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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > JU > JUICE (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 210:
210. I feel the dust blinds your sight and the battle deafens you. But knowledge will come to overcome your exhaustion. You must know that the chosen path of Good leads to the Source of Wisdom. By signs will you know how to time the steps of your ascent. And all that exists will be a book of life for you. I reveal to you all the steps, and the path leads straight onward. The Creator is seeking new forms. Blessed are striving and the search. Be aflame, shine and give light. The juice of knowledge is increasing, as the fruit ripens under the hand of the gardener.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 301:
301. If in the circle of activity there appears a child who is apparently drawn to it with special reason, smile upon him and develop in him the awareness that these activities are a home to him. Children sometimes come to this activity in response to a special call. Give them what has been prepared for them by their own past. Heavy with juice is the fruit when the roots are strong.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 323:
One must take precautions against fiery sickness. The first remedy for this purpose will be the understanding and mastery of psychic energy. But, as an external purification, one may apply the essence of moru, or, as it is also called, balu. When you are asked, provide the precise formulas. Indicate moru as the primary remedy, to be added to the bath water. One can prepare a powerful extract from the juice of its leaves and roots. If this first formula is judiciously applied, you can then give the next one. The same plant may also be taken internally, with milk. But it should first be tested externally.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 462:
The inner surface of a four-sided chalice was covered with silver and its exterior plated with red copper. The chalice was filled with pomegranate juice. The affirmation of attainment was signified by the raising of the chalice. Then the juice was poured out to all four sides, as a symbol of unconditional readiness to serve the General Good.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 605:
605. The mind vacillates, but the consciousness triumphs. This is not a contradiction, but a reference to surface and essence. Which way to turn? Even a child will say, "To the essence." Even a child knows to peel the fruit in order to refresh itself with the juice. Nothing should impede us from the task of regenerating our consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 361:
361. Certain yogis assume that the secretions of saliva and gastric juice are of purifying value and therefore useful. To a certain extent they are right. During fiery tension the energy of fire stimulates the excretive activity of the glands threefold. In this way, under the pressure of fire which manifests a tripled glandular ejection, a great deal of poisonous matter is carried away. Thus, fiery energy can be useful also during cosmic convulsions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 201:
The ancient knowledge protected cows as sacred animals, and it wove an attractive legend about bees. But in time people lost the conscious regard for the remedies as first given to them. In the old manuals of healing, each remedy was looked upon from the standpoints of both usefulness and harmfulness. But such valuable substances as milk, honey, and musk carry no injury when they are pure. It is possible to point out many useful remedies in the plant world also, but the majority of them are best in the pure state, when the basic energy inherent in them, over and above so-called vitamins, has not been lost. The juice of carrots or radishes, or of strawberries, is best in the raw, pure state. Hence, it may be understood why the ancient Rishis subsisted on these wholesome products.


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