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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > KI > KINDLING (52)

New Era Community (1926) - 60:
60. Much can be forgiven him who even in darkness has preserved the concept of the Teacher. The Teacher uplifts the dignity of the spirit. We liken the concept of the Teacher to a lamp in the darkness. Therefore, the Teacher may be called a beacon of responsibility. The bonds of the Teaching are like a saving rope in the mountains. The Teacher is revealed from the moment of kindling of the spirit. From that moment on the Teacher is inseparable from the disciples.

New Era Community (1926) - 228:
Life has been divided according to periods and to styles, paying tribute to the measures of imperfect days. Who apportioned the constellations? Who apportioned the dialects? Has anyone called to mind the inheritances of all peoples? Style has determined the peculiarities of the age. The external notches of a design bear the prejudices and conventionalities of falsehood. It is time to divide inheritances only according to the inner potential. It is necessary to know the accruements of life. Coffin shapes must be left to the dead. True, one should sense the steps of culture, but disregard the zigzags of effeminateness. Faint-heartedness shut up in awkward armor did not lead to pan-human joy, but the retort of a modest alchemist has often been illumined by the Common Good. Without superstition must we examine the milestones of the growth of humanity under the sign of the community. We must examine how the victory of the community grew, in the kindling fires of knowledge and beauty. True knowledge and beauty contain in themselves the best community.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 403:
Few are the trusted builders who with self-denial accept the thoughts coming from space into the chalice of their hearts. They are not frightened of being scorched by the fires of the far-off worlds. They do not resent bearing the burden of anguish caused by surrounding imperfection. They are approached by the superradiant fires of space and exchange thought with the sparks of spatial consciousness, silently kindling thoughts and answering questions. Weighty is the protective canopy of blessing, but it alone provides entrance into the highest Abode.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 413:
A multitude of circumstances must be examined. If people who have achieved the kindling of the inner fire would write down their observations about it, they would greatly help many beginners. The common work for humanity requires first of all the protection of individuality. And when all the many ways of kindling the inner fire have been found, the simplest way proves to be the quickest. It is astonishing to see what supposedly insignificant circumstances can help to ignite the flame. One such, which is always present, is a sensitivity to shocks. A straight position of the spine is also of great importance in this. But in the case of chronic curvature of the spine, musk can be used to help ignite the flame. The absorption of musk interacts with phosphorus, which restores the impeded flow of fire.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 422:
Agni Yoga directs humanity to the simplest ways. One exalted impulse of a Bhakti outdistances the slower Jnani. So also does the kindling of fire impel one to the correct destination. Fire refines the centers and develops a sensitivity that knows the right direction, just as the finest vessels are shaped in fire. In the casting of the best images the old mold is destroyed. And these images will be loftier than those made with the old form.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 617:
617. The sacred fire of spirit opens the way to the Teaching, but the main aspiration of the disciple should be the kindling of his own fires. We shall affirm the Chalice of Aspiration, but the disciple himself must fill the Chalice of Achievement.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 21:
There are witnesses to the cosmic manifestations in our sphere. This formula may be repeated because the course of evolution is disclosed to the fearless spirit who knows the entire mystery and all the striving toward Infinity. The kindling of the fires of the Lotus is the highest manifestation of the Cosmic Fire. Verily, when the synthesis of affirmation of the cosmic energy is manifested upon Earth, one may say, "Our planet is encircled by a spiral upon which we may also descend, but how beautiful is the spirit that ascends and transmutes life into the radiance of Infinity!" To this bearer of the supermundane scrolls is revealed the entrance into the higher spheres, and he will bring to the lower spheres the key to the realization of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 100:
Nature has the same exemplary existence. Diverse improvements call forth better forms. Higher conditions afford man better possibilities. These possibilities are limitless. The higher, the more subtle. The more vivid the understanding of the far-off worlds, the more vivid the attainments. And the way of ascent, through the kindling of the centers, is indicated to man. The entire transmutation, which is the threshold of the higher, boundless creativeness, is attained in life on Earth.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 103:
103. The kindling of the center of the lungs has afforded the yogis all possibilities, including those for the higher manifestations. This center endows one with mastery over water and air. Yogis have manifested themselves in flying and in walking upon the water, and specific gravity has become relative. The center of the lungs is at the foundation of all these so-called miracles. All the pains of martyrs disappeared through the control of this center, and in ecstasy, only the Chalice was functioning. This center may be called the fire-transmuter.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 103:
Pure yogism is aware that the functioning of the center of the lungs can transmute everything in accordance with desire. Of course, the present-day yogis use pranayama as a method of kindling this center.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 134a:
134a. I sense the burning of the sacred pains. In antiquity the priestesses had to preserve a quiet for a lengthy period. They were affirmed as the bearers of wings. Hence, the kindling of Urusvati is very intense, and the perception of color and sound has become very acute. In each tension is your creativeness confirmed. In each movement lies the guarantee of the future. It is a great attainment toward the assimilation of the manifestations of the far-off worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 245:
245. An Agni Yogi sensitively responds to cosmic vibration. Each vibration evokes the kindling of the centers. Each striving calls forth a cosmic vibration. This resounding We call psycho-activity. Therefore, the striving of an Agni Yogi is a response to a cosmic vibration; thus is psycho-activity confirmed. Tension, as a cosmic force, is strained in the higher worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 259:
259. The kindling of the centers is based upon this responding vibration. When the force of the cosmic ray is intensified, the responding vibration attracts the corresponding fire. Creation always strains the centers. When the force of vibration reestablishes the correlation of the centers, coordination is attained. It is impossible to establish correlation without the responding vibration.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 400:
400. The goal-fitness of cosmic creation extends over all manifestations of constructiveness. Hence, at the base of the creativeness of Fire lies goal-fitness. When the flame of the center is evoked, a new function is always outlined. Thus, each kindling carries its own special predestination. Hence, each kindling is affirmed by its predestined assertion. Thus, each flaming aspiration leads to one's destination. Therefore, rest is very much needed. The currents are greatly strained. The cosmic instability and the planetary equilibration result in the discharge of unharmonized currents. These currents inevitably reflect upon the sensitive organism.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 71:
When the center of the lungs is kindled, each kindling successively strains a new current. The affirmed receptacle of fire thus correlates with the Fire of Space. That is why the centers must be so greatly protected. Before consummation the centers resound with especial subtlety. Hence, the separation from Earth makes itself very keenly felt. The heart is the receptacle of all the finest energies. The subtlest currents resound upon the heart.

