Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 57: 57. You battle ably - victory is yours. Be not hasty - even iron needs time for forging. Iron must be tempered in cold water before it can flash in the flame. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 145: 145. On pure soil do you begin My Manifestations. I shall point out the time for every pure beginning. Need will not afflict you. Outer laws will not violate your inner order. Deem it a blessing to bring light amidst the dark and inimical hosts. We have determined to reveal the ways of enlightening cruel hearts - to soften them with the balm of Beauty. But the iron of the dark spirit is colder and stronger than the words of Bliss. Only with great travail can the Hand of Truth bend the prison bars. From Above rain words of Truth, and men have unfurled umbrellas to shield themselves from the downpour of God's Clouds. But the shower will reach even their dry hearts. We strike evil blind, and by lightning illumine the path of Good. We send the gift of understanding to the manifested hearts. Only the blind will doubt - have patience for the future steps. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 452: My daughter, thou hast been terrified, as if behind a prison door; It seemed to thee impossible that the iron door would ever be opened. Yet here I give thee the key. Learn to turn it just as many times as indicated; No more and no less than is necessary. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.2: 2.3.2. A whirlwind evoked by crimes stifles the hoary Earth. Fumes float about, obscuring the mind. The iron shower is beyond endurance. One should be cautious. Beware - success lies not in haste but in the understanding of the times. The hand of fate leads toward the inevitable dates. Desire the manifestation of the New World. It is not We who shake the empires; We only sweep away the decay. It is important to understand the rhythm of the tide: now the lofty joy of understanding, now destruction. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.2: The daring of despair is self-abnegation. But the highest daring does not expect any reward. And despair expects no reward. In Our language despair is the designation of a limit. An achievement is near to this limit. To the house where it abides one can screw an iron bolt. New Era Community (1926) - 61: 61. My Hand sends the solution amid the crags of the world. Regard the plank roof as more solid than iron. Regard a fixed moment longer than an hour. The lengthened path is shorter than the vertical precipice. You will ask "Why enigmas, why esotericism?" The ball of events is full of many-colored threads. Each ladle is dipped from a well of a different color. Among events are many rushing ones; these distant friends, unconnected externally, fill our basket, and the ultimate light triumphs. New Era Community (1926) - 192: 192. The development of the power of observation will permit due attention to surrounding conditions. Anyone will understand that if the walls of your room were covered with an arsenic substance or with a preparation of sulphur, or of resin, or mercury, or musk, then such coverings would have an influence on the condition of the organism - this is a crude example. But now ask your biochemists and technologists what influence the material of dwellings has on the physical and psychic foundation. What is the difference between a house of brick and one of basalt, or between one of granite and one of marble, between an iron and a wooden one, between an oak and a pine one? To what kinds of organisms is an iron bed suitable and to what kinds a wooden one. Who needs a woolen carpet and who a wooden floor? About many conditions technology will be as uninformed as was the cave age. And yet, who would not agree that wood and minerals have an important medicinal significance? It means that essential analysis is at a standstill in the absence of observation. Investigation has gone along a channel of usualness, and for overzealous investigators somewhere a bonfire is already prepared. You may be sure that the spirit of the inquisition is still not very far away; the difference will be in the garb and in the means of eradicating new quests. Agni Yoga (1929) - 377: Just as a magnet attracts iron and then magnetizes it, so is sustenance given to the magnet of the individual spirit. Without nurture the spirit will not see how many doors are open to it. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 48: One cannot break the chain, but one may replace the iron links by a finer metal. All which leads to boundless development proceeds in step with Cosmos. The spatial battle runs like a thread through all that exists. In battle, possibilities are born. In battle, the forces are tempered. Manifest understanding of responsibility and of the beauty of Infinity! Heart (1932) - 31: 31. How shall We explain when the heart is silent? How shall We quicken when the heart is heavier than iron? How shall We move the heart which has died in spirit? Thus one can learn to value each reverberation of the heart when the secret flower manifests a multitude of petals which guard the sacredness of the spirit. Heart (1932) - 480: 480. If some one begins to complain about the intangibility of the Subtle World, point out how exceedingly erroneous is this statement. The wings of the Subtle World touch people more often than it is customary to think. But people themselves brush off the invisible flies and an invisible web. Often people also fight against an intrusive thought and turn around with the question, "Who calls me?" A multitude of subtle but entirely real sensations fill life. Because of their physical reality many of them can even be studied with comparatively crude apparatuses. As you know, the feeling of invisible webs over the face can be distinctly and enduringly felt. It would seem that for physicians who occupy themselves with research in the domain of psychic phenomena, this sensation should be very significant. Why not experiment with such people by means of various apparatuses, regarding pulsation, character of secretions, regarding the heart and the receptivity of the skin? The subtle element will also indicate a kind of tremor near the person under observation. Thus, one could begin useful observations by groping, but the chief trouble is that usually such experiments are carried on sporadically, without unwavering iron patience. The Subtle World demands striving, not convulsions. