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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INTERLINKING (1)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 266:
266. The great law of the oneness of life unites all Being. The oneness of life in Cosmos is expressed by the fiery impulse. The psycho-dynamics is asserted as the unifying force of the Cosmic Breath. The creativeness of this power is evident in the tension of forms. The currents of psycho-dynamics guide all that exists, as does the Spatial fire. The Cosmic Breath generates forces for the process of creation of forms. Be-ness, in its boundlessness, may be affirmed as Infinity. The currents of all energies, when conjoined, provide the formula of the Cosmic Magnet. The one life in its manifest power sets up the chain of manifestations which are linked together. The endless interlinking process is confirmed in the tension of creation. The binding element of life is the principle of the Magnet. In all things may be found the evidence of its inexhaustible power.


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