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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INVOLUTION (15)

Hierarchy (1931) - 336:
336. Thus, one should investigate impeding elements with all means. One must understand in what consists harmony with the foundations of Existence. In what lies the progress of a spirit who is gradually becoming accustomed to existing above the world and to labor without end? Also, the sacred pains should be understood as signs of the flights of the spirit into the region which binds the worlds. Thus, it is easy to understand that involution has deprived humanity of some acknowledged qualities, and one should manifest much of the primary energy, in order to weave again the torn web of Assurgina. But praise to the courageous, daring, and striving ones!

Hierarchy (1931) - 403:
403. Can you indicate any disparagement in the Decrees of the Teacher? You cannot, for then the Teacher would not be worthy of this title. But can you vouch for your own actions, since disparaging is contrary to the Brotherhood? Disparagement is involution, whereas upliftment is evolution. We serve evolution. One can find Commands, warnings, and even indignation, but there is no disparagement in Our Works. Even Our adversaries are not belittled. Two types of people differ especially - some will create something great, even out of a small hint; others will create a repulsive image, even out of a beautiful vision. Each one judges according to his consciousness. One is great in heart; the other has a heart like a dried mushroom, which one must soak in water before it is of use. Verily, one must redeem all mistakes. Remember this law.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 168:
168. Fire has as its antipodes earth and water. Unfortunately these two elements are too tangible, and thus they avert fiery perception. That is why it is so difficult for people to comprehend that Fire does not have a constant state; it is eternally in evolution or involution, and both movements are subject to the law of progression.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 183:
183. Soulless beings are known to all. This is not a figure of speech but a chemical reality. It may be asked, Do these people incarnate in this deplorable state? The question indicates ignorance of the fundamentals. No one can be incarnated without a store of fiery energy. Without the torch of Agni, no one enters the physical world. The squandering of Agni takes place here, amidst all the wonders of nature. To dissipate Agni it is not at all necessary to commit any violent crimes. From various Teachings we know enough about even the reformation of robbers. Ordinarily the dissipation of Agni occurs in everyday life when the spirit slumbers. The accumulation of Agni is arrested by trivial actions. It must be understood that the benefaction of Agni grows naturally, but when darkness blankets the process of perfectment, then the Fire imperceptibly - though it can be chemically proven - departs from the worthless receptacle. Beautiful is the law of eternal motion, either evolution or involution. Beautiful is the law that permits each incarnate being to have within him eternal Agni, as a Light in the darkness. Beautiful is the law that, even in spite of karma, issues Light to each wayfarer. Beautiful is the law that does not prevent the growth of the fiery garden within one, even from the age of seven. Though these first blossoms be small, though they bloom in very small thoughts, they will be a true inception of the future trend of thought. What a multitude of beautiful thoughts are born in the heart of a seven-year-old when the dim images of the Subtle World have not as yet disappeared from the brain and the heart! Dissipation may also begin then if the soil of the plant proves to be rotten. In case of such depletion it is possible to help much, or, as it was said long ago, to "lend Fire." This lending takes place also in the very smallest actions. Thus, already thrice have I reminded about crumbs. From these sparks grow huge fires.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 304:
304. People love to discuss evolution and involution, but avoid applying these concepts to themselves. Not following their own evolution, people attract similarly insignificant satellites from the Subtle World! The Subtle World is really striving toward the earthly one, but in full conformity. Consequently, if people would strive toward evolution, they would attract evolving beings. Thus, the betterment of world conditions would be in the hands of humanity itself. Thus, each striving for the Good creates a response not only in the Subtle World but also in the Fiery World. If for some reason such striving remains unexpressed, it nevertheless remains in space in full measure. The potential of Good is like a pillar of light. A carpenter, shoemaker, or physician can think equally of the Good. Constancy and steadfastness in Good is already a conquest. Some may regard the time spent in the Ashram as imprisonment, but with the development of the spirit it will be the most salutary of all sojourns. You know how time flies, and in this flight one becomes accustomed to Infinity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 630:
630. They will ask, "How can we best serve on Earth to effect the utmost benefit at present?" One must restore the health of Earth. By innumerable ways, one must carry out the world task of regeneration. One must bear in mind that people have destroyed the resources of Earth without mercy. They are ready to poison the earth and the air. They have laid waste the forests, these storehouses of prana. They have decimated animal life, forgetting that animal energy nourishes the earth. They believe that untried chemical compounds can take the place of prana and earthly emanations. They plunder the natural resources, unmindful that the balance must be maintained. They do not ponder over the cause of the catastrophe of Atlantis. They do not consider the fact that chemical ingredients must be tested over the course of a century, for a single generation cannot determine the symptoms of evolution or involution. People like to calculate races and sub-races, but the very simple idea of calculating the plundering of the planet never occurs to them. They think that by some act of mercy the weather will clear, and people will become prosperous! But the problem of restoring health does not enter their thoughts. Hence, let us love all creation!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 85:
85. Verily the esteem for the spirit will grow. Godlessness must be eradicated. The fact is that it is better to preserve even fragments of the cognizance of Hierarchy, even in conventional forms, than to be cast into the abyss of chaos. When people heart about the unattainability of the Highest they began to reject in general everything Invisible. Therefore by My command godlessness, which has assumed the aspect of most obvious Satanism, will be adjudged. One cannot tolerate any longer such involution.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 131:
131. Let those who study the Teaching examine more frequently their understanding. Not only those who are just beginning, but all must pay attention to their consciousness. It is said that consciousness has a gravitation toward involution, but this merely means that the consciousness, as a most subtle substance, must be always nurtured.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 360:
360. Human construction is in need of true foundations. The way construction is proceeding at present, the World is threatened with destruction. All Cosmic Reconstructions require higher foundations, for the creating spiral is affirmed in ascent. But, the foundations of humanity are found to be in a state of intense dissolution. All cosmic processes manifest transmutation upward, but the will of mankind has steered into a blind alley, for the circle of selfhood is reaping its harvests. Therefore, cosmic fire is not being utilized in transmutation by humanity, and instead of evolution involution is the result.

