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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > JA > JAWS (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.18:
Astral guests crowd into the midst of life without attention being paid to them. Of course, it is not always easy for them to reach different people, and then one's earthly visitors serve as their mediators. Communication encounters difficulty, but the emanations of auras left by visitors or servants constitute a bridge for the invisible guests. The merit of these is very diverse - from the touch of a butterfly to the jaws of a tiger. Therefore, it is more practical to admit fewer people into your sleeping chambers and your workroom, if your own aura is already sufficiently steady.

Heart (1932) - 305:
305. Now let us descend from the Fiery World to the jaws of the tiger; this is also necessary to foresee. One can reach the highest strata only by escaping from many jaws and hideous masks. Thus, the path to the heights must pass by many manifestations of hate, as long as mankind does not clean these low strata by a united effort of consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 18:
18. Humanity does not ponder over the degeneration of many nations. There are evil-minded nations which are obviously corrupt and decaying, before the very eyes of the World! One may even trace upon the physical structure of its individuals a nations' degeneration jaws, cheekbones, arms, legs, ears as well as other symptoms reflect the process. An evil-minded nation also becomes a nursery of diseases of the spirit and body. But during the fiery creativeness and transmutation of the spirit the potentiality of progress and development of a nation will be disclosed to men. He who will not accept the Fiery Baptism, who will not follow the Origin of Light, will depart into the chaos of dissolution. One may observe the moral sinking and affirm that only the Fiery World offers the needed purification.


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