Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 342: 342. During his journeys Apollonius of Tyana would sometimes say to his disciples, "Let us tarry here. This place is pleasing to me." From these words his pupils knew that a magnet was concealed there or that the Teacher intended to bury a magnet there. The sensing of magnets is accomplished by means of a particular current connected with the power of Agni. In the course of time science may investigate these magnetic waves, for they are not exhausted for centuries. Magnets have been set like milestones in places of special significance. When a ploughman carries with him a bit of his native soil, he recalls, as it were, the ancient custom of bringing a handful of earth as an irrefutable token. And now you also know how some commemorative soil was brought. Its destiny is not simple; an evil one wished to scatter it, but a benign hand intentionally concealed the treasure and it remained forgotten. Still, the thought attached to this offering exists and is more effective than one might think - thus thought lives on. An object magnetized by thought, verily, has power. Thus, without superstition, but quite scientifically, one should study the stratifications of thought - they are the work of Fire. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 224: 224. Investigate, and distinguish two kinds of thought. Everyone knows that at times, in the midst of clear thinking, there appear confused, floating thought-forms. Some will advise to ignore these unclear smudges of thinking, but others will recommend the investigations of such visitors. There can be advancement from paying attention to such thought forms. They come from without, which is but the more reason why we must not cast them aside. Who knows - perhaps they are directed to us intentionally, and are not clear merely because of their dependence upon our attitude. Therefore it is best to take pains not to reject any thought, even a fleeting one. When our heart is aflame, it quickly senses the value of such sendings. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 39: Let us not be among those who intentionally or unintentionally betray. There is a particular sickness in which one who is in despair evokes the Highest Powers with blasphemy. These ailing ones cannot be put into the same category as the malicious blasphemers, who are not in despair, but delight in the destruction of the best dreams of humanity. They will not receive any signs from the Brotherhood. Their creativity will not be uplifted by beautiful thoughts. We therefore pity all those who reject the Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 153: In Our Treasuries there are many objects connected with the life of the Great Pilgrim, and it is amazing how well His emanations have been preserved during these many centuries. They are significant proof of the potency of accumulated psychic energy, which is deposited not only when the hand or breath intentionally sends forth the power, but even when unintended touches leave imperishable traces of the energy.