AUM (1936) - 236:
One may ask oneself, is not involution taking place? The end of Kali Yuga can also produce such manifestations. Terrible cataclysms have been indicated, but what can be more frightful than a catastrophe of the spirit. No earthquake can be compared with the dissolution of consciousness. All forces need to be intensified in order to hold back humanity from the abyss, therefore meditation about the Higher World is a necessity of the day.

AUM (1936) - 261:
Much should be written about the significance of the basic energy; otherwise, vague and unenlightened thinking will again obscure the source of well-being. One history has not yet been written, namely the history of forgetfulness. Such a chronicle of involution would be useful. Indeed, the study of ancient periods has been made very difficult, for many discoveries await disclosure; yet there exists certain data which is already sufficient to enable humanity to observe many waves of forgetfulness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 63:
63. Urusvati knows how to appreciate the value of all that exists, for every manifestation is the result of active thought. Even if a manifestation is undergoing involution, somewhere in it is concealed a spark of the highest energy. People will usually reject something completely even if only one part is not understood by them. An unwise or inexperienced person will act in this way, but with accumulated knowledge he will learn to appreciate each creative force, even when it is in an unfit envelope. Even jinn can build temples. They may not understand the purpose of building, but because of their power they make good masons. Every legend contains a particle of truth. For instance, the subterranean people of Agartha are often mentioned, although they do not exist. But the legend itself originated not far from Our Abode, where We do have extensive underground passages, but they are not on the grand scale described in the legend. Other legends tell about "White Waters" and "The Heavenly Jerusalem." Both of these tales relate to Our Abode. It would be unwise to reject legends without pondering over their meaning. Each of them preserves precise indications, often deliberately concealed. Frequently We Ourselves shroud the meaning of a legend, so that the local people will not disclose too much. Sometimes We must sternly forbid the crossing of particular boundaries. In everything one should evaluate situations carefully.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 331:
331. Urusvati is aware of foretold dates. People may be surprised to learn that events in China and in Spain were predicted ten years in advance of their happening. The evolution and involution of other nations were also indicated. At times these indications were given in symbols; for example, the coarsening of Germany was pointed out in visions relating to the Thirty Years' War.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 347:
The same is true about most mass manifestations. Certainly a multitude intensifies psychic forces, but only rarely can the ecstasy of a crowd be of high quality. During quiet, constructive periods the manifestations can be very intense, because there is nothing to prevent the subtle energy from approaching the physical world. Moreover, people of a quiet and balanced nature create a more suitable atmosphere and intensify the phenomena. Thus, one may observe entire eras of evolution and involution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 433:
It is not only in the sequence of incarnations that various accumulations occur. One can observe changes of desires and aspirations even within one human life. This may also happen by involution, when one falls into savagery and dullness, but let us not speak now about such gloomy manifestations. On the contrary, let us stress how much good one can accumulate during one earthly life - one can learn without limit! The impulse of a growing consciousness will disclose how varied are the ways of seeking.


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