Hierarchy (1931) - 69:
Pay attention to the flow of thoughts and affirm the right waves of rhythm. People should not become like animals, who can think only in one direction at a time. The Sons of Light and Flame should sparkle in full freedom and kindle the fires of space. Verily the time comes for the kindling of the fires of space, in other words, for their manifestation even in the nearest physical sphere. It is a difficult time when fires can flash out and, if undisciplined, can burn and annihilate.

Hierarchy (1931) - 70:
You have also correctly remarked that the majority of tubercular cases are nothing else but the kindling of the centers of the lungs. Certainly the fires that have been stored up by karma, but not realized or applied, may become destructive.

Hierarchy (1931) - 102:
One may rejoice at the kindling of the fire of the heart. Let us not forget how unexpectedly new fires are kindled.

Hierarchy (1931) - 150:
150. Attention should be paid to the kindling of the centers of the knees. Even spots upon the skin reveal the very same stigmata as does genuflection, which means that the prayer within the heart may be evidencing the same signs. Thus one may gather significant signs, for instance; the rhythm of cosmic energies in the heart or a strong swelling of the abdomen near these centers is attested as are those of the larynx, the back of the neck, and the crown of the head.

Hierarchy (1931) - 245:
245. There are many shiftings in space, and it is not astonishing that the currents are transmitted by new rhythms. These rhythms are quite difficult because they arise from incidental vibrations during collisions with the currents of space; the wave is ten strokes too long and on account of this is fatiguing. Moreover, it is impossible to foresee the generation of new nebulae, because they are created by the shifting of the currents. One can perceive the newly formed nebulae only at the kindling of the last fires.

