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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INVALUABLE (3)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 24:
24. One of the great concepts, often incorrectly interpreted, is precisely the great concept of humility. It has been interpreted as non-resistance to evil; it has been interpreted as good-heartedness, as compassion, but very few accepted it as self-denial. For only self-denial and self-sacrifice can give understanding of humility. Truly, We see the giants of spirit and the heroes who devote themselves fully to the humble tasks for the good of humanity. We know of great experiments being humbly carried out in the earthly laboratories for the benefit of humanity. We know the great fiery experiments of those who dedicate their lives wholly and humbly to the benefit of mankind. We know manifestations on the path to the Fiery World which inspire all surroundings. Truly manifold is humility manifested through self-sacrifice and self-renunciation. Heroism is a manifestation of various aspects of humility. Thus the records of space are filled with great deeds of humility. Invaluable are these fiery flights of the spirit. Thus, verily, the heroes of humility drain the cup of poison for the good of mankind.

Brotherhood (1937) - 35:
35. Be not surprised that, speaking about Brotherhood, I mention the primary energy; there are two reasons for this. The first lies in the fact that approach to Brotherhood requires the development of the primary energy. Without this, with the centers sleeping, realization of such subtle perceptions is impossible. On such most subtle vibrations is built Brotherly cooperation. The second thing to be remembered is that not everyone has read the preceding writings, in which psychic energy is spoken about. Each book must contain the basic conditions for improvement. It would be cruel not to give even brief allusions to the preceding, wherein something invaluable has been dealt with.

Brotherhood (1937) - 434:
434. There exist ancient repositories of which you have heard. The Brotherhood has preserved invaluable memorials of the most ancient times. There are people who have seen these many-storied repositories. By imitating the basic labors of the Brotherhood people may become united in useful cooperation. The Brotherhood is not a myth, and treading in its steps will be a decisive construction. It is not forbidden to copy anything lofty. In all Teachings it is proposed that one test oneself by comparison with the best and most difficult attainments. Placing before oneself a lofty task, it is possible to attain no small results. All dangers will prove to be amusing phantoms.


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