemned the dark obsessions that lead to evil and crime. It should be understood that it is the influence of subtle energy alone that results in the healthiest state of mind. The benevolent influence of subtle energy is the great blessing that inspires man to ascend the ladder of evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 448:
It is essential to preserve unity under ordinary, earthly conditions in order to attain at least an approximation of Our unity. May people rejoice, knowing that somewhere there exists the Ladder of the Worlds! This very idea will serve as a bridge for evolution. It is the ignorant preacher who teaches indifference towards the highest unification, but such limiting advice will certainly not help anyone on the earthly plane, for every limitation closes doors and deprives one of fresh air.


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