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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INVASION (7)

New Era Community (1926) - 160:
160. We avoid suggestion except in certain instances when a direct danger can be avoided. It is a different matter when you see an already molded consciousness awaiting a spark from without, but any forcible invasion is condemned. This principle must be affirmed in the community, especially since you know the unlimited effectiveness of the will. When you know that not only people and animals but even objects are moved by the will, then you know that a wave of the will must be directed precisely and circumspectly.

Hierarchy (1931) - 24:
The quest for Shambhala varies widely in the spiritual domain. And is it possible that people believe they will attain the Community of Shambhala through invasion or through fasting? To him who is aware of the path to Us, let us say, "Walk by the path of love. Walk by the path of labor. Walk by the path of the shield of faith!" To him who has found Our Image in his heart, We shall say, "Walk by the way of the heart and the Chalice will affirm the path!" To him who, through conceit, thinks he has attained the path, We shall say, "Go and learn from the spirit who knows consummation."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 63:
63. The festival of the spirit is of pan-human value; it is a treasure which has been built up. Let no one infringe upon this worthy structure. Among the impermissible invasion of karma, interference with the festival of the spirit is regarded as very grave. On the other hand, to send a smile to the festival of the spirit is the most flaming flower of the heart's offering.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 617:
617. It is almost impossible to convey an idea of the imminence of the fiery invasion. There are numerous signs of it but people refuse to think of summer in winter. No one understands that the obduracy of nations cannot be settled by the methods of the past century. The Teaching about the most subtle physical processes presupposes everywhere something not susceptible to definition. One must accept this "something" also in the processes of national structures. The study of ethnography is greatly needed for the realization of the deplorable state of the planet. A concept of the world which embraces the Invisible World will change the psychology of the people. But this is as yet remote! Even in the circles devoted to psychic research the results of the experiments are not carried into life. After their experiments the people remain as before. However, nothing should deter one from sharing his knowledge and encouraging the growth of consciousness. Therein lies love for one's fellow men.

Brotherhood (1937) - 474:
474. It is advisable to observe the methods of the invasion of chaos. Many suppose that the very concept of chaos excludes any system. A representation of chaos as completely formless will be untrue. Even in each life it can be observed how subtly chaos creeps in. It intrudes as an actual decomposing force. "The Invasion of Chaos" could be the title of an extremely instructive book of observations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 49:
It is impermissible to even hint at the importance of these medicinal plants or rumors will spread, and the danger of invasion will arise. It is easy for Us to protect Ourselves from raids, but more difficult to avoid attracting the attention of the local people. They preserve many traditions and are ready to apply them to real life. Their imagination is so highly developed, and their hearing and sight so acute, that they can notice much that is invisible to others. They know life in the mountains and can find tracks where others would not think of looking.


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