Brotherhood (1937) - 113: 113. Any scientific knowledge is beautiful so far that it does not terminate in an impasse. A true seeker for knowledge recognizes no situation as issueless. He can gather constantly by developing new branches of cognition. For manifestations of preparedness for Brotherhood, such an infinitude of knowledge is the best step. It is not very easy to cognize such infinitude, yet for one who knows the trend of evolution it will be the natural and only path. But do not let the heart grow hard in such premises. Let rapture be preserved at each approach to new consciousness. A hardened heart will not ascend to the Tower. It will not give strength to the subtle body. Such a stony heart will remain within the confines of Earth. It is very important to understand the life of the heart. One should not permit it to revert to primeval stone. One should watch over the manifestations of the heart. Without it Brotherhood cannot be built.