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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INTIMATE (4)

Heart (1932) - 577:
577. In the works of old hermits one can find the statement, "Good is fragrance, evil is a poisonous stench." Of course this remark is usually understood as symbolic, but a profound physiologist will understand that in this definition is also contained an instructive chemical experiment. The transmutation of energy into fragrance is a very definite fact. When the fragrance of freesias or violets is evident, one can presume the proximity of the physical or subtle energy of the Beneficent Principle. On the other hand the smell of decay accompanies everything low on the physical and on the spiritual plane as well. Hence, one can perceive this chemical reaction and thus approach still closer a transcendental physiological discovery. Thus, one must know how to approach the cosmic manifestations consciously. We consider smell and its purified concept as a very refined state. Among the senses, smell is one of the most intimate identifications for everything that approaches. Many will not understand that the heart can be the moving force of the refinement of smell. The approach of every being arouses in a flaming heart a particular action of the inner sense of smell. Heart suffocations often occur from such approaches. Neither wind nor the purification of the air help where the very energy of evil builds a seeming funnel, but of course beneficence offers relief. Likewise, the sensation in the fingertips is not only a protection, but also a receptor for hostile sendings. A ceaseless battle causes disturbances of the rhythm of the heart, hence every caution is useful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 152:
He did not avoid mingling with people. He visited their festivals and discussed their daily needs, but few noticed the many wise warnings that were given with a beautiful smile and words of encouragement. His intimate tenderness was not always appreciated by the disciples, who sometimes even criticized Him for it, believing that He should not have given so much attention to people of no importance. However, wonderful souls were revealed and made manifest by His smiles. He was criticized for talking to women, yet it was women who preserved the Teaching. He was also criticized for association with so-called heathens by those who forgot that the Teacher came to all people, not just to one sect. It was part of His lofty achievement to accept insult with equanimity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 223:
It can be observed that a man who speaks with feeling can overcome natural impediments, but the moment inspiration is gone, his defects return. In the same way, one's mental ardor can become continuous, and like wings will carry one to the Guide. We can work best where there is flame, and therefore warn against fear, depression, and despair, which, like damp coals, cannot produce the needed fire. This comparison came from the Thinker, who possessed a remarkable gift for dispelling depression. The Brotherhood needs such abilities, for both the physical and Subtle Worlds. What We say now has an intimate connection with the life of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 233:
There are many reasons why we rarely reveal incarnations. Most people are unable to bear such knowledge, and would not be convinced by many things. For instance, they do not understand why some individuals meet frequently over the span of their lives, and others only after thousands of years, yet their closeness remains at full strength. People have not learned that besides direct closeness there may be relationships based on other feelings. Although there may be no intimate nearness, the bonds of great respect, friendship and appreciation remain in full force.


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