Hierarchy (1931) - 268:
268. People hear about the application of the inner fires for future evolution and overlook the significance of the fires for the present time. It will be asked, "What is the most striking significance of the fire concealed in us?" It is difficult to conceive, but it is certain that our fire is the chief regulator of earthquakes. The kindled centers, the conductors of the Fire of Space, quench the subterranean fire. One can trace how the Great Teachers sent their apostles to the places threatened by a disturbance of the fiery balance. In the future, many experiments could be carried out in this direction. Besides, the magnet of fire reacts also upon the human consciousness; in other words, fire has the greatest application. Fire is the most powerful conductor. Certainly the kindling of the fire is not easy, especially when the currents are so tense; but one may be sure that it is just this fire that is the talisman of the alchemists, so carefully concealed by them.

Heart (1932) - 38:
38. How necessary it is to learn to understand everything spiritual! We may expect nothing from the heart if our thoughts do not rejoice in the mention of everything spiritual. For we must attain the step where light emanates from our beings; then we are true co-workers with the higher worlds. Radiating the light of Bliss, we are at the same time physicians, creators, and protectors along the descending scale of Hierarchy. First we see the outer light, then that within ourselves, and only after the kindling of the "torch" can we radiate Light.

Heart (1932) - 114:
114. The communion with Agni Yoga takes place simply, just as many significant experiments and achievements were attained simply. Every step is valuable when it is straightforward in its unwavering striving. We go through so many specialties in order to fuse and transmute them in the heart. Who, then, will not become aflame when the bonfire is already kindled! How many hearts are already prepared in readiness for future kindling!

Heart (1932) - 378:
378. Pranayama of all kinds is directed essentially to the kindling of the fires of the heart. Indeed, of the multitudes who practice pranayama only very few receive positive results. Wherein lies the cause? Of course, in an indifferent attitude toward the heart. A complex exercise is devised, and the consciousness strives toward the calculation or alternation of bodily movements, in other words towards superficial methods. Yet no earthly calculations will kindle the talisman of the heart. Solar energy is non-existent without the sun; thus, also, the heart will not be kindled without striving toward the focal point. Hence, it is easier to kindle the heart through transporting oneself to the focal point than by relying on material calculations. Of course, pranayama has been wisely established as an auxiliary means for hastening results. But as soon as the mantram of the heart lost its significance, pranayama also turned into a mechanical remedy against the common cold. Therefore, let us remember about the sacred heart as the path to the focal point.

