Agni Yoga (1929) - 22: 22. There is no judging more erroneous than that based on apparent actions. Looking at only the evident, people lose the thread of reality. Usually, any teaching that leads to a source of reality is called dreams by people. Agni Yoga (1929) - 319: Let us recall the known saints of various lands. By what marks are they distinguished? By showing humility or obedience to their rulers, by taking vows of silence, or by obeisance? If so, they would be unworthy of the name. When We regard saints, We see among them warriors, highwaymen, condemners of kings, builders, and leaders of people. By the fire of the spirit is their level of ascent recognized. Laws inscribed by people cannot extinguish this fire. Therefore, let us be careful about judging the approaching ones. Like fragments of heavenly bodies, diamond-bearing, those approaching from afar may carry within themselves signs incomprehensible to others. Agni Yoga (1929) - 399: Often We hear complaints that the Teaching is impracticable. Usually those people complain who make no real attempt to apply the Teaching. Can a medicine that is still sealed give relief? In any case, not many can claim a deep knowledge of the Teaching. Either their understanding is limited by their antiquated way of thinking, or they read it in bits and pieces without connecting them. One should first apply the Teaching before judging it. Light-mindedness is a world-wide failing! Agni Yoga (1929) - 669: Thus, give you also to all - without prejudice, without judging. Heart (1932) - 95: 95. Gratitude is one of the most real concepts, judging by the consequences. One can become accustomed to it even in small things. Later one should talk in the schools about gratitude as a pledge of well-being. Heart (1932) - 578: 578. Those who do not know will ask, "In what then, is Armageddon expressed if all the dens of evil exist as before?" One ought then to say that all people have felt the battle, but each in his own way. The very tension in the dens indicates each increase in the essence of striving. Therefore, human qualities must be regarded very sensitively. The deaf and dumb sometimes affect strange gestures, for they cannot find any other forms of expression because of their limitations. But, are not people who do not know the heart similarly limited? One should not laugh at such poverty, but unnoticeably and patiently impel it forward toward an image worthy of expression. The same tolerance must be manifested for all ugliness. The present time demands different conditions in all of life. In the letters of the Mahatmas, which are being translated, one can see how Our Guidance, which took place in accordance with the highest plan, was farthest away from earthly actions. The law of free will does not permit approach to the immediate actions. But now the conditions of the planet have changed, the norms of the law are strained. We must look for measures of close guidance, cautiously straining the essence of free will. Thus, the task becomes very complicated. Even the slightest infringement of the free will leads to the most ramified consequences. Correlating karmic conditions with the entrusting of missions can be compared to walking a tightrope, but this rope has to be woven out of the most diverse material. How much attention is needed in order to combine the threads according to color and rhythm! For, with one unrestrained exclamation one can arrest an extended work, hence I advise special caution. There exists a saying about collecting all ropes for the journey. In an hour of tension you do not know which thread will be of use. Therefore, keep every possibility ready without judging whether it is small or great. For the Teacher it is always of value to have the definite assurance that each brief Command of his will be understood and fulfilled. Thus we advance toward the language of the heart, which is not in need of a profusion of words. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 166: 166. It should be remembered how accurate is each of Urusvati's indications, and also that each of her sensations has a basis. Not only fiery eruptions and earthquakes, but even distant hurricanes are registered in the sensations, and these perceptions are infallible, for the fiery consciousness contacts everything sensitively; also, there are no errors in judging people, for each one displays his essential nature to the fiery consciousness. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 135: 135. One may recall a fairy tale - A thinker brought some people a wonderful curative remedy, but it was necessary to carry it in a closed casket. None of the people would consent to open this casket, because, judging by their own natures, they assumed that it was a viper or some kind of poison. Thus one may offer a most beautiful treasure, but people will take it to be poison. This is how people impelled by fears of misfortune accept a treasure. What, then, is to be done if Satan has so firmly implanted distrust. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 256: 256. When the consciousness stands still, its condition can be likened to petrifaction. In such a state people resemble stone idols. These idols of spirit affirm the perdition of the planet. On all paths are encountered these idols of spirit. Judging by what is obvious, one may affirm the manifestation, as it were, of life, but no life surrounds the idols of the spirit - verily, only death and dissolution. Who, then, will assert that such ossification can give the planet its needed equilibrium! Verily, idols of the spirit engender cataclysms and catastrophes. This ossification infects the atmosphere just as does the most frightful epidemic. That is why it is so necessary to purify the space and each affirmation of life. Only purification will help save the planet. Seldom is understood the manifestation of the fiery Bearer of the Sword of the Spirit. But the "Lion of the Desert," the Sun Spirit, travels the way of the great Light, and with him go We. AUM (1936) - 272: 272. It is vain for some one to affirm that the invisible world does not exist, such a falsehood is equivalent to denying the existence of thought. Thought also is invisible, but only ignorance denies the mental process. Accordingly, it would be possible to begin the rejection of all energies, for they too are invisible. Besides, is the unseen world invisible for all? Let the deniers not judge by themselves. Judging by oneself creates a hotbed of egoism. AUM (1936) - 328: 328. The world is upheld by Mystery. All covenants speak about Mystery, the Sacred. At the same time it has been said that there is no secret which would not be revealed. Those who love to seek contradictions may exult; to them it seems that the irreconcilable has been discovered. But they will be judging from an earthly point of view, and, of course, everything superearthly seems to them illogical. However, apply the same words to the Subtle World and the Higher World, and the earthly contradictions will find their explanation. Indeed, everything that is secretly performed on Earth is already revealed on the higher plane, and the inaccessible Mystery proves logical on the plane of Infinity. Brotherhood (1937) - 263: 263. Picture a house filed with people who know about some important event, but among whom is one who does not know what all the others are thinking about. There will be a great difference between those who know and the one who does not know. Even judging by externals, one can form an opinion about the obvious difference. He who does not know will begin to feel troubled, to glance about, and to listen; he will be suspicious and look around in a hostile way. The more irritation he may feel, the further he will be from a solution of the enigma. In such simple examples there can be observed the reactions of thought and the causes which impede their perception. For the grasping of a thought, first of all, irritation is not useful. There may be excitement or tranquillity, but absolutely no anger or irritation.