Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.15: Who can justly assert that he has been the giving one? We will open Our account books and show how much every one received. For it is not at all easy to sacrifice when a sacrifice is a possibility, and the possibility is a benefit, and the benefit is a sound cooperation, and a cooperation is the Alatir-Stone, which either resurrects or consumes. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.13: 3.6.13. It can be justly asked how to treat animals. Usually either cruelty is employed toward them, or they are sentimentally made into parasites, or they are used as mediums for mechanical cross-breeding. Indeed a reasonable attitude toward animals must be established in accordance with the unity of world rhythm - this attitude is everywhere the same. Since man must be a co-worker of evolution, animals too must conform to this law. Species which do not conform to evolution become extinct. Those adaptable to evolution must maintain their capacity for labor. New Era Community (1926) - 105: 105. The study period will be a most agreeable hour when the teacher justly appraises the aptitudes of the pupils. Only discernment of capabilities makes for a just relationship toward the future workers. Often the students themselves do not understand their destination. The teacher, as a friend, prepares them in the best direction. No compulsion is applicable in schools. Only persuasion can be suitable for stimulating learning. More experiments, more discourses - what a joy there is in the application of one's forces! Little ones love the work of the "grown-ups." New Era Community (1926) - 127: 127. If some very ignorant and unawakened person will say of the Teaching that it is apparently quite a different kind of communal teaching - know how to reply justly. Say that every community based on labor and the knowledge of reality does not harm the processes of perfectionment of humanity., Due to the motion of the Cosmos, it is impossible to remain immobile. There is either backward or forward movement. All who realize consciously the community move forward. And there cannot be communities opposed to each other; just as one cannot contrast different aspects of the sensation of hunger. Thus, against the community will speak only he who has begun to move backwards, entering into the formation of cosmic refuse. Agni Yoga (1929) - 138: 138. You rebel justly against any sowing of filth in life. Indeed, animals act more cleanly, because their imagination is unstained. Without fear one must eradicate the base habit of implanting filth in the eyes of youth. Agni Yoga (1929) - 637: 637. I do not say it is easy, I do not say it is impossible, but I point out the path on which the comforts of earthly life are justly granted, yet the highest is not rejected. But, of course, the hour is not easy. The Teaching will proceed by unexpected ways, but one may rejoice. Hierarchy (1931) - 351: 351. Hierarchy must be adopted as an evolutionary system. To those spirits who have not yet outlived slavery it should be repeated that Hierarchy differs completely from despotism. Even a chimney-sweep must climb to the roof in order to clean the flues. This cannot be done from below. One cannot compose a symphony without one key for all instruments. Many analogies may be quoted, beginning with a jest and finishing with the touching examples of bees, ants, and swans. But the best example for contemporary humanity is the comparison with impersonal chemistry. It is easy to understand that a reaction can take place only under precise conditions. Hierarchy likewise corresponds completely to the astrochemical principles, which even a neophyte of science will not deny. We justly agreed already upon the importance of the discovery of psychic energy; for the coordination of its realization Hierarchy is as indispensable as a helpful chemical process. Heart (1932) - 87: 87. Vengeance is justly condemned by all Teachings. The original wrong itself may be but little realized and even unintentional, yet vengeance is always thought out and consciously intensified in the heart. Vengeance is like a megaphone for the wrong; therefore its harm, in the spatial sense, is very great. Vengeance only slightly resembles indignation. Indignation, like an impulse to threaten may pass quickly, but premeditated acts of vengeance widely poison the atmosphere. It is said that intention is equal to action, but one must have in mind the action of thought. It is most difficult for humanity to get accustomed to these considerations. To contemporary humanity thought has been transformed into an inconsequential cerebral contraction. Since the eye does not perceive the consequence of the thought, this means that it does not exist; but then we will arrive at denying the process of thought completely! The heart is in a better position; it makes motion and noise - thus, the heart can knock. Heart (1932) - 150: The summons to a unity of consciousnesses is necessary everywhere, because this is the simplest introduction into the life of the heart. This is not sorcery but a physical law that can weave a salutary net around the planet. Thus, everyone who follows the law of Being can justly consider himself a citizen of the Universe. Heart (1932) - 386: 386. In substance, the heart is an organ of higher action and offering; hence each offering is of