Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 179: He who sees himself as kind is not kind; But he who blames himself for cruelty demonstrates the progress of his spirit. His soul does not rust, and his spirit begins to assume its true form. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.3: The approaching time must put at the disposal of every sensitive spirit the tripod of Pythia. A kind of democratization of the features of aristocracy. But everyone inescapably bears in his bosom scales impossible to cheat. Each one will allot himself immediately what he deserves. This conforms with the New Era and easily reaches people's psychology. Understanding the flow of people's thought, it is easy to foresee the consequences. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.5: Remember, every kind of occurrence is possible in the world of spirit. New possibilities are molded not by an invented formula but by an indescribable power of spirit. It is both difficult and wonderful. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17: 2.5.17. We see the march of predestined events and note the appearance of quiet figures who are seemingly detached from life, although We value them by their achievements. But their lives flow on amidst now a kind of detachment and now an achievement, which appears like a spark in the darkness. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.5: Sometimes during vortices one can create one's own purifying wave. When a poisonous breath is about to touch one, it is best to exhale. Likewise, one can create by will power a protecting veil. During the Mystery rites the priestesses were so deeply enwrapped in an almost invisible bell that they ceased to hear and to see, as if the thread of existence had been severed. It was a kind of purification, in an atmosphere full of turmoil. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.10: 2.10.10. It is astounding how the world is going to ruin! The destroyers and the destroyed will be swept away. The new ones approach. From pure clean places will appear new ones: nomads and ploughmen, orphans and vagabonds, monks and convicts, scientists and singers - in short, all those strong in spirit. A legion of its own kind with understanding of spirit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.10: A kind of fear has girdled humanity with various artificial circles. Now it is time to put aside conventional formulae. It is time to meet with awakened spirit the manifestation of Earth and Heaven. It is time with open eyes to tell to the brood of the elements: "I do not fear you! You cannot impede the way pointed out to me." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.2: 3.2.2. They will ask: "What kind of heaven is yours?" Answer: "The heaven of toil and struggle." Out of toil is born invincibility; out of struggle, beauty. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19: 3.5.19. You will inevitably encounter a certain kind of people who fly into a rage at mention of the Teachers. They are ready to trust in any despicable stock market speculation, they are ready to believe in any swindle, but the idea of the General Welfare is inadmissible to them. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4: The second kind of community knows about the plan of earthly evolution, but does not connect this plan with definite action and date. These are circles of political idealists; certain occult organizations; some learned societies; and - rarest of all - clerical bodies. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4: The third kind of community knows not only the plan of evolution but also the dates and the action. Of course these communities are rare, and they receive Our Indications. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4: He who has come in close touch with Us learns silence. Likewise, it is difficult to distinguish the participants of a community of the third kind. More talkative is the second kind of community; already they speak much about the Common Good. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.13: If a certain kind of men have a resemblance to the hippopotamus, then they are of the same evolution. New Era Community (1926) - 35: 35. Paracelsus used to say; "per aspera, ad astra." Later, this remarkable maxim became a device upon shields and coats of arms, losing all meaning. True, understanding its meaning it is difficult to attach oneself to Earth alone. As a smoke escaping through a chimney, the attained spirit rushes into manifested space. What kind of dimensions for it can earthly garments offer? What kind of mobility can the spirit manifest on the surface of the Earth? What thoughts can it share with and upon the earthly sphere? New Era Community (1926) - 127: 127. If some very ignorant and unawakened person will say of the Teaching that it is apparently quite a different kind of communal teaching - know how to reply justly. Say that every community based on labor and the knowledge of reality does not harm the processes of perfectionment of humanity., Due to the motion of the Cosmos, it is impossible to remain immobile. There is either backward or forward movement. All who realize consciously the community move forward. And there cannot be communities opposed to each other; just as one cannot contrast different aspects of the sensation of hunger. Thus, against the community will speak only he who has begun to move backwards, entering into the formation of cosmic refuse. New Era Community (1926) - 156: 156. It can be seen that the path of those who bear a mission is not a restful one. People think of a procession of some kind of magicians, almost as with the cap of invisibility. New Era Community (1926) - 206: Indeed, as We say, the Community battles for reality. You have another kind of ally; those who strive for the truth, for whom evidence is nothing but an unclean glass. If chemical and biological evidence is complicated, then still more complex is the evidence of the planes of structure of life and actions. Without the development of consciousness we shall dwell in a continuous mirage; as in catalepsies, we shall be twisted in frozen terror. New Era Community (1926) - 217: 217. There are two kinds of skepticism one benevolent, as in him who seeks confirmation; the other faint-hearted, as in a proprietor resisting innovations. The manifestation of the second is customary in circles of poor education. Never begin a dispute with people of this kind. Propose to them to read and to add to their education. The first kind of skeptics represent for Us an agreeable manifestation, for out of their ranks are obtained useful co-workers. Indeed, they are usually far more cultured and their former experiences are richer. Thus, they can more easily compare data of different domains of knowledge. In fact, they are already prepared for acceptance of the community, and for them comparisons will be only a removal of temporary cataract. Agni Yoga (1929) - 52: To absolve a repentant sinner for a fee - is it not the most heinous crime? Is not this attempted bribery of Divinity worse than the most primitive kind of fetishism? Light must be shed from all sides upon this terrifying problem, otherwise the human undergarments will never lose their grime. Agni Yoga (1929) - 63: In remote times a sick body was surrounded by healthy ones in order to nurture its strength. But this is a kind of vampirism that should not even be suggested. It is quite a different matter when there is a conscious transmission, voluntary and benevolent. This can be not only to one person, but even to several at once if one understands how to apportion the transmissions judiciously. It is an important reality that material benefit can be transmitted by means of psychic energy. Weighty substance is transmitted by weightless energy. This is not just suggestion but a real phenomenon. Agni Yoga (1929) - 70: A sowing of one kind of grain can bring a full harvest, but even more fruitful are combinations of beneficial grains. They will yield explosions of spirit. Agni Yoga (1929) - 75: 75. People are ready for every kind of spiritual incest. People are only too willing to unite elements that are incompatible. They try to unite the father element, fire, with the daughter element, water; and the earth-mother with the air-son. If their progeny is burned to ashes they will not blame themselves, and will lay the responsibility on the Heavenly Father. Agni Yoga (1929) - 96: 96. I am astonished at the old world; the appearance of sunspots intensifies the discord. The wings of the old world flutter their last, while the open centers revolt. For each advance of the centers a kind of epidermis is needed which grows painfully. Pure air cannot coexist with the lifeless azote of the old world. Agni Yoga (1929) - 100: 100. The destiny that leads to Us must be forged every hour. The debasement of the idea of co-measurement is a kind of self-strangulation. The postponing of achievement is like drowning oneself. Agni Yoga (1929) - 142: 142. Let us take an example from the animal world. When organisms sharing one kind of blood separate, the process always evokes a feeling of being incomplete. The litter of tiny, blind newborn creatures so unconsciously turns to the forces of nature that only compassion takes notice of them. But time passes, and they become a powerful pack. It is true that they fight with each other, but they unite to attack the enemy. A new force has been developed despite an insignificant beginning. Agni Yoga (1929) - 166: 166. Everyone has within himself some kind of Yoga, even if only in a rudimentary stage or in a distorted form. People can be classified not only according to the elements, but also according to Yogas. Often in a hypocrite you find a perversion of Bhakti Yoga; in an overbearing athlete, Hatha Yoga; in a zealot, Raja Yoga; and in a bigot, Jnana Yoga. But what can match the heights of the true Yoga, which links the earthly consciousness with the cosmic pulse? Can one imagine anything that could replace the fundamental striving of the incarnate spirit; something that could imbue one with astral understanding; something that would make clear the purpose of mankind's existence? It is the study of Agni Yoga that brings one closer to the far-off worlds. Agni Yoga (1929) - 188: 188. With each century a special kind of Yoga is introduced, appropriate to the world's condition. The earth element is inapplicable when a fiery cure is required. Nor will water or air serve in place of the wings of fire. Like an inevitable cataclysm that sweeps away continents, so undeferrable is the Yoga of the realization of the fiery power. The ability to recognize the right time for right actions is the mark of an enlightened consciousness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 234: One should accustom oneself to the assimilation of all kinds of knowledge. Is there any kind of knowledge that we can regard as beneath us? How can we trust ourselves if we reject information that may be needed? Agni Yoga (1929) - 236: 236. It should be understood how, in every sense, trust increases one's possibilities. But what kind of trust is the best? And what doubt is the worst? The inner trust that needs no words of affirmation is the best. The fleeting doubt is the worst. It is not the gnawing serpent of doubt that is most to be feared, because with just one achievement the serpent can be destroyed. But the swarm of small