Heart (1932) - 404:
404. It can be seen by the notes of the Mother of Agni Yoga that the turmoil reacts almost like cosmic shocks. What, then, is the matter? Of course, the turmoil that arouses the kindling of fires of special hatred can be likened to the subterranean fires. Indeed, there may be whole bloody battles where there will be mostly horror or fulfillment of duty, thus failing to attain special tension. Wars are seldom equally tense; hence, a religious or revolutionary calamity may result in an incomparably stronger general tension. Hence, tension is determined, not by the number of shots or the number of enemies, but by the general conscious striving of the heart. Precisely as was said, the uprising of the elements is equal, whether it issues from the subterranean or superterranean fire. But there is no stronger fire than the fire of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 188:
188. Even for a simple examination by means of rays, the physician prescribes a special diet. Yet how much more subtle is contact with the Fiery Domain. One must prepare oneself not only through diet, but also by other external and internal means. Food requirements are not complicated. The chief thing is to avoid blood, since it is an element which introduces emanations unfit for the refined organism. But even in case of extreme necessity, one can avoid blood by using either dried or smoked meat. Similarly, in planning cereal or vegetable diets, one should be guided by the condition of one's organism. Yet even without Yoga anyone can understand that any excess is harmful. And everyone knows about the vitamins in raw products. But all these conditions, like excessive pranayama, are nothing compared with the heart's comprehension. You yourselves know how the fires flash up and how the most beautiful thoughts guide one. You may have heard more than once about robber sadhus, and they are probably quite zealous about counting their pranayama. You have heard also of certain Rishis who, even under the most intolerable conditions, did not shrink from helping people. It is especially good on each memorial day to recall the heart's acquisition of Fire. All other conditions are applied in accordance with the intrinsic worth of the heart. The heart will not fill itself with alien or animal blood, for the quality of the heart will not accept it. The fiery heart will not choke with evil speech, for this is contrary to its nature. Thus, let us welcome and always assist the natural kindling of the fires.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 222:
222. So long as humanity continues to dwell in a corporeal consciousness, the methods of conventional experimental medicine can hardly be altered. Only by directing the consciousness toward psychic energy can the senselessness of vivisection be stopped. Working with living plants, on one hand, and applying psychic energy, on the other, will lead the trend of thought into a new channel; but, in any case, each protest against vivisection already has Our approval. Such protests indicate a knowledge of the manifestations of the Subtle World and an understanding that vivisections can become new sources of contamination. In the future, an adequate prophylaxis, together with application of psychic energy, will make diseases entirely non-existent. But meanwhile, it is necessary as far as possible to stop the cruelties of vivisection and to reiterate about psychic energy. Through such a constant reminder, the energy itself will become more manifest. For fiery thinking is also a kindling of the torches.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 301:
301. One need not be surprised at flashes of light before one's closed eyes. The prophets said, "O Lord, I behold no darkness!" This is not a symbol of devotion, but a scientific evidence of the kindling of the centers. One constantly finds references to these lights. One should seek for them not only in antiquity but should also inquire about them among the blind and children. A poet could write a song on how heaven reveals itself to closed eyes.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 353:
353. A certain Guru remained out of sight in his cave. And when his disciples asked him to show himself, he replied, "Foolish ones - is it not for your sake that I have hidden myself? For I do not wish to cause discord among you by my appearance. But when you accept me as one who does not exist, perhaps your own fires will burn the more intensely." Even through such means does the Guru show concern about the kindling of the fires so that the heart may be aflame!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 369:
369. You explained quite correctly the curing of the case of tuberculosis, known to you. In fact, many cases of disease, especially among women, come from the kindling of the centers. But this conflagration can be quenched by giving a useful direction to the consciousness. It is possible that the fiery consciousness had been knocking for a long time, but the sparks of Fohat penetrated the region of the Chalice without being utilized. It is in this way that the conflagration starts, and tuberculosis is the most common result of unassimilated Fire. To assimilate in consciousness means also to assimilate physically. This connection of consciousness with the body is especially noticeable in the example of Fire, which causes a quite apparent physical deterioration if the Fire is not realized. Therefore, during illness, especially catarrhal ones, it is useful to perform a fiery pranayama. This pranayama is very simple - the usual inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth while directing the prana to the seat of the disease. But for intensification of the action one should keep in mind that the Fire of Space is being inhaled and the consumed Ur, exhaled. Thus, Fire is again the remedy, and the physician can alleviate the condition of the patient by assuring him of how easy it is to attract the basic energy. Fortunately, sickness strengthens one attitude toward faith, and a seriously ill patient will accept the reality of Fire more readily.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 385:
385. An aviator, having attained a record altitude, is still filled with dissatisfaction. He then resolves to try for greater heights. Dissatisfaction is the gateway to Infinity. Dissatisfaction should be valued to the full extent. Pleasure is neighbor to contentment, whereas joy is wings to Infinity. The fiery Teaching must preserve each kindling of the fires and guard against all extinguishers. Satisfaction is the sign of mediocrity and ignorance. Not satisfaction, but joy in eternal labor is the destiny of the great and ascending one. Nowadays fools may laugh when We speak of eternal ascent. Even the grave will not spare the fool from Eternity. Only a puerile brain could fail to understand that the earthly garment is not consummation. The fires summon to the uncognized, and even the blind see these lights. Do not fail to ask the blind about the fires. Some of them see fiery signs and understand their connection with the heart. Thus, the calls of dissatisfaction lead to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 430:
430. The inhalation of fire is practiced by certain yogis and is a purifying action. One should not understand this literally. One cannot inhale flames, but fiery emanations are useful. For such inhalation, the yogi chooses a quiet place, keeping his spine erect. Before him the yogi makes a fire of deodar wood, or, if deodar is unavailable, twigs of balu, so arranged that the smoke does not reach him. Then the yogi performs the usual pranayama, but in such a way that the emanations of the resin reach his breathing. There are two results - first, a purification of the body; second, the strengthening of the Agni energy. Nothing so helps the kindling of Agni as the properties of deodar. As you know insects cannot endure the strength of deodar resin. You also know that imperfect entities cannot approach the fire of this wood. Usually, the deodars prefer a volcanic soil to grow in; in this way a significant kinship is manifested. Volcanic soil in general merits study, along with its vegetation. Not only has the inhalation of fire been practiced by the yogis but also lying on deodar planks so that the spine comes in contact with the heart of the wood. Various records of antiquity indicate how ardently people have sought the fiery element. Experiments are necessary in order to understand the value of deodar. The significance of fire should be remembered in order to understand volcanic soil.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 453:
453. The Yogi of India says to the scientist studying the question of self-preservation Truly, it is high time to study the fiery nature of man. It should have been understood long ago that it is not only the will but the fiery energy which surrounds man with a salutary veil. One should indeed study this in laboratories, but such laboratories must be different from those dealing with soil fertilization. It is time for scientists to realize that for subtle experiments subtle conditions are needed. Likewise, it is time to recognize that these conditions are not created through mechanical disinfection. Each experiment requires fiery spiritual purification. In fact, much may be achieved amidst nature and in temples where the emanations are not so defiled. But in ordinary laboratories, which are not even ventilated, and where the dust is full of poisonous deposits, little can be achieved. Not without reason did healers ask before healing, "Have you faith?" And then the result was especially successful. But not only was the healer evoking faith, the kindling of the fire of the centers was also needed. When the fiery chakras began to rotate, considerable purification took place. Thus, let the physician pay attention not only to the will but also to the basic psycho-fiery energy. Let him remember that the surrounding atmosphere has a tremendous importance. It would seem unfitting to call attention to this, yet after millions of years of earthly existence, people still pay as little attention to the quality of their surroundings as they probably did in the times of the cave dwellers.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 516:
516. Some people must memorize useful counsels, whereas others know the fundamentals of life in their hearts; both kinds need a Teacher. The first must learn, but the latter should affirm themselves. Some understand the best means for human relations from their earliest years, whereas others must pass through a tiresome schooling in order to avoid destructive actions. Both need the Teaching as a reminder of the conditions of existence. It is astonishing to what a degree some remember instances from their past lives, whereas others have completely lost all memories of their former accumulations. A karmic cause does not completely explain such a marked difference in the understanding of life. Truly, the deciding factor in such understanding lies not in the circumstances of former lives, but in the acceptance of Agni. People call such wisdom a talent, but it is no special talent to keep Agni alight. Only the kindling of the centers produces uninterrupted vigilance of consciousness. Even a partial manifestation of Agni already preserves the accumulations inviolate. Agni is no violator, but our friend. It must be explained that the ascent of the spirit is indeed a manifestation of Agni.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 522:
522. Does having no cares befit humanity? Some confuse having no cares with reliance upon Hierarchy. They hold that because they have been incarnated here someone must be made responsible for them. But the Great Service is great solicitude. One cannot imagine a day or an hour when a man may be without care, that is to say, can dispense with thinking. Thus, care must not be regarded as an arid burden, but rather as a distinguishing quality of man. Among the privileges of the Bodhisattvas, solicitude for everything that exists is the gem of their crown. Likewise, solicitude should be welcomed as the kindling of Fire. Not petty reflections, but a most solicitous thought strikes sparks of light from the heart. It is unwise to avoid cares, for one must make haste with the fires of the spirit. Those who fear cares reveal but meager accumulations. The experienced wayfarer says, "Burden me with care when I enter the Beautiful Garden." Man, who has received the gift of thinking, has accepted not the least of these responsibilities. It has been said that the smile of a rich man is of slight value, but the poor man who has retained his smile will become the companion of God. So does the folk understanding value a smile amidst cares. My advice is that you realize the number of cares cannot be lessened. Only thus do we realize that joy is a special wisdom.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 535:
535. The root of a thought, or its motivating cause, must be made evident to a refined consciousness. It is impossible to know all thoughts, because in the kaleidoscope of human fragmentary thoughts one becomes dizzy, and the mere scraps of unstable thinking are of no use. But it is useful to sense the motivating cause of each expression. Such fiery affirmation comes with the kindling of the centers. Man is beginning to know the purpose of words. The external expression is not important to the sensitive observer. Sometimes the speaker himself finds it difficult to determine the primary reason for his own words. But a fiery heart knows how the spoken formula was born. No grimace or gestures will lead the third eye into error. Such straight-knowledge is not obtained easily. Many generations each add their mite to the consciousness. Understand that the affirmation of fire is achieved by many incarnations. The root of thought will provide the way to the realization of other roots.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 665:
665. The Fiery Wall, the Fiery Mist, the Fiery Baptism affirm the fiery reality. For example, people do not wish to understand that the quality of the fire borne by them depends upon themselves. They do not imagine that they themselves can kindle both the salutary and the destructive fires. Perseverance in various directions inevitably imparts to the fire its power and color; therefore it is so difficult to extinguish the consuming fire, which is kindled by the nature of habits. But the Yogi understands the great need of kindling the fire connected with Good. The thought of Good is the measure of consciousness. He who attains begins the ascent in self-abnegation and measures his steps by the criterion of Good. He knows that no mask of Good can disguise him, for deceit is only the illusion of an instant. Therefore, do not forget how the saint revered by you sent greetings to his friend from a great distance. He knew that his friend had set out for an achievement, and their hearts became one in revelation. Nothing can impede the revelation of the heart. Thus, a mutual confession of faith is in itself a foretaste of the language of the Fiery World, where the hidden becomes revealed. It is not surprising that the word of Truth is constantly repeated through the course of the ages. How can Truth be forgotten, though times may vary! One can rejoice at every mention of Truth, for that which we love we speak about, in words and in the heart..

