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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > KE > KEEPER (7)

New Era Community (1926) - 56:
Striving, nothing else, results in mastery over the elements, for the basic quality of the elements is striving. In this state you coordinate the elements with the higher creativeness of the spirit and become the keepers of the lightning. Man shall become keeper of the lightning. Believe it, by striving only will you conquer.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 117:
By the sound of the trumpets, the warriors recognize the moment for advancing into the field of battle. Manifested warriors, what an untamed current, never repeatable and obscured to the eyes of the world, rages about your camp! What has impelled you to keep your swords sharpened and your shields at the ready? You will say "We know the marked dates of Earth and nothing can dim our sight. The Keeper of the dates has confided to us the combination of forces, and the decisions. Patience has turned to immutability. Yesterday we trembled with expectancy, but today we rejoice in the ardor of battle, knowing that the destined battle will lead to victory."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 117:
Tell us, Keeper, whence flows the stream of patience?"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 256:
256. The Keeper of the Seven Gates grieved: "I give people an endless stream of miracles, but they do not perceive them. I provide new stars, but their light does not alter human thought. I plunge whole countries into the depths of the seas, but human consciousness remains silent. I erect mountains and the Teachings of Truth, but people do not even turn their heads to the call. I send wars and pestilence, but even terror does not impel people to think. I offer the joy of knowledge, but people make a gruel out of the sacred feast. I have no further signs to turn humanity away from destruction."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 256:
To the Keeper spoke the Most Exalted: "When a builder lays the foundations of a building, does he tell all to everyone who labors on the structure? Some of them will know the given dimensions, but only to few is disclosed the purpose of the building. Those who dig among the stones of past foundations can hardly comprehend a new one. A builder should not be grieved if there is no understanding among his workers of the real meaning of his plan. He can only assign the tasks appropriately."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
Where is the source to which one should refer? Who can set limits? There is soil enough for every seed, and each seed contains the needed psychic energy within itself. The ancients had the knowledge of extracting psychic energy at the time of the softening of the seed. This is an example of how softening gives birth to motion. Each one knowing the Teaching will be a softener and the keeper of the paddle of the Great Churn. For the great teraph of Infinity is at work in the actions of each day.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 4:
It is quite just to call the music of the spheres the Song of Fire. Are not the fiery vibrations concordant? And is not this resounding nurtured with radiations? Thus when we call Agni "the Keeper of the Gates" and understand the unutterable link, then we too resound. One may resound also here, if only for a moment, then all earthly habits become obsolete. Thus one must affirm in the heart all sparks of the Fiery World. May the earthly habits be replaced by the Fiery Truth.


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