worms of doubt requires a lengthy cure. The strongest trust can be upset neither by thought nor word. It would be better to swallow a deadly poison than to remain in the illness of doubt. He who is shielded with trust needs no other armor. Agni Yoga (1929) - 246: Whence comes this inflexibility of thinking in our race? This kind of moribund process has attended the end of each race. This is old age, this is a dying out, this is a rejection of evolution. Therefore I constantly advise dealing with the few, regardless of their social position. Agni Yoga (1929) - 268: 268. Life rushes by like a waterfall, but not many perceive its motion. Those who yearn for rest regard life as if it were a tomb. What is rest? This concept is an invention of the dark ones. What manifest timidity people reveal when they speak of rest! For them, rest is idleness. This kind of rest is always an earthbound joy, a joy of doing nothing that is not Ours. Is nature ever idle? We, as parts of nature, are subject to its laws. Agni Yoga (1929) - 387: Take several plants of the same kind and of approximately the same age. Any species can be used. Place them in the same room and observe them yourself without showing any preferences. After two months separate the plants into three groups and place them in different rooms. Be indifferent toward the first group, send your good will to the second, and send your will for destruction to the third. These transmissions should be performed at a short distance and the rhythm of Mahavan should be used. Agni Yoga (1929) - 445: 445. You should relate the discussion of the astral to the future experiments in densification of the astral body. Amidst earthly conditions, the psychic energy is trained to accept into the consciousness a new kind of body. These changes are made up of unnoticeably small steps of assimilation, manifested by few. Agni Yoga (1929) - 464: 464. Even if one gathers all the power of will, one still cannot evoke the Fire of Space. Those manifestations of the fiery element are not subject to command, they grow naturally from the expansion of consciousness. We call the human consciousness Our garden, where grow the fruits of labor. The work on the expansion of consciousness proceeds on two planes. These two planes are separate from the manifestations of life, just as a subterranean passage does not touch the vegetable kingdom and just as the fall of a meteorite is independent of the weather. People understand with difficulty these stratifications of two planes. Vigilance of the consciousness is required, but few are those who possess it. Each phenomenon of fire not only requires certain physical conditions but also depends upon the state of consciousness. The unexpectedness of phenomena is not so difficult to explain: it is enough to look into one's own consciousness without prejudice and to discern the physical conditions that preceded the phenomena. One will perceive a kind of short circuit of the current, which produces the manifestation. Agni Yoga (1929) - 490: 490. It is very valuable when spatial thought can be summoned for cooperation - when fire accompanies actions, and stars participate in them too. On one step we intensify our will, and on the next we come in touch with the fires of space. Then spatial thought serves as a kind of semaphore and as an amplifier. In this state we do not need to depend so much on will power, for near us is found an inexhaustible source of energy that works with us if permitted. Agni Yoga (1929) - 501: Do not complicate the path of psychic energy. It will itself whisper to the sensitive ear when less sleep is needed, when less food is needed, and when less drink is needed. Indeed each kind of energy provides nourishment, psychic energy especially. Agni Yoga (1929) - 507: 507. Killing by undisciplined use of psychic energy is a crime equal to that of killing out of ignorance. Murders of this kind are countless. One should think about this! The fact that some are unaware of it does not mean that such crimes do not exist. Agni Yoga (1929) - 590: 590. You have noticed that sometimes physical tension activates one's psychic energy. This purely mechanistic and physical condition should direct one to thinking about the material nature of psychic energy. This materiality of psychic energy can easily be demonstrated by physical means. It is not difficult to observe the reflexive reactions to physical tension. Should one not search along these obvious directions? It means that spiritual manifestations are not at all abstract and can be measured. They may not be evident to all, yet the coarser actions can be seen by even an ordinary person. Unfortunately people often pass by without noticing even the loudest colors. Red may sometimes be remembered as green; this kind of distortion can be met everywhere. Agni Yoga (1929) - 604: 604. In the study of psychic energy, much can be learned about its properties. For example, you have noticed that astral beings can assume any form and produce any image. This has been shown sufficiently in photographs. What kind of energy helps them in this creation? Of course, psychic energy, if already cultivated while they were incarnate. But it is not so much the frightful phantoms that are evidenced as the reaction of our own organism that is important in our observations. Agni Yoga (1929) - 639: 639. You noticed correctly that in receiving distant transmissions a special kind of vigilant receptivity is needed. Not vacant receptivity, but a keenness of the centers. One must be able to distinguish between willfulness and the refining of perception. Thus we shall gradually discern our inner forces. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 64: The death of the organism is manifested as a kind of chemical reaction, but the man who kills his psycho-life, that of his spirit and of his consciousness, sets himself among the evident destroyers of the progress of cosmic creation. The wings of existence in the psycho-life are measureless and carry the manifested fires into the heart of the sun itself. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 195: 195. The divergence of points of view in regard to the Universe reveals an approach to varied spheres. What kind of vision has humanity? The eye of an earth dweller does not penetrate beyond the physical plane. Naturally, the search for material manifestations results in the aspiration for that which is visible only by crude sight, and the manifestation of higher spheres is thereby excluded. The world vision encompasses the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet, and man can penetrate into the higher planes. The truth predestined by Cosmos can be attained. When the world vision directs itself into Space, it is aware of all laws. But the world vision has its boundaries and goals pertaining to it; the periphery of its striving is within the closest sphere. Its quests reach into the spheres close to Earth. But the Spatial Fire can be encompassed by the vision of the Infinite. And to the spirit who has approached the Spatial Fire, the limitless vision is granted. The psycho-life of the Spatial Fire can encompass the spheres through the assimilation of psychic energy. The spirit who has embraced the Spatial Fire lives through the creative force of Materia Lucida. Hierarchy (1931) - 173: 173. Therefore there is no way by which one can escape responsibility. Even the smallest thought enters into the megaphone of space and attracts to itself the same kind of locust, causing the smoky atmosphere of the planet. Thought can purify by destroying the microbes of disintegration, but it can likewise attract unbridled elements. Not without reason do the dark ones use especially underdeveloped people for certain machinations. You often utter the word cult-ur; it means the cult of Light. I remind you of how great is the common responsibility before Light if each thought can either obscure or purify space. Thus let us remember. Hierarchy (1931) - 225: 225. Pay attention to a special characteristic of all animals and birds that exude secretions similar to musk. The furs and feathers contain an oily substance, as well as heat, as if a kind of resin or mountain oil had saturated them. The plumage of the birds takes on a metallic hue, as a result of their feeding upon roots and grains that contain much psychic energy of the vegetable kingdom, in other words, of resin. Minerals also give out psychic energy through the vegetable kingdom or through the air, where the Fire of Space has the same properties as thought manifested by the spirit. One can now understand the ancient comparison that termed thought a flame. What remarkable experiments could be performed by linking a chain of reactions of the psychic energy from minerals to the subtle body! One could observe how varied would be the reactions of the furs and feathers of certain birds and animals. Is it casual that in the ancient palaces and temples metallic peacocks were kept? One may ponder why musk animals and monal birds breed at almost equal altitudes. Are there not the same soils on the heights as in the plains? When we shall purify the atmosphere of the plains we shall have to pay attention to the depths of Earth, invoking their psychic energy. Hierarchy (1931) - 429: 429. The earthly life span cannot be lived through without Hierarchy. But the difference lies in the kind of hierarchy that can be comprised by the consciousness. In disintegration one can turn to the hierarchy of gold and even to the hierarchy of gluttony. Heart (1932) - 91: 91. Let us give attention to some seemingly unsuccessful actions which basically have a kind of special meaning. Sometimes one may observe how a man performs some actions almost without a possibility of success, but something compels him to act precisely in this manner. Such actions are usually not bad in substance, but they are often unjustly repaid. All these are karmic payments; he who receives them has of course forgotten about them, and on the way has lost many spiritual accumulations, but the one who pays nevertheless strives to return the debt, even if the garment of return no longer fits. Nevertheless the debt will be paid even though it cannot be accepted. One can also witness payment made for others, people close to one's heart. Heart (1932) - 169: 169. It happens that people are so savage in spirit that they can only live by condemning each other. This is not an inspection of another's armor with the view of helping; on the contrary, condemnation becomes the meaning of life. If one deprives such a condemner of his tongue, he will perish and wither like a plant without water. Such a manifestation can be investigated from a medical point of view. One can see in this condemnation a kind of obsessive vampirism, when the possession of more active vital fluids is needed to nourish the obsessed one. Heart (1932) - 334: 334. Ask a clever man what has most often warned him of danger, safeguarded him against errors and deviations. An honest man will say the heart. He will not name the brain or reason. Only a stupid man will rely upon conventionally rationalized deductions. The heart is permeated with straight-knowledge. We already voiced this concept long ago, but now we return to it upon another turn of the spiral. We have already passed through the discipline of Heart and Hierarchy, and have pondered upon Infinity. Thus straight-knowledge appeared not as a kind of vague