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 258:
258. You may have heard that wise people, in an hour of danger, have sometimes exclaimed - joy, joy! This exclamation could not have signified mere self-delusion. They knew about the treasure of joy and, as it were, wished to draw therefrom a kindling of feelings necessary for achievement. Ghosts are not needed there where exists a sacred link with Hierarchy. One can borrow out of the Treasury inexhaustible forces, but they should be evoked flamingly. No one can oppose the joy of achievement. One should not submit to violence, but joy is a consummation. Thus, let us cultivate it as one would most precious blossoms, but let us not belittle it with the suspicion that it is an illusion. No, we know how joy resounds through the channel of Kundalini. We cannot often explain in words whence arises this joy, as a forerunner, but it comes to visit us on a light-winged ray of Hierarchy. Who knows from what Infinite Source sounds the call to joy? How many know that already the time of manifestation of joy has approached? But the law is immutable, and therefore joy is a special wisdom. How long ago this was said! But in spiral evolvement it gradually becomes real and comprehensible. Likewise grows the heart, and the consciousness, and fiery wisdom. We do not see how the grass grows, but we perceive the evidence of the growth. So too with the joy of achievement.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 433:
433. New life can begin from each instant. There can be no obsolete life, save perhaps in our conception of it. Yet, for what do we exercise and regenerate our thinking? Precisely for a new life. Let us not understand this as a personal concept, as egoism. Such a life of selfishness would be cringing. But no one who crawls can ascend. A new life in the name of good is built up in cooperation. Such a life kindles many fires. Let us not forget that thought of good kindles in its path a great number of lives. The poisoning of space with evil thinking is no new thing. But selflessness of the heart directs thinking to the kindling of new torches. Surely, wise is the law which invokes good thought for the lighting of new fires. The manifestation of the new, eternal sparks of the Fiery World will be actually new life.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 447:
447. The embryo of the spirit actually does not begin with human evolution; its manifestation refers to an indescribable fiery process. That is why you apply to man the words - kindling of the spirit. Precisely, given to man was the kindling of fire, which dwells in all the manifestations of creativeness. One should remember that powerful energies have been entrusted to man; therefore, whoever does not kindle the spirit does not fulfill his destiny. Precisely, self-perfection itself is first of all attained in the consciousness of the manifestation of spirituality. There can be no approach to the Fiery World without the manifestation of spirituality. This must be remembered by all.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 206:
206. The strongest Source of fiery energies, the heart, still has not been investigated as a manifestation of impelling force and of creative power. One must penetrate into the nature of creativeness in order to understand how invincible the heart is when all the fires are aflame. One must know that only a true source of powerful energies can create. Therefore, cultivation of the heart must be understood as the kindling of all fires. Each truly lofty manifestation of the heart depends upon the tension of the higher energies. The fiery heart saturates the subtle bodies with subtle energies. Those vibrations which establish the sacred bond between the Subtle World and the World of Fire are the fiery vibrations of the heart. Verily, on the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to strive for the creation of these sacred vibrations of the heart. Thus, the Sun of Suns is the Heart.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 208:
208. How, then, can the heart realize all the beauty of Existence if has not penetrated into all the joys and sorrows of life.? Thus it is that often, reading the Book of Lives, the heart trembles, but then the tear of suffering is transmuted into a pearl. The more fiery the heart, the greater the joys and the sufferings. The law of Fiery Right is forged in life. The Higher Command is affirmed by passing through all the vital steps with the heart. Creative impulses must be saturated in the heart, therefore each life issues its own radiations of the heart. Fiery Right is certainly not the phantom of perfectionment about which humanity has become accustomed to think, but is the fiery kindling of all the vital fires of the heart. Not in a placid existence is the heart saturated with fiery love.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 212:
212. Tension of all the energies of the spirit is manifested during the collision of forces. Actually, only a spirit impelled to creativeness can be conscious of that power which is contained in counteraction. How, then, to affirm fiery kindling, and to intensify each channel of fire? The attraction of all conformities takes place when all fiery currents are aflame. It is necessary to accept the law of counteraction as a stimulus of creativeness; the stimulus which intensifies each construction. Attraction of spirit is developed precisely by the fiery tension of all forces. In fact, each inscription in space can enter into life as magnetic opposition to the forces of darkness. Ascending on the path to the Fiery World, let us remember about striving in the higher tension of spirit, when on the brink of the abyss, when on the summit, when before a dark wall. Thus let us tense all forces.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 262:
262. Regeneration of thinking must be affirmed as the basis of a better Epoch. Thinking is a pledge of success, a pledge of new construction, a pledge of a mighty future. The transformation of life is indeed affirmed by transmutation of thinking. In each process one can trace how thinking evolves or regresses. Besides inspired thinking, there acts the impulse of kindling the thought. Therefore the law of striving produces that conformity which brings the Worlds closer through a saturation with creative fire. To ponder over the trend of thinking already helps to shift the consciousness. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us direct out thinking toward a better future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 340:
340. The consciousness of humanity has become so saturated with the dust of usualness that it is necessary to break through this wall. A single kindling of a consciousness is ineffectual before that terror which darkens the consciousness. A completely fallen consciousness can arise more quickly than that one which hides itself under various manlike masks. Take a consciousness imbued with self-conceit and with its own great importance in the world structure; when this consciousness destroys the construction of Good, it is hopeless. It is important to know about such a consciousness on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 403:
403. During the kindling of the centers it is possible to observe different saturations by psychic energy. Fiery transmutation engulfs, as it were, and condenses the crystals of psychic energy. Labor of the centers engulfs all energies, and after a working over the crystals are condensed by new ingredients which contribute their saturations. These saturations are manifested in various functions of the centers. Psychic energy is distinguished also by its quality, and its refinement can permeate the higher manifestations of vital functions which are intensified on various steps by different qualities. And similarly, as creative Fire spreads out over the Universe, so does psychic energy pass through its many stages in being refined. Thus, the source of creative power depends upon affirmation of the force of psychic energy in all its potentiality. The development of the forces of the spirit is actually the potential of psychic energy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 406:
406. Saturation of the centers by higher Fire intensifies psychic energy. When the fire of the centers is raging, psychic energy is also found to be in a state of highest tension. Balancing these fiery forces after transmutation results in a new kindling of the centers. The process of compressing psychic energy proceeds in conformity with the transmutation. The centers collect within themselves crystals of psychic energy which affirm the power of the transmutation. The Agni Yogi manifests a powerful straining of energy, which creates in conformity with manifested spatial Fire. The treasure of psychic energy can create a powerful panacea. The consciousness which assists the striving of the spirit toward transmutation of the centers performs a fiery action.

AUM (1936) - 202:
202. The kindling of the nerve centers has not sufficiently attracted the attention of physicians. It is very important to observe that the flaming of each center gives rise to symptoms of the local organ, yet the organ itself is not ill but is only vibrating in response to the fire of the center. It is possible to show that many false illnesses are announced by physicians when they do not recognize the basic cause of sensations. Moreover, the cause itself of inflammation is superficially studied. Purely cosmic conditions may be indicated, and of no less significance is the condition of the mass of humanity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 445:
Great sacrifices have been performed for the kindling of the fire. One must revere the memory of such self-sacrificing deeds. Beauty lives on in such calls. Neither time nor human confusion can stifle the calls to self-sacrifice. The covenants of Brotherhood also tell about this same thing. It is beautiful that even now the concept that has existed throughout the ages is not forgotten.


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