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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > JO > JOINS (3)

New Era Community (1926) - 269:
269. Life will grow stronger not through mechanics but through the ideas of communal life. A man who joins a settlement cannot be an enemy of all his neighbors. Good relationships must be established, and only cooperation will lead to effective good. It is necessary to adopt a rational exchange - thus we arrive at that which is called the cooperative. But cooperation will not be durable if in its basis lie concealment and cupidity. Confidence is indispensable. Partnership based on trust was the first form of the cooperative. Indeed, everything must be perfected. Thus, since that time science has yielded so many new achievements that communal life can become not only a matter of business but also one of the heart. The Living Ethics enters as a consolidating principle.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 45:
45. The illusion of life is created only by the thought which limits the cosmic expressions. But the true meaning of life impels striving into Infinity. Illusion is a drug, but the basis of striving lies in the affirmation of the endlessness of our tasks. The problem of spatial fires cannot be annihilated by humanity, and in humanity's task of rousing from its stupor lies its salvation. Much is said about those who lack understanding of that which joins our beings together. Having accepted life, we must accept the power of the bond. Disunited minds differ in rays of understanding, and this disunity bears the consciousness away from the primary source. The power of the bond is affirmed as the cosmic lever, and man cannot isolate himself.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 358:
358. The free energies greatly influence the cosmic combinations. When We speak of casual occurrences, We refer to these free energies. Each energy which joins the propelled drives of the cosmic seeds determines a new combination. An Agni Yogi often feels those processes which strain the space. A property of the energy is that it is drawn toward Fire and toward strained centers. At present the perturbations assume a very tense state. A most unusual time, a threatening time, a decisive time!


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