intuition, but as a result of spiritual discipline together with the understanding of the significance of the heart. Thus guide the pupils. At first, cast the necessary concept like a far-reaching net, then cautiously draw in the corners of the net in order to completely surround that which you seek. It is not casually that the symbol of the fisherman casting his net is often pointed out. The heart is not so easy to catch! It is not easy to accept the language of the heart as a reality. Time, devotion, and striving are needed in order to obtain the understanding of the expression of the heart. Heart (1932) - 336: 336. Reasoning is a kind of antithesis to the attainment of the heart. Reasoning is a kind of magic, but magic is the antithesis of Beneficence. We must fully comprehend magic as well as reasoning, because they are so closely related to personality, to self, to egoism. Reasoning issues from self, magic sets itself against the Highest. But the achievement of the heart, and also of Beneficence, in essence has no feeling of self, in other words, of the most limiting inception. The porcupine flings its quills from itself, and it is difficult to get at him from above. Each one who is argumentative deprives himself of the great communion with the Above. Do not let us confuse reason and conditioned reasonings. Reason leads to wisdom, in other words, to the heart. But a worm argues, even though he crawls with difficulty across the path of men. Therefore, let us persist in the achievement of the heart. Because in it is the coffer of ecstasy, which cannot be acquired with gold. Heart (1932) - 457: 457. The flow of heart energy is often felt on the right side of the organism. The energy strikes the Chalice and from there naturally is reflected upon the right side of the organism. The temples, the neck, shoulders, knees, extremities evidence a sensation which is very close to physical outflow. Incalculable is the amount of energy thus radiated from the fiery heart. Hence, the Teacher often advises caution. It is difficult to determine in advance exactly the beginning of this outflow, because the spatial magnets and attractions often demand simultaneous projections into various parts of the world and various spheres. If the calls upon the heart energy could be connected with an electric bell, a continuous ringing would often result, varying only in its intensity. Such experiments will undoubtedly be made, but the experimenters will rarely agree that it is the energy of the heart, attributing it rather to some kind of nervous contractions. It is not long since one might have been burned at the stake for such a telegraph. Heart (1932) - 480: 480. If some one begins to complain about the intangibility of the Subtle World, point out how exceedingly erroneous is this statement. The wings of the Subtle World touch people more often than it is customary to think. But people themselves brush off the invisible flies and an invisible web. Often people also fight against an intrusive thought and turn around with the question, "Who calls me?" A multitude of subtle but entirely real sensations fill life. Because of their physical reality many of them can even be studied with comparatively crude apparatuses. As you know, the feeling of invisible webs over the face can be distinctly and enduringly felt. It would seem that for physicians who occupy themselves with research in the domain of psychic phenomena, this sensation should be very significant. Why not experiment with such people by means of various apparatuses, regarding pulsation, character of secretions, regarding the heart and the receptivity of the skin? The subtle element will also indicate a kind of tremor near the person under observation. Thus, one could begin useful observations by groping, but the chief trouble is that usually such experiments are carried on sporadically, without unwavering iron patience. The Subtle World demands striving, not convulsions. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 125: 125. The situation in the world is difficult; everywhere there is a kind of ossification. People think to entrench themselves in a bog, but whole mountains are splitting as a reminder of what is coming. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 305: 305. Of course, an outflow of energy can even cause dizziness, especially when the transmissions are projected to remote distances; then a kind of inertia sets in. Gravitation is felt so strongly that it is better not to be in an upright position. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 335: 335. Can knowledge of the future be regarded as sorcery? Can cognition of the inevitable be magic? Each religion, as a link with the Highest, finds words to express the ineffable transition into the Subtle World. The earthly consciousness retains possession of all its senses, which are found in the Subtle World though in transmuted form. The precise moment of transition into the Subtle World is accompanied by a sensation of dizziness, as during fainting or at the beginning of a fit of epilepsy. The sensations that follow depend entirely upon the preparedness of the consciousness, or rather upon the fiery ego. If the consciousness has been obscured or dimmed, the senses cannot be carried over into the new condition. In this case a kind of oblivion or drowsy roaming about occurs. This state is not a pleasant one. I do not, of course, refer to the dark state of criminals and the depraved - the nature of their torment is indescribable! But it is preferable to speak of the luminous possibilities. Thus, if Agni has been awakened during life through knowledge or heroic feeling, it will immediately accomplish the great transmutation. Like a veritable torch, it will indicate the way; like radiant helium it will carry one up to the predestined sphere. Though so imperceptible in earthly life, Agni becomes the guiding principle in the Subtle World. And not only does it light the way in the Subtle World, it acts as a guide to the Fiery Beings. Without Agni it is impossible to commune with the Light of the Fiery World. Lacking the manifested fire, the roaming spirits are stricken blind. We behold by Fire, and we ascend by Flame. There are no other propellants, and therefore blessed be the Fire-conscious! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 359: 359. They will say, To quarrel is forbidden; to deride is forbidden; to betray is forbidden; to slander is forbidden; to strike another is forbidden; to be arrogant is forbidden; to serve one's selfishness is forbidden; to exercise prerogatives is forbidden - what kind of life is this? Let us add - to leave dirt behind one is also forbidden; for each one who leaves dirt behind will have to carry it out himself. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 464: 464. Torpor, as well as repugnance, must be overcome. Many fail to take notice of this pernicious fellow traveler. Yet one can clearly trace how not only some unknown causes but seemingly the most innocuous everyday objects intercept the current of the fiery energy. Not only repulsion but a certain kind of unnoticeable torpor arrests the tension of work. The most common object obscures, as it were, the receptivity of brain and heart. Sometimes the pattern of a fabric, the rhythm of a song, the flash of a knife, the tinkle of metal, or a multitude of similar fragmentary emotions throw us out of the usual trend of aspiration. Whence comes this torpor? When and where were these reverberations and flashes perhaps decisive factors in our existence? Let us not deny the cumulations of the past; this is one more evidence of past existences. One should regard these recollections very soberly, and even record them as an exercise in observation. But one should not be spiritually encumbered by these fragments of the past. One may also encounter objects which can give impetus to one's striving; one may rejoice at such companions of bygone paths, but even they must not engage our attention too long. Forward, forward, ever forward! Each moment of torpor is a loss of progressive motion. How often it has been said that motion is a shield against the hostile arrows! Thus, proceed fierily. Let your fire be a beacon for your companions. One should remember that one must give light through thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 483: 483. Let the thought-creativeness of the Subtle World remind us of what kind of amplifier is revealed to us. Verily, he who passes over in righteousness multiplies the righteousness, and he who passes over in evil becomes a source of evil. Thus we can multiply our energies without limit. It is therefore our duty to refine our organisms in order that it be a worthy receptacle. And these actions can be performed in palaces as well as in huts. Only consciousness of the grandeur of the revealed Fiery World leads to the path of unity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 534: 534. Long ago I mentioned that a garden of offenses is unfit. One must show an understanding of the complete unworthiness of offenses. An offense is the most impeding state. It is like a hidden abscess. Buddha himself when noticing some kind of offense immediately sent away the disciple, saying, "go and bathe in cold water." Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 643: 643. Verily, one must have discrimination to ascertain true significances. Many are the illusions and phantoms that obscure an evaluation of the real advance of the spirit. Many appearances of the dark forces attempt to seduce or terrorize one. Such attacks are especially preponderant in the vicinity of obsessed or mentally diseased persons, who are like open gates, not only attracting entities to themselves but creating a kind of channel for all surrounding people. The border lines of psychic illnesses are quite imperceptible, therefore I advise great caution. I consider it useless to expend one's strength in all experiments with obsession when one's own ill health disturbs the equilibrium. Whisperers can attach themselves to the ear that is ailing. and only a firm consciousness can shake off these asps without delay. You already know that no sickness should be neglected. One must immediately inoculate oneself with vigor and not forget about Agni. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 644: 644. Bliss, Nirvana, Divine Nearness and all analogous terms for the higher state are usually understood in an earthly sense. Thus, Bliss is always understood as an ecstatic oblivion and the rapture of some kind of indolent rest; but oblivion may be understood only as the erasure of all earthly means and examples. Truly, why such limited earthly ways, when one can already act through the higher energies? Is it possible to identify Divine Nearness with indolence and immersion in oblivion? Such a correlation is contrary to the very meaning of approach to the Highest Principle. This conjoining with the Highest, this transformation through the higher energies, primarily impels one to an increased tension of all forces. Even in extreme tension a man must not lose hold of himself. But amidst the contacts with fiery radiances, the seed of the spirit will be kindled the more, and its striving toward thought-creativeness, unrestrainable. One may wonder why people try to limit and disparage the significance of the Fiery World. They wish to clothe it in earthly limitations and also stipulate that the inhabitants of other worlds must exist in earthly bodies and dwell in earthly conditions. Only an undeveloped imagination can limit the Universe to such a degree. Therefore I so greatly emphasize the development of imagination as the basis of striving toward the Higher Worlds. