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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INTERVENING (7)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 207:
207. The net of events is conditioned by the Cosmic Magnet. It is precisely a net because the creative force acts upon all waves of the flow of events. Hence, when the net gathers in its course elements antagonistic to the harmony of the Cosmic Magnet, it draws into the cosmic net effects of imperfection. These intervening forces often impede the flow of the stream of striving.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 207:
The net of events can break up the chain into elements of various combinations. An intervening circumstance can so change the currents that, by the law of the Cosmic Magnet, forces can be drawn in which lead to the creation of different channels. So also with human actions. Between the net of events destined by man and the net of events destined by the Cosmic Magnet hangs a dark cloud. Man destroys the predestined net by his consciousness. When the consciousness strives toward the Cosmic Magnet, verily the link with the Infinite is established.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 300:
300. Absolute Reason and the Perfect Heart are one and the same Source. We say that the flow of life issues from this Essence, humanity may accept this truth. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet is concentrated on extracting the life emanations from the surging energies. The power of the Perfect Heart saturates all cosmic currents. From these emanations are combined all manifestations of life. The energies which are inert act as intervening currents.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 300:
The complexity of combinations does not belong to the cosmic designation. The Cosmic Magnet correlates the harmonious currents and intensifies all intervening energies, in order to give them the impetus for action. The so-called accidental combinations are also activated by the force of cosmic creativeness.

Heart (1932) - 425:
425. On observing the activity of the heart, the average mind will encounter a multitude of perplexities. Thus, it will seem strange to it that even the most refined heart records the most powerful events very slightly, but reacts powerfully to comparatively insignificant actions. There are numerous causes - external and internal - for this, but one ought to distinguish between them wisely. One must take into consideration all counteractions of the currents, but, on the other hand, one must also understand all karmic circumstances, which may magnify or diminish the transmission. One should not be distressed if the law cannot be expressed by a dead letter. On the contrary, the diversity of intervening conditions enriches the possibilities of new observations. Thus, even in schools one should exercise the attention of the small ones, who are often much more honest and flexible than adults; one should only approach them with the attractive proposal that they pay attention to their own sensations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 32:
32. It is difficult for a refined heart to exist in the lower strata. To a certain extent the heights are helpful, but still the intervening breaks between the heart and its fiery birthplace are too great. But these polluted strata should not have existed - people created them; hence they must strive to purify them. Artificial ozone helps but little. Prana is purified by the highest Fire, and only this quality makes it creative. Yet even in the planes, even in the city squares, before expressing a decision, try to inhale as deeply as possible. In this inhalation perhaps a particle of the prana of Benefaction will reach you through all barriers. Thus, let us nowhere despair, and let us everywhere make a final effort. One can observe how a sincere heartfelt sigh becomes like a long-drawn out trumpet-call. Thus, let us not forget that all the best manifestations of the human organism not only are powerful in their chemical reactions but penetrate many strata by their psychic force. Let us not in any way depreciate the sacred microcosm created by the will of the pure heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 551:
551. In biographies it is highly instructive to trace the intervening circumstances which help to conclusively define a life task . It may be noted that many apparently accidental factors helped along in the predestined direction. As a matter of fact, not accident but many profound causes contributed to such achievement. In this can be seen the participation of the Subtle World. When the spirit chooses a definite task, it adapts itself to many assisting influences. Often there remain in the Subtle World allies and co-workers who control the contributory circumstances. Thus one can observe many scarcely perceptible impulses that lead to definite aims. One can only esteem such fireflies along with wayside guideposts!


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