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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IR > IRRITATES (2)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 247:
247. The tremors of Earth become stronger; ask those who have a double pulse how much it is increased. Undoubtedly, all that is related to fiery energy has been augmented and intensified. People strengthen these regions by the order of their living and thinking. Nothing so irritates the fiery element as disorderly thinking. Formerly people were, at least sometimes, taught to think. Not infrequently scanning and memorizing the laws of life awakened the current of thought. But the awakening of cravings and of egoism can lead to disorderly thinking. Amidst these mere fragments chaotic fury is engendered. Why invoke destruction?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59:
In antiquity such actions were called sacred, for in them was felt something from beyond Earth, and the discerning of such actions is contained in straight-knowledge. It is difficult to classify them according to human laws, but an expanded consciousness can feel their presence. The higher ranks of the hostile forces especially dislike those who bear Our missions. The dark ones cannot understand the missions or determine their scope, which irritates them all the more.


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