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 10: 10. Pay attention to the so-called transitory states of the organism. The state between sleep and wakefulness provides a very significant field for observations. One may notice how amidst earthly thinking fragments of thought of a different order intrude, objects seem to vibrate and the earthly perception is altered. Few admit the thought that this different kind of perception is the thinking of the Subtle, and even Fiery World. As the manifested world disappears, one awakens to the voice of the Subtle World. Amidst various transitory states one can notice the lightnings of the Higher Worlds. Thus, one should attentively observe the special resoundings. Amidst earthly conditions one should not merge into these manifestations, because equilibrium is of first importance, but the receptacle of an expanded consciousness must find a place for manifestation of all three worlds. Only thus shall we become accustomed to the understanding of the fiery thought. Fire, as a visible element, often impedes the realization of the fiery thought, but the manifestation of Agni is not a match. Yet every fiery manifestation first of all reflects upon the thinking process. Meanwhile pay attention to the origination of the visible Fire - the bright energy whirls in spirals, so that even in a small flame one may see the process of intervention of an outside energy. The moment of blending of the inner Fire with the outer one can be called resonant in beauty. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 55: 55. An example of the opposite is when the mind has been withered through non-understanding of the Teaching - then one may reply, "It is enough to whine over your offences, you have had ample time to broaden your consciousness, you could have observed the heavenly worlds and understood the Source of the Teachings; but instead of this you wish to carry away with you earthly offences. What is the Teaching and Wisdom of the ages to you, when your thoughts instead of expanding have been shrunk in offence? No one has insulted you, but you have offended yourself." Thus in the Subtle World small thoughts are crowded. One may regret that so much energy is wasted in quarrels and mutual belittling. But if it be asked to what extent such thoughts of the Subtle World are chemically harmful, one can only say that small unkind thoughts generate poisonous gases. One must think not of oneself, but to what an extent people may harm each other even in the Subtle World. But every kind of thought and striving towards the Beautiful helps one to advance rapidly. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 135: 135. One may recall a fairy tale - A thinker brought some people a wonderful curative remedy, but it was necessary to carry it in a closed casket. None of the people would consent to open this casket, because, judging by their own natures, they assumed that it was a viper or some kind of poison. Thus one may offer a most beautiful treasure, but people will take it to be poison. This is how people impelled by fears of misfortune accept a treasure. What, then, is to be done if Satan has so firmly implanted distrust. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 169: 169. The cry of the heart is generally understood as an abstract concept, but Ur. says not so, for she has known and heard the resounding of the heart in its great tension. Such sounding actually occurs, and in it is expressed a powerful energy. The most dangerous assaults of darkness are shattered against this tension of energy. But not often is it possible to attain such a striking aspiratory state. The fiery heart knows when the invocation of the entire psychic energy will be demanded. From the solar plexus, from the chalice, there is concentrated a current of powerful force. The most evil sendings will fall apart under such a discharge. We always rejoice at seeing such a vigilant heart, since the attack is always sudden and the accumulation of force is only possible through great watchfulness. Often this keen vigilance becomes clouded by a kind of faintness which is very indicative of the presence of dark forces. But a flaming heart does not give in to such poisonous chemisms. But remember that evil forces do send double, repeated blows, knowing their effect upon unprepared organisms. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 246: 246. The scholar is almost right in attributing life to the chemism of an organism, but he loses sight of the crystal of psychic energy. True, this most subtle substance is also a chemism of its own kind, but the approach to it is a special one. Ordinary scholars, among many true conclusions, miss the principal one, not so much because of opposition as from inability to imagine such concepts. You yourselves have seen two physicians to whom there was offered the greatest opportunity for unrepeatable observations. You saw how unable they were to appreciate these possibilities, and that they obviously evaded the chief consideration, while babbling absurd formulas. Cooperation lies in mutual solicitude and hearty labor. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 280: 280. Esteem people who not only speak but also act. Affirm the ability to understand action. The hardships of these times have resulted from disorganization. The cause of such disorganization is absurd in its insignificance - the cooperation of hearts has been forgotten. Meeting together in prayer, people forget how to attune themselves for service. Whereas, such a condition is indispensable and is easily attained; for this it is merely necessary that people help one another. To preserve an unusual frame of mind means to proceed to the Fiery World. Under the ordinary conditions of life such a frame of mind is not easy, but precisely it must not be set aside. One should not enter the temple otherwise than prayerfully. In prayer existence is uplifted and made better; therefore each prayer, as also each exaltation, must be better than the preceding one. Each step of the ladder of the spirit must be traversed. How majestic is the Ladder to the Fiery World, which has in a year three hundred sixty six steps by day and three hundred sixty six by night! Every step is distinct from every other, and let each one be better than the preceding one. Joy toward the Teaching, will it not be a true adornment of a step? In each joy for the Teaching is already contained new cognition. Often one cannot express in words this step, given in joy. It is indisputable, and what a veritable mountain is ascended in the prayer of joy! Pains are alleviated by it, the task is made successful by it. No one and nothing can block this joy. Thus shall we have the advantage of success. The same thing may be wished to all, because on the ladder of the spirit there is no crowding. Let each one rejoice at the sheer beauty of a new step. Why should anyone go backward? But it is difficult and burdensome to lose what has been already traversed. Downfall is always harmful, even for the body. One can imagine how ruinous it is for the spirit, for the fiery being. Contact with Fire already produces a special kind of tissue, which glows on the upward, and is reduced to ashes on a downward path. The ladder of ascent is the measure of magnanimity, consequently magnanimity may be achieved daily. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 12: 12. Among the traducers of the Teaching one should notice a particular kind of people who assign for themselves the obligation of standing in custody of the Truth. But it is the prerogative of the fiery consciousness to manifest Truth. The self-appointed guardians of the Truth are at great pains to take for the Truth only that which is agreeable to them. Hence, there are so many vilifiers of the Teaching and of all enlightened beginnings. It is correct to point out the anathema and maledictions which are proclaimed by such guardians of Truth. How much of the Beautiful has been destroyed by these dark efforts! Why is it that these forces of darkness cannot stand Our Indications? Because Our Teaching is all-embracing, all-pervading, and of primal origin. Darkness contends especially with the Source which is close to the Hierarchy of Light. If We will trace all the false sources one will become convinced to what extent they are supported by human consciousness. The sowers of doubts and distortions continually voice interdiction of Truth and all Light. But the Fiery World also has its Fiery Guardians. Woe to the pseudo-guardians and woe to those who litter the space with pseudo-teachings. Woe to those who in an unworthy manner have given and are giving to the World a conception of Hierarchy which belittles the Luminous Images. Thus let us combat the distortions. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 61: 61. Many channels feed into the mouth of a river. The river receives waters from the mountains and carries them through many channels to eventually swell the sea. Often the mouth of the river is hidden and unnoticeable; often it is inconspicuous and narrow; often it is underground; yet whatever kind of mouth the river may have, it feeds the currents of the sea. In its role in life, the heart may be closely compared to the river's mouth, although its synthesizing function is not always apparent. Though the synthesis may seem unmanifested, still it is impossible to arrest the force of the estuary's current; likewise it is impossible to arrest the creativeness of the synthesis of the heart, for the elements of this synthesis are fed into it through the paths of subtle energies; and the outflow of the subtle energies resulting from the synthesis also is a most subtle process. The divisibility of the spirit best demonstrates this fine process. The divisibility of the spirit is linked with divisibility of energies, and, if manifested on a high level, may involve the divisibility of centers. One group of centers acts upon the earthly plane, the other returns a subtle fluid to the Fiery World. In the transmutation of the centers it is always necessary to have in mind this powerful divisibility of the spirit. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 491: 491. Certain perspicacious people speak about the approaching end of the World. In describing it they talk as they were taught to think in elementary schools. They are little to be blamed in this, since their heads have been filled from childhood with the most monstrous ideas. And yet, they do sense some sort of end of something. Though dimly seen, still their spirit has a presentiment of some kind of change. They are called false prophets, but such a judgment is not fair, for in their own way they sense the end of an obsolete World. Only, they are unable to distinguish the external signs. Indeed, near is the hour when superfluous scales begin to fall, and the World of Light begins to come into being in joy. The most important processes can be carried out visibly-invisibly. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 557: 557. You know that one should speak simply, but people expect the very simplest. One may receive questions such as one is even ashamed to answer. But every mother knows of these questions from her children. The mother conquers her irritation and finds a kind word for the child. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 616: 616. Mild insanity is, as it were, a local paralysis. One must establish a friendly contact with brain and heart. Rarely does such heart contact take place. People either fear or scorn the patient. Yet the illness might have resulted not from any fault of the patient himself; a hostile arrow might have stunned him. There are many such cases, where the man himself is not at fault but a malignant arrow has pierced him. It is possible to cure many cases of this kind of madness, arising, as it were, from concussion. AUM (1936) - 77: 77. The ignorant skeptic asks, "Why make assumptions about some sort of higher worlds? I have never heard of anything of that kind." It is fitting to answer, "Certain kinds of animals do not know about the higher worlds, nevertheless people have seen and felt the higher contacts a great number of times and can speak about their reality. If someone has never once felt the approach of the invisible world, it means that one's nerve centers have become atrophied." This is the fitting answer to ignorant skepticism. AUM (1936) - 77: What kind of prayer is possible in the mouth of a denier? It is impossible even to speak about prayer in the presence of ignorance. The fruit of humiliating attempts will be very bitter. The sensitiveness of the developed consciousness will whisper when it is impossible to refer to the higher worlds. AUM (1936) - 219: 219. Lethargy is a peculiar, undefined state between sleep and death. The heart almost stops, the body is motionless, and an unearthly expression of the face is maintained. Yet the man is not only alive but returns to wakefulness for a reason of his own, which no one understands. The falling of one into lethargy is unexpected, and the circumstances of such a transitory state can never be known to those around him., In Our language this is a protracted extrusion of the subtle body. Such a state is not a sickness, and should be looked upon as an unnatural tension of the organism in relation to the Subtle World. It may be the result of overfatigue, fright, shock by grief, or unexpected joy. Especially noteworthy is the instant of awakening. Usually those present create great harm by their untimely exclamations and questions. Each question of this kind is already a suggestion. One should take the greatest care not to dissipate the retained impressions. Most often, people emerging from lethargy begin to assure us that they remember nothing. Rather, such remembrances have been stricken from their consciousness by some inopportune questions or noise. In such a manner an opportunity of acquaintanceship with the Subtle World is lost. During the awakening, the aroma of attar of roses is very useful. AUM (1936) - 257: 257. In the Subtle World it is possible to remain in the lower strata for interims centuries long. One should not be astonished at the resourcefulness of certain people; in their insanity they can contrive much that is impossible for a healthy man. Madness of a special kind is to be found in the Subtle World. Unfailingly the law insists upon the date of incarnation, but the madness of the consciousness may be such that in larger measure only evil can be born. Just as cowardly soldiers cut off their fingers in order to avoid the battle, so do the madmen who dwell in the Subtle World contrive to avoid a summons to the banner of labor. It is impossible to evade the law entirely, but it is possible to conceal oneself temporarily in darkness. AUM (1936) - 360: 360. Observe what kind of manifestations are most difficult for people to accept. Among such lawful manifestations, which are especially difficult to perceive, is the timeless speed of thought transmission. Even observations upon the speed of transmission of radio waves do not convince people. They cannot accept the fact that thought does not require time. No one is willing to understand that a mental question can instantly receive a response. AUM (1936) - 388: 388. Psychic energy is most subtle, therefore dealing with it must be subtle and exalted. One should bear firmly in mind that the force of psychic energy is a fiery power. Around fire, manifested and unmanifested, one has to conduct oneself with special caution. One should grow to love such all-pervading energy. It is impossible to carry out an experiment when in doubt or hostile. Long ago a kind, benevolent attitude was already spoken about; by degrees it has been taught how to approach this most important concept. AUM (1936) - 434: The first kind is comprehensible, because each disharmony violates the freedom of striving of energy, but the second type represents a cosmic manifestation, as it were. There is nothing good in the intersection of currents; one has to possess a considerable negative force in order to intercept even the strongest reacting influences. Such people are called cosmic vampires. Moreover, they do not betray themselves by their external appearance, and they even appear as insignificant creatures. AUM (1936) - 546: Through such observations it is made manifest that a strong current becomes a kind of magnet for a weaker one, hence the confluence of several waves. A sensitive receiver will sense the oscillation of the complicated vibrations. Brotherhood (1937) - 69: 69. One cannot accept everything written about the Brotherhood as authentic. Much has been confused with imaginings about the Subtle World; many personal dreams are interwoven with reality. There exist many legends about various races and non-existent continents. To a concept which attracts them, people attach many details without being concerned about their heterogeneity of kind and time. A poor imagination often belittles that which it wishes to glorify. Brotherhood (1937) - 108: 108. Is it possible to name a man who would be satisfied at receiving only half a garment instead of the whole one expected by him? And so it is in cooperation. If instead of a full brotherly collaboration half of what is offered is suspicion and doubt, then what kind of success can be achieved? It is needful to cultivate one's capacity for cooperation, beginning with the most routine tasks. It is a mistake to assume that cooperation is manifest in great deeds if it has not been present even in everyday ones. One should look deeply into the depths of one's consciousness and ask oneself whether the spirit is prepared for cooperation. Brotherhood (1937) - 148: 148. People are vainly seeking new remedies and medicaments without making use of the old ones. Even milk and honey are not sufficiently in use. Whereas, what can be more beneficial than vegetable products reworked through a succeeding evolution? Milk and honey are to be had in infinite variety, and they constitute the best prophylaxis when employed rationally and scientifically. The point is not simply to drink milk and eat honey; first of all, one must consider what kind of milk and what kind of honey. It is right to assume that the best honey will be from places that are replete with curative herbs. It may be understood that bees bring together not mere chance combinations of their extractions. Nature lore about bees has importance in the way of directing attention to the particular quality of the honey. Brotherhood (1937) - 163: 163. Idiosyncrasies are inexplicable attractions or repulsions, and they appear as trustworthy evidences of reincarnation. No one can explain otherwise these irresistible feelings. It is vain to try to show them to be the effects of atavism, because it is possible to trace their independence of ancestral habits. The special force of such attraction shows that they are deeply implanted in a given individual. They are so firmly fixed in the consciousness that even hypnosis cannot overcome them. But if in individual cases the changes of lives were to be examined, then the attraction or repulsion would be found to be a natural effect of what has gone before. Thus, it is especially instructive to observe such inborn symptoms. They reveal both the capacities of the man and the kind of surroundings that are most favorable for him. Let us not forget that each plant needs its own soil; so, too, in the life of man, indispensable are the circumstances which are natural and peculiar to him. Brotherhood (1937) - 215: 215. Knowledge proceeds along the lines of both generalization and subdivision. Some scholars begin with the first steps of cognition to apply themselves to the former, while others cannot go beyond the limits of the latter. Sooner or later these too must turn to the method of generalization. One must learn to like this kind of thinking. In it is contained creativeness. Subdivision will be a preparatory path to the same goal. It is useful to be able to understand the distinction between the two paths. Indeed, there are at present many diligent scholars who are quite content with the second. But it is of little assistance when with each new cognition there is arising a synthesis of many branches of science. There is required great mobility of mind in order to be able to find comparison and confirmation from a most unforeseen domain of science. The ability to combine imperative evidences already demonstrates a lofty degree of consciousness. Much has been lost on account of needless subdivisions. There has even been noticed a sort of hostility between the separate branches of science. But are not the humanitarian and applied science branches of the same tree of Truth? Brotherhood (1937) - 220: 220. Each phase of the Teaching answers a particular need of humanity. The present time is distinguished by the shattering of morality. The help of the Teaching must be directed to the affirmation of moral foundations. The findings of science pursue a path different from the way of life; there results a particular kind of savagery, which is in possession of scientific instruments. A minority of highly enlightened workers stand out as rare islands in an ocean of ignorance. Literacy is by no means enlightenment; therefore, the advice is given to reinforce the heart as the focal point of enlightenment. Scientific and medical indications are given; they ought to help to restore the bodily and spiritual health. The more directly these counsels are accepted, the stronger will be their action. The embryo of enthusiasm grows into a beautiful inspiration. A drop of goodness is transformed into effective good. A grain of love grows into a beautiful garden. Who then would censure a desire to help a neighbor? Brotherhood (1937) - 221: 221. Each book of the Teaching carries an inner task. If brutality can make fun of Brotherhood, this will be the worst kind of savagery. Let people find the strength to restrain themselves from derision. Derision is not acuteness of mind. Humor is contained in a wise attitude toward events taking place, but the gaping mouth of the dull-witted is a disgrace to humanity. Is it a game, when humanity becomes the plaything of madness? They will meet with success who uplift the Chalice with clean hands. Brotherhood (1937) - 257: Verily, a kind cooperation is indispensable. Brotherhood (1937) - 378: 378. Thought does not die away in space. Horizontally and vertically thought traverses space. There is no limit to its expansion. But nothing can remain in the same state. We know about the