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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > KN > KNEE (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 211:
211. The Druid Mother safeguarded against distortion the teaching entrusted to her. So shall the Mother of Agni Yoga safeguard the Teaching from malicious misrepresentation. However difficult the fiery path of Truth, service in vigilance permits no treason. The sun-sword does not falter in the hand nor does the knee bend to untruth. Thus must be understood the Teaching that brings with it the forging of a new life. It says: "You have heard; you must understand that from this moment you have accepted responsibility for any distortion!"

AUM (1936) - 131:
131. An alarmed child nestles close to its mother's knee, not in supplication but with a feeling of firm support and protection. Likewise, sooner or later, a man in distress turns to the Higher World. He will have nowhere else to go; he may be confused by the advice of uninvited bystanders, but his heart will be secretly atremble about the Highest.


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