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 388: 388. It is very bad to cross over into the Subtle World filled with the black fires of malice; this results in blindness. Besides blindness, such malice deprives one of means of communication, in other words, of the language of the spirit. When We speak about the inadmissibility of malice, We offer the best advice; for malice is not a human attribute, it is the lowest form of ignorance. Through malice man degrades himself to an animal state, with all its consequences. Therefore, if a man filled with malice passes into the Subtle World, it will be especially difficult for him to rise. If all kinds of passion impede the ascent, malice, like a red-hot iron, burns away all accumulations. The beings in the middle spheres of the Subtle World will not find a way to perform a purification until the self-blinded can find a fragment of broken spiritual consciousness. The advice about good will must be repeated often to various people. Let children also hear it. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 406: 406. Magnetization of water has now been virtually abandoned, yet not so long ago it was used for purposes of both light and darkness. The significance of such magnetization is apparent, and indicates once again the fieriness of such a process. As a precautionary measure a goblet containing an unknown beverage was covered with the hand, in the belief that the skin would reflect symptoms of poisonous ingredients. Also, for magnetization, iron and lithium waters were used, but all sulphuric admixtures were avoided. In the most ancient writings there are references to the transmission of thought through water and chrism. Milk was not used for magnetization because of its organic constituents. This was an error, for the milk of healthy cows is well suited for this purpose. But in ancient times people feared rabies and preferred to avoid magnetizing milk. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 493: 493. You have heard of many earthquakes and of innumerable meteorites which fall upon Earth, but earthquakes are recorded rather relatively. In certain zones they are recorded with extreme accuracy, but oceanic tremors remain only approximately recorded, although they may prove to be particularly dangerous. Likewise, there is approximation in connection with the fall of meteorites. It is true that many meteorites fall into water, but the fall is conditioned by magnetism. Thus, iron and other metals attract meteorites, especially when the deposits are in their natural state and are not void of cosmic magnetism. The conditions of cosmic magnetizations are successfully expressed in the so-called metal and water diviners. The existence of such people has been known since ancient times. Fortunately, contemporary science does not deny these facts. Thus, science has already established one of the properties of fiery energy. But it is most remarkable that these people sense precisely the subterranean waters and metals. Such a diviner will not react to a tank of water or a house constructed of steel. This magnetism is directed along the fiery channel and responds primarily to the natural state of a substance. This is also the core of all fiery communions. Naturalness and directness constitute the essence of fiery energy. One may never think of fire, one may never perceive Fire, and thus shut off one's access to the Fiery World. I repeat that in the Subtle World it is difficult and painful to cognize Fire if in the earthly state at least some way of approach has not been found to the Higher World. Wisely it is said, "He who wishes to go to his ancestors will go to them." But by this only the lower state is defined. Why be deprived of the predestined beautiful spheres? AUM (1936) - 382: 382. Learn to observe patiently what conditions are most favorable for experimentation. There may be cosmic conditions which will favor experiments either with color radiations, or with minerals, or animals. When I speak about iron and nitrogenous minerals, I have in mind an individual significance. One should independently discern where saltpeter or silver nitrate is better. Many combinations may be found which will produce the best results for strengthening psychic energy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37: A striving for flight has been awakened in the people of Earth. Some remember their dreams of daring, others now fly like birds, but in itself, the striving into the heights has put its mark upon this era. The Iron Bird was foretold long ago; this prediction defines the New Era. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 121: 121. Urusvati knows how persistently We try to impress predestined discoveries upon the human mind. Let us take aviation as an example. One might think that after the flying ships of Atlantis, thought about victory over the air would have been abandoned for a long time to come, but thought about flight was destined to survive. People began to dream about airships, iron birds, and flying carpets. Solomon used a flying apparatus, and, finally, Our beloved Leonardo laid the foundation for scientific aeronautics. Thus one can trace in many fields of knowledge how ideas expressed in poetic legends gradually grew into scientific achievements. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334: 334. Urusvati knows that objects can be magnetized. You were able to observe that psychic energy can magnetize water, and that waters containing iron or lithium are very easily magnetized. One can also observe how water is gradually demagnetized in proportion to the decrease of psychic energy. This can be done with all objects, and it is not magic, but a scientific process. The important point is that the influence of the magnetizer himself be preserved.