inviolability of thought, but apparently transmutation of it is taking place, and one needs to know into what the thought is being transmuted. It flows into pure fire. A beautiful circle results. From the fire arises energy - a creative thought - and through the earthly furnace this thought is again united with fire. The circle is closed, and renewed energy ascends regenerated for new labor. Such consummated cycles can be observed throughout the Universe. But the evolution of thought will be especially sublime. Therefore, does not this realization of the value of thought impel man to intensify his thought-energy? Let each one apprehend what kind of thought will be especially creative. Let man weigh in his heart which thought is fitting for him. Thus a selection of values takes place. Brotherhood (1937) - 409: 409. Tolerance is one of the conditions of observation. True observation is the basis of cognition. An intolerant man cannot form a just picture of things. He deprives himself of observation and loses perspicacity. What kind of cognition can be born from egoism which rejects reality? There are many examples of great truths having been subjected to distortion, because of intolerance. It may be said that intolerance is ignorance, but this definition will be too mild. Intolerance is evil; there can be no good intolerance. It invariably contains falsehood, because it conceals the truth. Only those who definitely lack intelligence can light-mindedly fail to consider intolerance as something unworthy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 18: 18. Urusvati, in her subtle body, continuously participates in Our help to humanity. Through their flights in the subtle body Our co-workers render so much help to people that no records are sufficient to contain it. It should be remembered that We rarely appear at so-called spiritualistic seances, and We consider such gatherings harmful because of the discordant auras of those who attend. Hardly any circle is ever assembled with due consideration of the auras of the participants. One can imagine what kind of entities project and materialize in response to the discordant mental states at these gatherings, and attention has already been directed to the stupidity of answers received in response to questions put by these equally stupid circles! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 24: It is worse when one goes to sleep, overcome by earthly desires, never thinking about the Higher World. Then, instead of being immersed in illumined labor and knowledge, one wanders in the dark strata, where one's exhausting encounters can be well imagined. Falling asleep should be a conscious transition into the Higher World. The free will, like wings, will carry you up. I speak about sleep in order to show you that in Our Abode We are not strangers to that particular kind of sleep that is a transference of consciousness into the Higher Worlds. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 30: People must become used to the possibility of such manifestations. Even now some people can discern auras, while others rub their eyes, thinking that something has happened to their sight. Often, such luminosity at midday seems like a kind of mist. The perceptions of this luminosity are diverse. Among Us this capacity is so intensified that We can read in Our own light. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 33: We can affirm that each one's successful approaches to Us over the course of centuries bears results. We know how to be grateful; this quality of gratitude is indispensable in Our Abode. Each affirmation of Brotherhood brings its good harvest. All assistance to Our Work is appreciated, and each well-intentioned mention of the Brotherhood is remembered. In Our Ashrams records of such good deeds are kept. We like to record each kind smile, and Our disciples know how to rejoice at each kind word about the Brotherhood. No one can forcibly teach such radiant joy. No one can order gratitude. Only a broadened consciousness can indicate where more good can be done. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 39: It is better to question detractors than to leave them in a paroxysm of blasphemy. It is truly said, "It will be asked of you, and you will have to account not only for the evil words that were spoken, but also for all the kind words that were left unspoken." Many sayings from antiquity teach humanity the simplest truths, and they are as new even today. Thus let us be cautious with the concept of Brotherhood and not forget that sensitive apparatuses record every word about the Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 44: Earthly physicians should distinguish a special kind of sickness caused by fear. Let them experience Our tension. Let them understand how harmful is fear. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 57: 57. Urusvati, together with Us, knows how to be kind. In this one word is contained an entire world outlook. No other concept can be named which is so distorted. From idle hypocrisy to manifest cruelty, all finds its place under the mask of good. One should really know how to be kind in order to benefit others rather than oneself. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 58: 58. Urusvati rebels against any kind of cruelty and all torture. This is not through any lack of fortitude, but from the inner knowledge that, in the name of man's dignity, torture cannot be permitted. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 58: An experienced physician first of all asks his patients how they feel. Such a feeling is much more important than medicines. But what kind of feelings can there be on Earth if no one is safe from cruelty? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60: He who knows about Us will not be rejected. His thoughts are known to Us, and great is his relief when he realizes that there is no reason to hide them. He knows that each kind thought strengthens the link with Us; without words, simply by a deep tremor of the heart, every kind sending reaches Us. There can be unnecessary appeals because of inexperience, but harmony and devotion establish true cooperation. We rejoice when the step of true cooperation is reached; then the smallest sign is understood. Wise brevity is appreciated and one might say, "Our joy is your joy." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 71: Our Abode strives to deepen the consciousness in order to eliminate the influence of Maya. This is not easily achieved, but it liberates one from being susceptible to false sensations. Efficiency in work increases when one is freed from the burden of doubt engendered by mixed currents. Every refraction of currents produces a kind of electric discharge. Only a refined consciousness distinguishes these discharges from painful sensations. So many times one may observe a sudden rise of temperature, a chill, prickly pains, or a contraction of muscles. The discharges of refracted currents can act in this way, but those who know what these phenomena are will not mistake them for the beginning of some disease. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 81: An idler will not understand the kind of motion We speak of. He prefers inactivity and wishes for the cosmic motion to roll him along like a dead grain of sand. True, we are all less than grains of sand in Infinity, but each movement of the consciousness will be a great cooperation. It is not easy to instill in people a love of motion, but they must remember that We work continuously, and thus manifest the motion of the Universe. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 89: 89. Urusvati understands the significance of silence. But what kind of silence must this be? People think that silence is simply not uttering any sound, but true power comes when the whole being is overwhelmed by silence and an energy is generated that permits communion with the Higher World. We know these hours of surging energy, and can affirm that this kind of silence is the highest tension. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 119: 119. Urusvati correctly senses the disturbance of the currents. We concentrate intensely on the task of maintaining balance during such periods of agitation, for it is essential to protect the apparatus of psychic energy. One may experience a kind of withdrawal of the whole organism or at times feel a burdensome inner bloating. I advise you to eat lightly at such times, but this advice is relative, depending on the individual and the circumstances. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134: 134. Urusvati knows about teraphim. Some may wonder if the idea of teraphim does not contradict the idea of power of thought. If thought is the strongest manifestation, why then would an object be needed to serve as a focus for concentrating it? It is true that teraphim are not needed for a powerful mental message, but they can be used to economize mental power. Each kind of energy must be used intelligently. The object that serves to accumulate energy also serves to multiply it. Such objects preserve the precipitations of energy, which can be gradually intensified. From ancient times teraphim have been regarded as sacred, but today this concept has become a scientific one. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 144: 144. Urusvati can testify to the great variety of vibratory cures that have been effected at a distance. This kind of healing will eventually be known to medical science, but at present the very notion would only irritate physicians. We are particularly aware of vibratory influences and apply them far more often than people might think. One should bear in mind that such influences can be intensified by conscious receptivity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154: An absence of fear and anger is needed on both sides. In addition, there must be truth and good will, for to pretend in these cases is impossible. Cowards may claim to have courage, and the cruel can pretend to be kind, but then the natural bond between the worlds will not exist because the living creatures will have lost their mutual trust and there will be no communication. Nowadays it is considered a great rarity when animals of different types can live together. When people approach animals with a doubting attitude there can be no mutual understanding. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 162: The Teacher shared the company of both rich and poor and in each case was equally kind and ready to help. Indeed, it is the rich who are sometimes most in need of help. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 168: 168. Urusvati knows that every good deed transforms some particle of chaos. Each kind action is a burning away of chaos. This description has a basis in reality, for every impulse toward kindness and Light kindles the best fires, which transmute chaos into a new, purified form. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 172: 172. Urusvati understands the receptivity of children. Particularly during early childhood, and up to the age of seven, recollections of the Subtle World can be awakened. Children sense that they have experienced some kind of unusual life, and it can be helpful to ask them to recall any memory they may have that is of an extraordinary nature. Such prompting is called "the opening of the memory," and even if the memories should diminish with the passing years, some sparks of an earlier beautiful existence will always be felt. