New Era Community (1926) - 78: 78. In each book there must be a chapter about irritation. It is imperative to expel this beast from the house. I welcome austerity as well as decisiveness. I enjoin you to abolish jeering jests. Each one should be helped to get out of entanglements. One should nip each bud of vulgarity. Each one must be permitted to have his say, and patience must be found to listen. The empty rumor must be cut short, and ten words must be found against each word defaming the Teacher. Indeed, remain not silent at an arrow directed at the Teacher. Mother and Teacher - these two concepts must be safeguarded in each book. The light of greatness is not to be extinguished. Heart (1932) - 130: 130. The most majestic experiments are reduced to the jests of fakirs who instead of inducing the growth of a mango by the power of thought deftly attach the fruit to the branch. Similarly degraded are the better human achievements, but We shall continue on the basic path in order not to infringe upon the law of Existence. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 266: 266. One should not laugh at Fire being the higher element. Easy laughter and jests only demoralize one's consciousness. Finally one loses sight of the boundary at which solemnity and striving begin. AUM (1936) - 29: 29. No one should scoff at prayer. Even though it be primitive, nevertheless it is an indication of spirituality. It does not become man to revile the worthiest strivings of a brother. Man has no right to sneer at an offering to the Highest. Usually, base people particularly attack the prayers of others. For them, Aum and other prayers are only a source of inadmissible jests. Very often such base consciousness is encountered as the product of uncouth ignorance.