the nature of the heart. Each positive Teaching ordains giving. Such an affirmation is justly practical, because without giving the heart does not endure. Of course, it is necessary to understand giving in full justice. Giving should not be understood as only monetary or in needless objects. True giving is of the spirit. Let each heart pour out streams of spiritual gifts. Not without cause is it said that each throb of the heart is a smile, a tear, and gold. All of life flows through the heart. It is necessary to know to give constant work to the heart. Nothing can refine the heart so greatly as an infinite spiritual giving. Usually the spiritual offering is not valued, since everything invisible is not appreciated. But the source of riches - spiritual as well as material - is in the heart. If only it could be brought into each case where the throbs of the heart are precious. Heart (1932) - 525: 525. You know how greatly We oppose any conventional habits, yet one must discriminate between habit and immersion in saving grace. As an example, solemnity combines in itself ecstasy and ascent and a defense against evil and the turning toward Hierarchy. Thus solemnity is a salvation, but it must be absorbed and maintained. In the midst of disintegration and destruction can there be solemnity? But for a solemn consciousness destruction does not exist. It is immediately canopied by a cupola of re-creation, in all its beautiful subtlety. Thus, the reflection of solemnity is justly considered luminous. Before a journey one must take stock of all provisions. Our friends bring to the travelers the best flowers. Solemnity blossoms in purple - thus, we gather the garlands of the heart. Heart (1932) - 562: During hypnotism Western scientists sometimes use the energy of the heart, usually without being aware of it; then, even without inducing sleep, the hypnosis becomes especially powerful. Thus, during a spiritual battle one must add a drop of heart energy to everything. One must fulfill this consciously. One can persuade the heart to act. One should not consider these communions with the heart as something childish. Just as a prayer consciously pronounced will act, so can we force the heart to concentrate this energy - this will be the tautened bow. When the fire of the heart radiates and flames with each touch, then the call to the heart may become silent. But during the primary education of the heart we must practice the communion with our center - thus we can justly call the heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 97: The relation of the hieroglyphics found in India to the inscriptions on Easter Island is unquestionable. Thus is disclosed the manifestation of a new relationship of peoples, which fully corresponds to the most ancient sources. Thus, once more you see how the chronicles have preserved the true historical data, but people accept them with difficulty. You observed justly that the facts about the Kalachakra are passed over in silence; this is due not only to ignorance but to an abhorrence of touching the fundamentals. Humanity passes over with equal shudders all the wells of knowledge - this applies to all worlds - and people will shudder just as much over the world of Fire. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 132: 132. Western physicians talk without cause about the difficulty of working with Us. We have never been opposed to experimental methods. On the contrary, We welcome each unprejudiced action. We approve when a member of the British Medical Society speaks about accurate methods of research. We are prepared to assist the Russian scholar in his work on immunization and immortality. We rejoice when the Japanese surgeon makes use of astrological dates. We are giving assistance to the Latvian physician in discovering the ocular symptoms of obsession. We are ready to assist each one, and to rejoice with each one. Indeed, We unceasingly insist on observations, and We direct to attentiveness in every way. We speak about reality; We affirm the absurdity of abstractness. Thus, We wish that physicians and scholars of the West would consider justly Our collaboration. It must be understood that the time has come to clarify the facts by discarding the husks. It is time to acknowledge that many superstitions are still growing in the backyards of isolation. Thus, to superstition will belong the condemnation of all that is "not mine." The liberation of thinking will indeed be the adornment of true knowledge. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 457: 457. There is a parable about the trial by difficulties, in which it is shown that people always try to choose the easiest way, whereas that which seems easiest turns out to be the most difficult. Examples both amusing and tragic can be cited. It is justly pointed out that the cleverest person may enumerate to himself all the details of an easy achievement, but forget just the one which turns out to be the most difficult. By body alone we cannot escape fire and water. One should remember about flaming thought. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 13: Ur. has seen a disciplined meeting of the dark ones, and many convening humans could learn much from such a meeting. Ur. spoke justly, as Our Messenger, and in such an affirmation there lies great power. One must not restrain the force, when the spirit knows wherein lies the weapon. The dark ones discuss especially intensively when they see that the events are not shaping themselves in favor of their ruler. The Forces of Light prevent them from destroying you. It would seem to be not difficult to annihilate peaceful people, but above all the dark resources there exists the power of the spirit. Ur. rightly said to them, "You consider Satan invincible, but I testify to his defeat before all of you." Thus, one may know about the intentions of the dark ones and about Our Power. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 143: So tense are the times, that I will issue an Indication - Let each offender blame himself, as We will not protect him. There are enough complications. We must justly measure out energy. Let each one ask his own heart - Where is the boundary of offense? It is inadmissible to misuse forces in mutual injuries. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 210: 210. The spark of immortality is justly located by certain people in various centers, each will be right in his own way. True, in each center there is such a spark, but according to the conditions of the epoch the centers can vary in significance. Only the heart remains unchanged and only the chalice follows the heart in significance; the remaining centers and glands may be subject to cosmic currents. Not only are people mistaken in their judgment about the centers, but everywhere they do not admit a flexible expediency. Yet not only according to the epoch is the significance of psychic energy altered, but also according to races, to nationalities, and even to generations. Seemingly, a thing re-occurs, but meanwhile man has come in contact with the Highest by means of new antennae. Thus, one can observe how multiped insects may lose certain legs without a lessening of their vital capacity. Certainly where there is the fiery consciousness such atrophy of the centers is not found. Hence, again we come to the affirmation of the usefulness of the fiery consciousness. It will be no exaggeration when we say that fire is advantageous for the earthly as well as for the Fiery World. AUM (1936) - 256: 256. There are people who specifically hate confirmations and proofs. Such people are really and truly ignorant. It may be asked justly, "Did they ever have a consciousness, or do they spring from the animal state?" AUM (1936) - 321: 321. Sandstorms are sources of infection. One should observe where the waves of these frightful destroyers are passing. It is far from useful to permit such destruction. People may justly condemn those who have permitted the destruction of life. For entire ages people have helped to fill the lower strata of the atmosphere with particles of decomposition. AUM (1936) - 418: Thus, one should not regard the matter of full rights as having been already justly solved. Brotherhood (1937) - 124: 124. Many times has the planet been threatened with danger from comets. But even in the tensity of the atmosphere people have not sensed anything unusual. There have been certain individuals who understood how tensed the atmosphere was, but the great majority completely failed to notice anything. It is possible to carry out a curious experiment, observing how much humanity responds to certain events. It should be noticed that even conspicuous world events often do not reach the consciousness. The reason is that people wish to see things in their own way and do not permit their consciousness to express itself justly. Such people are not suited for cooperation. Brotherhood (1937) - 206: 206. Likewise let us learn to distinguish the smallest signs. There are very many of them, flashing out as sparks; but let us not fall into bigotry or suspiciousness. The latter is to be distinguished from keenness. It has been said that keenness is straight, whereas suspiciousness is crooked. Besides, he who is suspicious is not pure and is not free. Knowledge must not be clouded by violence, neither external or internal. People often deplore cruelty, yet they are cruel to themselves. Such cruelty is worst of all. Apprehend justly the mean between apparent contradictions. Brotherhood (1937) - 530: 530. Through realization of true values routine habits will be rendered insignificant. The best liberation comes through a comparison of insignificance with greatness. It must not be thought that one should not speak about the small on the way to Brotherhood. It is justly regrettable that the fundamentals of cooperation and community are not understood by humanity. The chief enemies of cooperation will be the small habits of selfishness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54: You are justly astonished that the inhabitants of the Subtle World do not speak about the battles in space. The Great Ones have mercy on the people of Earth, and the small do not know about the battle. Likewise, on Earth there are many wars being fought, but many people either do not know about them, or call them by different names. Similarly, in the Subtle World there is confusion and destruction, but the majority of people on Earth do not understand the reason for this. The lower strata are more numerous than the higher ones. Besides, the confusion does not reach the "Blissful Fields," about which you know. Therefore the great Spiritual Toilers do not remain there, but strive to active service in Heaven as on Earth.