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 173: Hard is the task of the Teacher, and especially so because the Hierarchy is misunderstood by most people. This was quite clear to the Great Pilgrim and that is why He hastened to the fulfillment of His Achievement. One Achievement is fulfilled in the course of a century, another in only a few years. On what kind of scale can such Services be weighed? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 177: We remind you that when the disciples doubted the power of the Teacher, they immediately received a shock, which they wrongly interpreted as fate. What kind of fate is it when man himself severs the salutary bond! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 185: "The builder of a temple is not restricted to the use of only one kind of stone, and will select the best from all of nature. Only then can he be a true artist." Thus spoke the Thinker. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 198: "For example, every schoolteacher can observe how carefully one should treat pupils in their adolescence. The teacher should know how to talk about life in such a way that each listener will think that he has come to the right conclusions by himself. Such a teacher is like a good gardener who understands what kind of wind best carries the fertile seeds." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 213: It should be recognized that the energy of thought is one of the highest manifestations of Primal Energy. It is impossible to isolate thought from the fundamental energy of Cosmos. Precisely, it is thought that eternally moves the fundamental energy. Thought generates certain currents that serve as the awakeners, or, so to speak, the rejuvenators of the Universe. Thus, when I say that thinking beings participate in world-creation, it can be understood literally, not allegorically. It follows then, that man has a great responsibility for the quality of his thought. Each kind and strong thought produces beautiful vibrations, but an evil one strews Earth with deadly dross. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220: According to a certain kind of person, nothing worthwhile exists for him here on Earth and therefore he has no reason to live. However, if he carries such thoughts with him into the Subtle World, he will continue the same idle existence there. If people limit their idea of the Subtle World by their earthly experience, they will prevent themselves from acquiring new experiences. Few think about the higher worlds, and most would be afraid of the radiance of Materia Lucida. The possibility that thinking will become keener frightens the limited mind. While still on Earth, people should suggest to themselves where precisely they would like to continue their progress. They must concentrate their free will and direct their minds toward consciously chosen subtle experiences. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 229: People have become very fond of the word "karma." It is now repeated in various parts of the world, but few have learned its meaning. They speak casually about the Law of Karma, but, alas, do nothing to liberate themselves. They firmly believe that somewhere there exist the Lords of Karma, who will be kind enough to free them from even the most grievous fate! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 240: In human relations, when the crowds attack a lofty individual they form a similar kind of whirlpool around him. But in time the power of the individual overcomes the chaos, and a benevolent influence is gradually exerted upon the broad masses. Often human relations can be compared to chemical reactions, and the conclusions will be most instructive. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 241: When We speak about unity and harmony people regard it as an abstraction. They expect real messages, but only according to their own understanding of reality. They do not realize that in the Tower exact programs are planned that can be brought to fruition only if the co-workers are fully united. Some day I will tell you how certain historic events were impeded by seemingly insignificant obstacles created by co-workers who were not aware of what they had done. Let the co-workers try to imagine how complex and difficult Our Work is! Let them think about the kind of currents that must be mastered! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 254: However, there are those seeking inner peace who are filled with selfishness and false modesty, and believe that they will acquire inner peace by doing nothing. These are not bad people, they do no evil, but their "good" is of little value. What kind of peace can come from inertia? True inner peace can be likened to Nirvana, in which all the energies are so intensified that they are unified in their ascent. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 262: We always stress work, but advise rest during such times of tension. This kind of relaxation has nothing to do with idleness; it is a sharpening of forces. However, understand that We are now talking about great tasks that require complete sacrifice. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 264: 264. Urusvati knows that prayer is often hypocritical. We have already spoken about the significance of prayer, but it is necessary to mention the harm of hypocritical or hired prayer. People do not realize the extreme harm in any kind of falsehood, but hypocrisy and bribery are its grossest expressions. One should realize how pervasively each false thought spreads. It is indeed blasphemous to hire someone for prayer. It is criminal to try to deceive Him who is considered by people as the Most High. Monstrous examples can be cited of people who mumbled prayers and at the same time plotted murder. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 275: 275. Urusvati knows the many manifestations of psychic energy. But numerous misunderstandings develop about this concept. Some deny its existence altogether; others think of it as some kind of miracle; still others accept it, but claim that psychic energy is a privilege meant only for the few. The truth is that psychic energy permeates all that exists, and because it is an energy, it has all the characteristics of energy. For example, it can stimulate and intensify the centers, but at the same time it can aggravate any disease that may be in the organism. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 275: To a certain degree, the propelling force of psychic energy can be directed. In healing, an uplifting or highly concentrated thought can be directed toward an ailing organ. Any kind of blasphemy or destructive thinking, however, will intensify the flow of the energy toward an affected organ and aggravate the sickness. Wise is the physician who tells his patient not to blaspheme or hate. We have often pointed out that a pure thought is benevolent and has healing powers; it opens the gate to the healing power of Primal Energy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 276: Long ago, the Thinker noticed that the smoke of campfires is harmful, and urged people to use a kind of wood whose smoke does not obscure the consciousness. He knew then that at some time mankind would poison itself and all that exists. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278: The preservation of psychic energy is necessary for the Great Service. People forget that the Great Service has many characteristics, the first of which is goal-fitness. Study the earthly lives of the Great Teachers and note their special kind of goal-fitness. I have in mind particularly Their earthly lives, when They were unaware of Their former lives. They fulfilled exceedingly difficult tasks over many centuries. Each had His private life, with the customs of its time and place, and Their inner wisdom often rebelled against various absurdities of the age. But in order to fulfill Their task They had to apply the greatest goal-fitness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 284: 284. Urusvati knows that at times the human consciousness expresses itself abnormally in a dual way, as a kind of split consciousness. This can be a sign of obsession, but there are cases in which the duality is the result of the promptings of past incarnations. There are also times when the future is glimpsed, and as if hypnotized, the individual is drawn away from the present reality. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 286: Armageddon should not be understood as only a physical battle. It is full of incalculable dangers, among which will be epidemics, but the most ruinous consequence will be psychic perversions. People will lose trust in one another, and will compete in doing evil. They will develop a persistent hatred of all except their own kind, and will sink into irresponsibility and depravity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 286: Plato spoke about beautiful thinking, but what kind of beauty is possible when there is hostility between man and woman? Now is the time to think about equal and full rights, but darkness invades the tensed realms. However, all the dark attacks will serve a certain good purpose, for those who have been humiliated in Kali Yuga will be glorified in Satya Yuga. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 288: One should realize that the warriors for Good are not always able to defeat the dark legions quickly. Many conditions, both mundane and supermundane, must be observed. Remember that human cooperative action has cosmic significance, and the image of man is created by man himself. But if all of mankind were just to assume the same grimace, what kind of image of man would then be produced? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 292: Let us discuss two ideas that are usually misunderstood. First, people assume that if clairaudience can be manifested under ordinary conditions, it will be even stronger when the currents are intensified. However, highly intensified currents can interfere with clairaudience, for when the currents are crossed they form a kind of shell that is impenetrable to thought-transmission. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 294: The time will come when people will learn to recognize the chemical compounds to be found in various strata. They will not then attribute manifestations to magic or conjurations, but will realize that man himself is a kind of magician at every moment of his life. Great power is given to a man who knows how to create the formulas of good and evil. We must not regard such people as magicians, but understand that the weaving of good or evil continues at every hour. Let us encourage the weavers of good and pity the weavers of evil, who will one day bitterly regret the dark shrouds they have woven. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 303: One can see how it is possible for the discordant consciousness to be influenced by these three impulses. What kind of power can be achieved with such disharmony? There is an ancient fairy tale about a man within whom lived an angel and a demon. Both whispered their instructions, but only when the fiery spark was kindled by love did the demon leave him. