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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IR > IRRELEVANT (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 415:
415. Refine, refine the co-workers! Stagnation is the greatest danger for productive human work. A broad consciousness is needed to maintain the rhythm of action. When the moment for action arrives, people are distracted by irrelevant thoughts, and as a result they send against a tiger an arrow fit for a sparrow. This is not only a lack of goal-fitness, but also a loss of concentration. Is not one who has deprived himself of the power of concentration lower than a beast?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 94:
94. When I call, "Help through thought." I show a special trust. Not everyone can be asked to help in thought. One must be certain of the quality of thought and the concentration of heart energy. Such choice thoughts are like a powerful radio. One should know how to muster complete devotion, and how not to encumber thoughts with irrelevant feelings. A hurricane is necessary to carry sendings - steadfastness also will be urgently needed. It is erroneous to think that thought is important only for the earthly plane; perhaps it is even more important for the Subtle World, to create a powerful collaboration. During the tension of the world, equilibrium can often be created precisely by thoughts.

AUM (1936) - 342:
342. Experiments upon psychic energy can be carried out in different surroundings and at different times. Dim light sometimes even promotes the manifestations of the energy, but bright sunlight can complicate an experiment by its own strong chemism. There may also be diversity in the conditions of the premises. Best of all is a room which has been permeated with the radiations of the investigator. Yet each casual object can produce its reaction. One should not keep the objects of observation together, especially during the experiment. Likewise, one should not have around resonant objects and string instruments, which can vibrate to irrelevant activations. The very mood of the observer has a great significance. Irritation and unrest can be of no assistance to useful investigation.


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