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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INTERRELATION (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.2:
The way of renouncing the ugliness of life will prompt the spirit to truthful quests. Then the obviousness of the interrelation of the worlds will compel one to ponder scientifically.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 73:
The mutual interrelation of responsibility is limitless.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 79:
79. How can one attain the consciousness of striving toward perfection? Not by asserting the termination of the entire structure of Cosmos; not by denying the interrelation of the higher worlds with our planet; not by professing that there is any deadness in spatial forces. Spirit is affirmed as fire, and the cosmic flame is without cessation. Following the law of Fire, we can establish the way toward perfection. The fire of the sun and the fire of the spirit are our creative forces. The warmth of the sun and the warmth of the heart are our life-givers.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 155:
155. Humanity at various stages of its development has known of the power of the Cosmic Magnet. The interrelation between all cosmic forces and man has been attested by most ancient revelations. Man is part of the cosmic energy, part of the elements, part of Cosmic Reason, part of the consciousness of the higher matter. Therefore, when the power is given to an image which acts and emerges from the cosmic seed, Cosmos awaits the transmutation which must lead the spirit toward transfiguration. Of course, I regard the Spatial Fire as the highest transfiguring element.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 347:
347. The generation of energies in space is confirmed as the manifestation of the life impulse. The energy of spirit acts just as does the energy of the Cosmic Magnet, each on its own plane. The energy of the Cosmic Magnet creates cosmic forms. The energy of the spirit creates the existing forms. Thus, the world of forms correlates all manifestations of the cosmic energies. If we could look back over the forms of the Cosmos, we would clearly see how all forms have been combined in cosmic creativeness. The energies of the spirit give to Cosmos all the best manifestations. When the spirit becomes refined, the forms are created in accordance with the tension of the spirit. Therefore, when the transmutation of the centers is so strained, the emanations of the centers are verily creating. There is a direct ratio in the interrelation between the centers and the manifestations of creativeness of the energies. Thus, We term the creativeness of the spirit of an Agni Yogi the highest cosmic creativeness. The Fire of Space blends with the centers of the Agni Yogi. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 26:
26. The spark which kindles creativeness is inherent in the very seed of the spirit. The basis of cosmic creativeness is established upon this principle. The limitation of human thought directs man into the spheres separated from the designated path. In antiquity the communion with the Fire of Space was known and the departure which affirmed a new life was venerated. The entire essence of Be-ness is contained in this law of communion with the Fire of Space and in the principle of interchange of energies. Observing sensitively the manifestation of energies, one may note what the impulses are which activate the energies. As in a chemical reaction the properties of the energies are distinctive, so also the properties of the impulses of spirit must be observed. The impulses of children can afford the best indications. One can direct the impulse to a reaction and can induce it to take on a new tone. One may observe how a child, having lost one such impulse, will apply a new energy to his spirit. In the great laboratory of Cosmos all the heterogeneous elements may be applied. But humanity has lost its possibilities to such an extent that it is impossible to affirm such interrelation without explosion.

Hierarchy (1931) - 278:
278. It can be understood how much more complex are group, state, and national karmas. Their intermingling is not lessened but increased by the conventional boundaries of humanity. One can feel how aggravated is the interrelation between the powers of Light and darkness, which increases the non-conformity of the reaction of nature. You can see how greatly perturbed are the weak spirits, how greatly obsessions increase, and to what an extent these obsessions complicate karma. So, also, the earthly battle should not upset anyone, because one can understand how it is magnified in Infinity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 269:
It should not be assumed that such neural abnormalities must always accompany the awakening of psychic energy. If the planet were in a normal condition, one could also expect the manifestations of psychic energy to be normal, but as long as people are poisoning life in every possible way, psychic energy will be manifested in most unexpected ways. People should study the interrelation of psychic and physical phenomena, because such manifestations of energy are frequently mistaken for physical ailments. The Thinker predicted long ago that humanity would experience the various conditions that He called supermundane.


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