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304: 304. Urusvati knows how karma affects each nation. Some countries appear to be under a kind of curse. The history of these countries can offer a partial explanation, but there may be other causes that were not recorded on the pages of history. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304: Urusvati is right in thinking that it is desirable to be reincarnated into different ethnic groups. This idea must be assimilated so that people will not attempt to cling to their own kind while in the Subtle World and deprive themselves of new tests and experiences. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 305: In general, people dislike the concept of service. They dream about a time when there will be no need for it, and would be horrified to learn that all of life is unending service. They prefer to hear about Us, about Our labor and Our joy, and puzzled, they ask, "What kind of continual service is it when one can hear singing in the Brotherhood?" Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 309: People themselves complicate this idea by fabricating numerous slogans which only confuse weak minds. They repeat, for example, "He is so kind, he would not hurt a fly." But We say, "He might not harm a fly, but indeed will kill the poisonous snake that threatens the life of his brother." To say this, one must first know which fly is harmless and which snake is deadly! Books can provide this information, but one must know how to look for it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 323: People are not aware that their destiny depends upon the scope of their consciousness. They do not like to discuss the concept of consciousness, because this kind of discourse reminds them of their responsibilities. Such a reminder is always unpleasant, for behind it rise long-forgotten phantoms. But a courageous man does not fear ghosts and is able to benefit from the inspiring advice that has been recorded throughout the ages. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 328: 328. Urusvati knows that souls incarnate with good intention; such is the Great Law. Even the spirits in the lower strata, just before incarnating, receive a ray of enlightenment about goodness as the foundation of life. But just as the finest aroma cannot permeate space for long, kind intentions are dissipated by the influence of the varied conditions of life. A child is not evil, but can quickly succumb to inherited atavism. Also bad habits, formed from the smallest details of life, are the gates of evil. Thus the enlightenment so briefly experienced in the Subtle World is dispersed. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 328: The process of merging into the dense physical body cuts off all impressions from the Subtle World. Nevertheless, many facts about life in the Subtle World can be obtained. The best way to collect these facts is from the individual testimonies of those who have received unexpected glimpses. This kind of evidence is usually honest, because these people did not expect anything and are amazed to have received any information at all. Thus, they testify to their impressions sincerely. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 340: 340. Urusvati knows that under normal conditions the human organism can successfully overcome diseases, but it is essential to understand what kind of organism we are talking about, and what conditions are best. The dangerous influence of genetic factors should be limited as much as possible. Governments should take measures to achieve this, and are only now beginning to pay some attention to this problem. Yet, people do not think enough about the natural environment. They are quite content with basic sanitary measures, and the essential foundations of life are overlooked. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 349: 349. Urusvati knows how emphatically We insist upon the need for harmony and unity. We often speak about unification, but now We wish to point out a special aspect of this concept - harmony. Only unification will bring right results. It is true that any kind of unification will intensify energy. Even unity in evil can be effective, but it can never be harmonious, for evil by its very nature is disharmonious. Also, unity in evil cannot last, and its results will be vague. But goodness is always harmonious, and it alone can produce meaningful results. Thus, by speaking of harmony We affirm goodness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 352: It is impossible to predict what kind of earthly circumstances will be most favorable for subtle manifestations. The only necessary condition for all is to be aware that every moment can bring a manifestation of the Supermundane. But while developing such an awareness one should not withdraw from earthly labors. We insist upon labor while on Earth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 355: The Thinker long ago understood this kind of pain in the world. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362: You are quite right in your feelings. There can be no merriment while Earth cries out from the burden of calamities. While hunger exists there can be no gluttony. And what kind of dances can be performed against a background of violence? Truly, I say that merriment is indecent in these days of calamity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363: Amid earthly chores you too can create festive labor. Self-examination however is needed in order to decide which particular work one might consider a festival, and to learn what kind of work increases one's strength. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363: People are reluctant to accept the idea that a routine task should be followed by a period of concentrated thinking. How then can they imagine the kind of thought that kindles the fires of space and builds structures in the Subtle World? Even those who write about the significance of thought do not apply to themselves the rule about the inevitable and irreparable results of thinking. Man is a strange being, quite ready to accept the idea of the influence of someone else's thoughts, but oblivious to the results of his own thinking. Thus man neglects his own possibilities. I believe that the time has come for people to cease lecturing and to apply themselves to strict self-betterment. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 380: 380. Urusvati knows that those who do not ponder upon the goal of existence during their earthly lives prepare a dark future for themselves after death. Urusvati saw a woman who, though good and kind from an earthly point of view, never thought about the meaning of life. When she crossed into the Subtle World she was utterly helpless, and did not even know how to accept the help of her Guide. Urusvati performed a good deed by visiting this disembodied soul and showing her that help and guidance were very near. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 388: It is interesting that some people have experienced the Subtle World, yet will not admit it. This is particularly true of "bookworms" who read all kind of books, but whose consciousness cannot assimilate anything. What a great load of ignorance impedes the cognition of every Law! One can often see the fury of certain people who detest any manifestation of the Invisible even when it can do them no harm. This is simply a reflection of the battle between various strata of matter. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389: People assume that in the Subtle World one can always remain in the sphere that accords with one's spiritual affinity, but this possibility is conditional. In truth, everyone is attracted to a certain sphere, but this does not prevent the sending of thoughts into other spheres. These mental bridges can serve as media for new contacts as long as repulsion is not operating. And if the directed thought is clear and kind even this obstacle can be surmounted. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 395: The outflow of psychic energy can be of two kinds, intentional or spontaneous. The first is easily understood, for it is thought that sends out the waves. However, the second kind is not always understood: it is the result of the uniting of the power of directed psychic energy with the main magnetic current. The Teacher urges the disciples to turn to Him, and because of this a connection with a powerful current of energy takes place. The Teacher expends a great deal of energy. You can imagine what effort is needed to exert an influence upon many countries, and to unify so many diverse free wills. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 404: 404. Urusvati knows how highly We value thought about art. Art refines one's taste, but it also helps one to understand thought-images. It is necessary to accustom oneself to every kind of perception. We may read much about various phenomena, but it is not easy to transform what is read into actual perception. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 423: 423. Urusvati knows the many future medical developments that are foreseen. Psychic energy will be understood, and patients will be examined to determine the quality of their psychic energy. Treatments will be enhanced by the application of the appropriate energy. It will be possible to surround a patient with a special kind of pure air that will augment his energy, and even the energy transmitted by a loving family member may be utilized. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 428: Let him also gather those poetic fictions about Our Towers, of which there is an abundance. This legendary material must be recorded, and collected in separate chapters. People will be interested to learn how these notions were interpreted by different cultures. The songs of different nations will also remind us about the Unknown Place toward which pilgrims of every kind are striving. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436: I use a special apparatus, which Urusvati has seen, that requires certain conditions not available to ordinary physicians. This does not mean that treatment by vibration is not possible for them, although under all conditions a particularly sharp perception and flexibility of mind are required. The physician may decide to use one kind of current, then decide quickly that he must alternate it with another. He must also know whether a cooling current or a hot one should be applied. There should be no mistake in this, or undesirable results may follow. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 440: Let us not delude ourselves into thinking that people will easily understand such values, although everyone preserves in his heart the beauty of higher communion. And how much stronger this grows when one has friends to whom one's highest feelings can be confided! This sharing becomes a kind of amplifier, and with united striving the surrounding atmosphere will be purified. Thus will people understand which deeds are the best. Let them also find the balance between earthly labor and glimmers of illumination. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 441: 441. Urusvati knows how necessary it is to correct all misconceptions. We have mentioned pranayama, and at the same time have pointed out natural ways of ascent. Is there a contradiction in this? No, because We do not reject pranayama, and even point out its usefulness, for in certain cases pranayama may be a kind of remedy for the organism.